another potential HL1 mod Created 12 years ago2012-01-04 19:13:07 UTC by 2muchvideogames 2muchvideogames

Created 12 years ago2012-01-04 19:13:07 UTC by 2muchvideogames 2muchvideogames

Posted 12 years ago2012-01-04 19:13:07 UTC Post #302425
Hey, everybody! Remember when I posted about a mod with new code and asking for maps? Neither do I! But guess what? People actually want to try it out! So, after years of doing no work and playing TF2, I bring you another status update! (If it even is an update)

The story is still open at this time, but the fixed thing is that you are wearing a HEV suit, the weapons from vanilla are all available, and so are the monsters. I don't have much maps at this point but once I do I can make a story for it. But here's the status update:

monster_human_assault (90%)
monster_brother (90%)
monster_gonome (75% - can be redone)
monster_cleansuit_scientist (100%)
monster_male_assassin (40%)

weapon_m249 (Done)
weapon_sniperrifle (Done)
weapon_pipewrench (85%)
weapon_beretta (95%)
weapon_m4 (90%)
weapon_glock's silencer (not perfect, but done)
weapon_mark23 (70%)
weapon_12gauge (0% - I broke this sorry)
weapon_displacer (10% - not usable)
weapon_headcrab (90%)
weapon_deagle (100%)

Possible additions:
weapon_??? (more to come! With a theoretical maximum at 32 weapons)
mp5/shotgun-armed barneys or scientists (very likely)
  • Instead of pointing out that I just copy pasted the status from the other thread, I pretended this was a new update to make it seem like there's progress! BUT, If you actually compared the two, you'd see that some percentages are actually LOWER! WOW, we sure tricked YOU! And if this post sounds like something out of the TF2 blog, then YOU ARE CORRECT! This overtly cheesy style of writing is REALLY STUPID! But do you know what's even more cheesy? THIS RICKROLL VIDEO! IT'S SO CHEESY, THAT I TOLD YOU IT'S A RICKROLL VIDEO BEFORE YOU EVEN CLICK THE LINK! OMG! TWIST FORUM POST ENDING!
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-04 23:35:23 UTC Post #302430
Mapping eh?
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-05 03:16:48 UTC Post #302441
Sorry, but I'm unsure of whether you are serious or this is just some horribly late (or early) April Fools joke.
Posted 12 years ago2012-01-05 03:47:16 UTC Post #302442
He only put it up for me. I needed the files to map for it.
Posted 12 years ago2012-02-21 01:05:17 UTC Post #303597
Updated: includes a new weapon and a new map (not really)
Click Here.

(CLICK 'Download this file') Don't click the ads and whatnot.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 04:48:08 UTC Post #304384
Doesn't anyone want to try this mod? (click above post link, ignore link in first post)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 07:09:16 UTC Post #304387
As much as I love mapping for goldsource and as interested as I am I just don't have the time what with my current projects and all. Also, that link doesn't work.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 12:32:46 UTC Post #304395
Does your deagle have Gordon Freeman hands?
The Mad Carrot The Mad CarrotMad Carrot
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 16:16:19 UTC Post #304402
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 18:03:44 UTC Post #304403
Oh crap sorry peeps I need to reupload just gimme a few hours to adjust the files. here it is.

SCROLL DOWN TO THE 'DOWNLOAD THIS FILE" ---ignore the 7zip download
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 19:19:23 UTC Post #304404
Does the displacer also have Gordon Freeman hands? Do you mind if i use them in my mod?
The Mad Carrot The Mad CarrotMad Carrot
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 19:25:12 UTC Post #304405
Everything has the LD HEV arms.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 19:29:54 UTC Post #304406
Out of curiosity, does this code use spirit as a base, or vanilla HL? Going to attempt a download now. Also, the LD arms is nothing that can't be remedied easily enough if you want to... :)

EDIT: Also, latest download doesn't work.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 19:30:21 UTC Post #304408
I hate the LD arms. But at least the arms are consistant, unlike some other mods...
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 19:39:55 UTC Post #304409
EDIT: Also, latest download doesn't work.
??? It's working for me, make sure to click the 'download this file', ignore the ad above it. ALso it doesn't use spirit.

I didn't make any model myself; use anything if you like.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 19:55:20 UTC Post #304410
Ah, never mind. I guess the Captcha didn't want me to use spaces or something.
How big is it? I'm not getting the filesize, just how much I've downloaded so far.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 19:59:13 UTC Post #304411
From memory i think it was in the 10 mb range
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 20:13:01 UTC Post #304412
Alright, got it. I'll have a go at the contents later.
EDIT: Cursory look at the contents shows that there are a few nice pieces in there. We'll have to get a FGD up and running, though.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 21:11:45 UTC Post #304414
He says he won't make a fgd
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 21:15:46 UTC Post #304415
Mapping for this mod does not require an FGD, unless you want stuff to spawn from say a func_breakable. You simply can rename point entities to anything from the list above. However, if people really need an fgd it shouldn't be too hard to make
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-18 22:51:41 UTC Post #304422
If you can give me a full list of new entities, their models, and any other relevant info, I could probably slap one together eventually. I've played through it now, and all I can say is... nice. The maps are really hard, what with the lack of cover, but the new monsters and weapons are great. I didn't have a chance to see everything you coded, just what was in those levels, but what I did see is great. A few suggestions/notes/bugs, though;

Monster_human_assault (HWGrunt) doesn't have a spinup sound to warn you when he's about to start firing. I think HL shipped with one somewhere, but if not, svencoop should have one that can be used as a placeholder. He also holds on to his gun when he dies, but that's not as big a deal since the mod doesn't have a player-usable minigun.

monster_brother (assuming this is the one that uses the urban.mdl) doesn't have a submodel for not holding a gun, which would be problematic on death, as they would both drop a gun and still have one.

The knife is awesome, but not overly useful as a combat melee weapon. Please increase the damage or firerate to have roughly the same DPS as the other melee weapons, perhaps less damage but do slash damage instead of blunt (not sure if it already does) I think the op4 knife had a faster firerate but less damage than the crowbar.

On that note, could you maybe make it a bit easier to sneak up on enemies? Whenever you get within roughly melee range while sneaking they turn around, just like in vanilla.

The hornet grunt doesn't ever seem to run out of ammo, which makes him a lot tougher than he should be.

Opposing force weapons are awesomely detailed. :)
Does the glock start with the silencer, is it part of a spawnflag, or does impulse 101 just give you the silencer item too?

All in all, this is great code, and I hope something comes out of this. If a concrete plan gets set up in terms of team and storyline, I might be able to make a few maps/a chapter. (No promises, but I am interested)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-19 01:57:17 UTC Post #304431
Dude, Jeff, glad you like this and is expressing interest for it! The list at the top is pretty much what is in the mod right now (except for deagle, it should be weapon_eagle) Your suggestions are good ideas although I think most of it is going to be included in the next version, hopefully.

The HWgrunt is definitely not completely finished; he has AI problems as well.

The brothers are already coded not to drop weapons on death.

The knife does do slash damage but apparently it make no difference gamewise. The knife stats were mostly based on team fortress 2 and I think its balanced, maybe. The op4 knife does 10 damage which is twice of crowbar's, and perhaps this knife should be buffed if necessary.

About the enemies, they turn around because you 'touched' them, so if you crouch and get somewhat close enough for melee range (but not close enough to touch them), it's possible to get their backs. I rather not touch the basemonster AI code because it may screw up every other monster.

The hornet grunt is a bit hard to handle and I'm thinking of removing him. The model is meant to replace the alien grunt anyway.

The glock starts with the silencer. In fact its default rapid fire secondary mode has been replaced, so now the glock is no longer the beast it used to be (what with both close range rapid spam and long range sniping, heh heh.)

Feel free to make any map you want for the mod, I'm sure a story can be made based on the maps once the mod has substantial content.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-19 23:53:38 UTC Post #304432
Alright, I'll try to start the FGD tonight. A couple of suggestions I forgot to make;
Could you make the pistols fully semi-auto, so they fire every time the player clicks (maybe put in a small fire limit so the player can't bind fire to the mousewheel and unload a whole mag in a second.) I think hotdog or vs49688 know how to do it if you're having trouble with it, they put it in HL:SF.

Code the grunts to be able to/a grunt variant that can use the m4. If it's a variant, maybe have it also carry the SAW as it's secondary.

And I just had an idea, what about a dedicated sniper NPC? a stationary grunt or massn, (which model used is selectable by the mapper through a spawnflag or something) that just crouches there and waits for enemies to walk into it's view. It would essentially work like the sniper turrets in HL, but look and sound a lot better, and drop (or toss forward) a rifle on death. I could see if I can get milkshape installed again and make a model for it, if you want.
I think the model for it could probably get away with using the massn sniper animations, and use different bodies as submodels in the 'head' slot so the head code can be copied from the grunts.

EDIT: I got it almost done, with model support for most of the models (not full yet, some of them, like brother, have a shitton of animations.)
However, I need the entity names for the following:

-ammo for both the m429 and the sniper, and the MK23 if it's in there.
-hornet grunt

I also made a model hack that adds an empty weapon slot to the urban.mdl, so brother can drop weapons on death now if you want, and I noticed that the guns in the massn's hands doesn't dissapear on death either. If you need any other hacks, I could take a look at them.

If nobody needs the FGD yet, I'll hold on to it until it's perfected and release it with a tech demo map of my own. I also just finished a sniper model with 4 heads, 2 skins, and 1 gun (2 gun submodels, 1 is empty) It has no movement animations, but it can fire, reload, cower from grenades, and do a victory dance. Let me know if you want it.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 17:03:10 UTC Post #304451
Will you be coding the Shocktrooper and its weapon as well?

I have noticed that your deagle is very inaccurate with the lasersight on. If i remember correctly, in Opposing Force, the deagle should be very accurate if the lasersight is on and very inacccurate if it's off.
The Mad Carrot The Mad CarrotMad Carrot
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 17:33:45 UTC Post #304452
Nice work on the FGD Jeff, and if you have some new models I'd love to take a look. You'll prolly need this list, which is for the func_breakable register:
NULL,			// 0
"item_battery",		// 1
"item_healthkit",	// 2
"weapon_9mmhandgun",    // 3
"ammo_9mmclip",		// 4
"weapon_9mmAR",		// 5
"ammo_9mmAR",		// 6
"ammo_ARgrenades",	// 7
"weapon_shotgun",	// 8
"ammo_buckshot",	// 9
"weapon_crossbow",	// 10
"ammo_crossbow",	// 11
"weapon_357",		// 12
"ammo_357",		// 13
"weapon_rpg",		// 14
"ammo_rpgclip",		// 15
"ammo_gaussclip",	// 16
"weapon_handgrenade",   // 17
"weapon_tripmine",	// 18
"weapon_satchel",	// 19
"weapon_snark",		// 20
"weapon_hornetgun",	// 21
"weapon_mark23",	// 22
"ammo_57",		// 23 (for mk23, but the model is a crowbar)
"weapon_12gauge",	// 24 (this will be removed)
"weapon_m4",		// 25
"ammo_m4clip",		// 26
"weapon_beretta",	// 27
"weapon_sniperrifle"    // 28
"ammo_762"		// 29 (for sniper)
"weapon_m249"		// 30
"weapon_displacer"      // 31 (has not been coded yet, will not appear)
"ammo_sawclip"		// 32 (for m249)
"weapon_eagle"		// 33

Atom, I'm prolly not going to do either otis or any race X stuff, but I have a HEV hands spore launcher if you need it. For the deagle, I think it IS accurate, but the decal is not drawn correctly. I might have to look at it soon. Didn't you correct this problem already in ur code? (if I remember correctly)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-20 18:05:01 UTC Post #304453
No i don't need the spore launcher, thanks.

I just checked and my deagle is very buggy. It's currently being recoded by Dexter, he'll also code Otis.

I have a 95% finished weapon_displacer, there's a problem with the beams when the weapons starts up. If you're interested, i can send you the source so you can fix it, then send it back to me. Maybe this will save you some time coding the weapon from scratch as yours is only 10% done.
The Mad Carrot The Mad CarrotMad Carrot
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 00:18:02 UTC Post #304455
Alright, I'll be sure to get the stuff I have packed up and I should hopefully be able to PM you a link tomorrow night. Thanks for the func_breakable FGD code, I entirely forgot I'd need to update that. Also, what exactly is monster_brother? Are they terrorists, a different branch of the military, or what?

EDIT: Another couple bug reports;
  • The Mark 23 doesn't animate or make sounds when firing in automatic mode.
  • When trying to spawn a sniper rifle through a func_breakable, it gives an error along the lines of "could not spawn weapon_sniperrifleammo_762weapon_m249weapon_displacerammo_sawclipweapon_eagle ent does not exist"
(forgot to save the exact error message, sorry) and everything further down the spawnable list neither spawns nor gives an error message when the func_breakable breaks. As those entries are number based in the FGD, it would appear you forgot a quotation mark, bracket, or semicolon somewhere in the func_breakable spawn code. Actually, if you copy-pasted the code you gave me from the source code, I can see commas missing, so that should be a quick fix.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 05:12:34 UTC Post #304459
Atom, I have yet to actually put the displacer code into the mod yet, so I prolly wouldn't know what's wrong until I actually put it in.

Jeff: The urban.mdl are just terrorists models from condition zero.
The mark23 is not planned to have an automatic mode, so secondary fire does nothing (missing event). But this weapon isn't finished either so you know.
And yes, those commas need to be put in :lol:

Here's a newer client and dll - with quick fixes:
  • func breakable spawned items now work
  • some stuff done to eagle and m4 (nothing really)
  • mark23 is now semi-automatic (a new bug appeared: it fires two bullets per shot for some reason.)
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-21 20:54:09 UTC Post #304471
Alright, the new dlls work fine. I've noticed a couple of things with further playtesting; (Sorry to add to your workload :P )
*hgrunts, massns, and brothers all have the same faction. If you want to count Op4 as canon, the massns (and the female assassins) should have their own faction hostile to all others, and the brothers should probably have their own as well, considering they're terrorists.

*I had a game crash in the signs map; I stabbed the grunt that runs up to pet the rat in the back with the knife, and the game crashed as he fell. Dunno if it's due to something you did, or just the engine bugging out as it sometimes does.

The full semi-auto fire on the Mark 23 works great, can we expect to see it on the other pistols as well soon?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 20:57:56 UTC Post #304507
It's cool, of course I'd want the code to be as good as possible. I didn't get around to making separate factions for the other entities, but it's not a hard thing to do so that can be done pretty soon. And if you didn't know, monster_human_grunts were allied to black ops in op4; I've seen it in plenty of op4 mods.

The game crash I have seen before in that situation. I have also seen it in other mods and I suspect that this is caused by the HL engine. This is prolly not fixable.

For the handguns I'd like to keep vanilla weapons as is, and thus the mk23 would encourage a different style of play, which is fun since all the guns are sort of unique in some way, wouldn't you agree?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 21:24:18 UTC Post #304509
monster_human_grunts were allied to black ops in op4
Really? I thought they were enemies, and fought the player and their allies. shrugs
(it) is fun since all the guns are sort of unique in some way, wouldn't you agree?
That is true. I dunno, the Glock just feels slow now, but it's probably just me. I must be spoiled by HL2.

By the way, would you happen to have the LD opposing force allied grunt models? If I can get those, I could make a model for a grunt variation that uses the M4 and the SAW instead of the Mp5 and the Shotgun.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-22 23:57:15 UTC Post #304514
I actually have an LD (not opfor) version of opposing force allied grunt models, that match the graphics style of the vanilla LD's grunts. The problem is these guys' mouths move to impossible contortions, but other than that they are pretty good ones (has mp5, shotgun, and SAW). I'm leaning on not using the default ones from OP4 since they are graphically different from the vanilla grunts. What do ya think?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-23 00:05:43 UTC Post #304516
As long as you know who the author is so you can credit them/get permission, I'm fine with it. I just need the SAW submodel, animations, and a couple of the opposing force heads for variation from the basic grunt heads. Sounds just fine to me if they match the originals better. How are those models I sent? Did the download work out this time?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-23 00:09:43 UTC Post #304517
actually, I dunno who the author is lol... or even where I got it from. But they are pretty good models
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-24 11:03:28 UTC Post #304539
Well, I suppose you could look for the author, and even if we can't find them, we can still credit them as "Unknown" and hope that they contact us at some point.
Your mod, your decision. I'm just a peon. :P
EDIT: Having said that, I also highly endorse the idea of assault weapon armed barneys, but you'll have to get someone else with more skill than I to do the model. I took a crack at it, and while the skeletons bones were named the same, the structure/proportions were different, so having Barney on Hgrunt animations makes him look like Frankenstein's monster on steroids.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-25 19:44:12 UTC Post #304608
yes, I know about the steroid-looking barneys and scientist rigged with grunt animations.

Anyway don't worry about mp5/shotgun barneys. I have models of those already, and it's actually not the one from point of view :glad:
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-25 23:18:05 UTC Post #304613
Alright. Any chance on getting zombie barneys and soldiers, or dead variations of the cleansuit scientist, massn, and brother?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-26 00:52:37 UTC Post #304616
Dead versions? Should be easy to do.

I'm already done with the m4/saw grunts and moving on to snipers, hopefully massns are up next too, how's ur map comin' along?
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-26 09:29:58 UTC Post #304623
A lot slower than it should be. What I have looks fairly nice, if a bit bland, but there's not really a lot so far. I'm going to have to make myself sit down and resist all the other distractions tonight. It'll get done, but I don't know how soon.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-26 20:10:27 UTC Post #304642
The LD Opfor grunts were from HL Improvement forums. Too bad they're useless now.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-31 16:59:50 UTC Post #304820
Needs a new link.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-31 17:56:53 UTC Post #304821
Gentlemen, here is your new challenge: In this fast paced action shooter, the HECU soldiers have been outfitted and armed with dangerous weapons provided by JeffMOD. Are you up for a challenge? Also gawk at one of my horrible early maps.

Click Here to Continue

Once again, I'm hoping this new code will convince some TWHL members to help map for the mod. I don't have much maps and am hoping that peeps can contribute to the effort of mod.
Posted 12 years ago2012-03-31 22:45:15 UTC Post #304830
I've been interested all along, I just don't have any means to map at the moment, or even to see the content you've provided. Hopefully in the near future I will though.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-01 17:53:30 UTC Post #304843
I too am very interested but my card is full up with so many other things. :(

Edit: Downloaded to try out the 2 maps included but both of them cause HL to lock up. I'm running standard Steam HL with no model packs or anything...
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-01 22:30:59 UTC Post #304859
?? 'caused HL to lock up?' No one else has told me that happened... does it lock up when you load t0a0 in the mod? Sorry but I have no idea how or why mod is dissonant with your computer. We all use steam HL too so that shouldn't be a problem :)
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-02 00:01:45 UTC Post #304861
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 18:06:08 UTC Post #304863
Oh, come on! Gimme a chance to perfect mine through testing, will ya? :x
Though it is nice that you made it as an add-on FGD, so people can use whatever HL FGD they prefer.
EDIT: Some quick suggestions:
*Make grenades come individually wrapped, as opposed to in packs of 5.

*Add a slight (500ms or so) delay to the glock's silencer submodel being added; you can sometimes see it appear before it's screwed on in the animation.

*Make the glock's silencer a separate pickup from the glock, using the w_silenced/w_silencer (can't remember which it is) model. It would give the player the ability to use the glock's alt-fire if they don't already have it, and 17 rounds. It could also be dropped by the female assasins, because if memory serves, they have a second, unused weapon submodel that is empty.

*Have you put thought into making any kind of weather/precipitation/particle system into the mod? It's not necessary, but it could be useful to have weather functionality and easier ways to make good looking dripping pipes and the like.

*Snipers should toss their rifles upwards and outwards on death instead of the standard drop style; that way players can get the rifle as a reward, instead of it staying in the nest. Maybe a "don't drop rifle" flag that can stop this behavior as well.

Also, what are you thinking about the storyline? Any ideas yet?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-11 10:43:39 UTC Post #305256
*Make grenades come individually wrapped, as opposed to in packs of 5

Was considering doing that... but switched it back to be consistent with vanilla. However, if you think it's good idea to make it 1 grenade per pickup, I can change it back.

*Add a slight (500ms or so) delay to the glock's silencer submodel being added; you can sometimes see it appear before it's screwed on in the animation.
I'm aware of this graphic error; I tried before to fix it but it didn't work, but the suggestion of a delay might pull the trick; I'll try fixing it again at some point
*Make the glock's silencer a separate pickup from the glock, using the w_silenced/w_silencer (can't remember which it is) model. It would give the player the ability to use the glock's alt-fire if they don't already have it, and 17 rounds. It could also be dropped by the female assasins, because if memory serves, they have a second, unused weapon submodel that is empty.
Do you mean to make them two different weapons? Or make the silencer a 'secondary ammo' thingy so that the player would need to pick up a silenced handgun to gain the silencer ability? I'm guessing the latter is what u mean.
*Have you put thought into making any kind of weather/precipitation/particle system into the mod? It's not necessary, but it could be useful to have weather functionality and easier ways to make good looking dripping pipes and the like.
I'm not big on the graphics aspect of the code, do you have source code that allows for this stuff? I remember spirit's fog freezing my computer, so I'd be careful about that. However, for rain specifically, I have a model that shows it very well; only prob is you need generics of this model all over your map.
*Snipers should toss their rifles upwards and outwards on death instead of the standard drop style; that way players can get the rifle as a reward, instead of it staying in the nest. Maybe a "don't drop rifle" flag that can stop this behavior as well.
I was sort of imagining it like in the half-life 1 and 2 style, in that snipers don't give out such a powerful weapon on death. Have you tried combining sniper 'trigger death' with a trigger_push? If that doesn't work; and you'd like the player to get sniper easier, then I can make the sniper propel forward if you'd like.

Thanks again, and here's a very complete list of new entities that I got from the dll directly (not the code):
Note there are some vanilla debug entities that I have no idea does what. You're welcome to try.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-11 19:05:04 UTC Post #305284
Do you mean to make them two different weapons? Or make the silencer a 'secondary ammo' thingy so that the player would need to pick up a silenced handgun to gain the silencer ability? I'm guessing the latter is what u mean.
Yeah, secondary ammo type thing. That way we can control if the player has the silencer, and they also don't pick it up from security guards, who really have no business carrying them.
I'm not big on the graphics aspect of the code, do you have source code that allows for this stuff? I remember spirit's fog freezing my computer, so I'd be careful about that. However, for rain specifically, I have a model that shows it very well; only prob is you need generics of this model all over your map.
Later versions of Spirit have the aurora system, which you may be able to cannibalize. Of course, if we do that, we also may as well fully implement it into the mod, and I dunno if you want to go to all that trouble. Code can be found here, I've always preferred 1.5a4 over 1.8 because it doesn't have NPCs randomly sparking when they do scripted sequences or hit snags in pathing. It's not really necessary, and there are ways to fake it under certain circumstances, so don't worry about it too much.
I was sort of imagining it like in the half-life 1 and 2 style, in that snipers don't give out such a powerful weapon on death.
Alright, yeah, fair enough. I'll also give the trigger_push a try.
here's a very complete list of new entities
Alright, I'll test them out and see if I can get them in the FGD. I may have to PM you about specific ents if I can't figure out what they are or what values/options they should have.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-15 01:13:06 UTC Post #307098
Another 3 months, another request for mappers. The mod has alot of new monsters and weapons since the list in the first post. If you are looking for an excuse to map stuff, find it here!
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