Team Mapping Created 13 years ago2012-03-09 07:50:59 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Created 13 years ago2012-03-09 07:50:59 UTC by Captain Terror Captain Terror

Posted 12 years ago2012-04-05 08:31:22 UTC Post #304951
Well, in that respect, I won't download it until I get home from work tomorrow afternoon. Otherwise I'll only get a whole 2 hours work done before I have to upload it again :)

But I've got Saturday arvo shift, so I'll have all friday evening and saturday morning to work on it.

But no, I'll download it quickly now and look at it so I can think about what I want to do to it by the time I actually get to sit down and tackle it.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-05 09:52:35 UTC Post #304953
Clock is ticking you shouldn't have given yourself away :P

Looking for some input from you-all:
1. Maybe for the third pass, we should allow 36-48 hours instaed of just 24?

2. Possible new rule for the third pass: If a participant is non-responsive after their link has been posted for 12 hours, they simply get bumped to the end of the queue, i.e., peeps need to confirm in the thread they've started within 12 hour grace period, else they are bumped.

(I'd much rather do this than make a big deal out of it everytime someone is late) ;)

Here is an Amazing city-themed map trending right now on GameBanana, that we might use as inspiration for our map. (though i know ours is more industrial/commercial)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-05 10:35:14 UTC Post #304954
What i DO have a problem is you trying to tell me you don't have time once a day to read a thread, and let us know? Sorry but i just don't buy that
Pulling 12 hour days at work, having a wife, doing household stuff and getting a decent amount of sleep. Believe what you like, but that is my life. :(

Here's to wishing for death. :plastered:

Sorry, not trying to be a downer, but the level of stress this week is just... guargh!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-05 11:11:03 UTC Post #304955
I apologize urby, i tend to overreact a bit ='(

Hope your week gets better sir ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-05 12:28:58 UTC Post #304956
Me too man, me too.

Last day today, then 4 day weekend woop woop.

...yeah, sorry for being a dick.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 00:45:05 UTC Post #304973

Ok, I finished a bit early but I was happy with what I got done. Added two new textures and a new VMT for a concrete blend texture for everyone to use.

Fixed up the brown building a bit so it looks a little better. Added an alley to behind that building. Got rid of the second tunnel that was hastely cut/paste and preplaced with a better on/off ramp.


Okay, just got home and have officially started :)
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 15:43:45 UTC Post #305026
Excellent Hotdog I like your changes sir! =P

Tetsu0, you're up next :P

Hotdog's edit (leaks sorted)
Rules/Mapping Order updated

You've 12 hours to confirm/start your edit, beginning from the time of hotdog's post, -and if not-, then it moves on to Blitz and it will be your turn sometime after blitz, but before the 3rd pass.

This 12-hour "grace period" essentially gives each participant 36 hours to get their edit in to the next guy(12-hour grace period + 24-hour mapping slot). I hope this makes things simpler/easier on everybody.

Also Urby i'm willing to squeeze u in before the third pass if you like, your choice, and I'm 100% fine about it either way ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 17:01:33 UTC Post #305048
Tet's grace period has expired without a confirmation, so now it's to you, Sir Blitzkrieg ;)

After you and Tet finish your turns, i'm gonna take the map for a couple days and optimize it until the vvis compile is under 20 minutes, and then we'll start up the third pass.

If anyone would like to make suggestions for how to handle the third pass or whatev, now is the time to bring it up. Hotdog and Tetsu0 both suggested we use dropbox for the files, and the more i think about it the more i wish i took their suggestions from the start.

If you-all would like to use a file cloud service like dropbox, please lemme know, and also how you think it would be the best way to handle it. (i have dropbox but i've almost never use it)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 17:29:03 UTC Post #305050
I might have a way to do dropbox without all that commercial bullshit associated with websites. Let me check up on it and get back to you.

Hot dog, turn two! This is wonderful news Cap't. I work on Saturdays but I just got off, and I've got all the time in the world! Until monday of course.

I've also been practicing real hard. I've tried to map every day since my last turn, and work on my weak spots like buildings. Overlays are also annoying to me, I can only stretch one as far as the bounds of one face. Any way to overlay over multiple faces? Make a func_detail for the overlay and be 1 unit above the terrain? I've been using decals just because they do this.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 17:53:19 UTC Post #305051
click on the overlay and right click on it like any other entity to get to its properties. You can choose which brush faces it applies to.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 19:05:21 UTC Post #305052
Wow thanks, I'm never using decals again.

When you said to never use decals I thought to myself "this guy's tripping balls on acid while he typed this"

Now it all makes sense.

It's these kinds of tiny things not mentioned in our tutorials that really fuck you over. We should have a page called "random tidbits of tips" or something, where people can just leave one or two line shortcuts that they think less experienced people might not know. It would do worlds of help!
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 20:43:05 UTC Post #305055
OK I just cracked the VMF open. Nice job whoever redid the freeway where I had hastily extended it. The ramps look a bit better than a second tunnel.

Is there anything anyone thinks I should work on on this pass?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 22:13:00 UTC Post #305057
hostage room and T spawn across the walkway from the office! <3
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 22:24:35 UTC Post #305058
discussion on decals and overlays
Aren't overlays a lot more expensive in terms of both rendering and entity usage? Or has that been improved in engine updates?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-07 23:52:14 UTC Post #305060
Ok then, when I wake up I will make coffe and get cracking on T spawn.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 00:55:40 UTC Post #305062
Heck ya blitz i agree, This project is like a really good tutorial and example map on steroids :)

And, because there are so many authors, we get to see the same types of things (like overlays) done by multiple people, so you can really get a feel for certain things you would never ordinarily use, e.g., i've never used overlays nor surf_breakables, but after this i will)

THANK GOD, Archie suggested to append version numbers to each generation of the map, it's really great fun and informative to cycle between the different vmf/bsp versions, and watch the map evolve ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 00:59:52 UTC Post #305063
Yeah lets face it, 8 or 9 of us together can do way more in a timeframe that just one of us can. This is fun stuff!
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 12:18:33 UTC Post #305073
Can I get an update on my time remaining? Family coming over for brunch and I don't think I can get away with mappings straight through. Plus the little cousins will want to play Starcraft, I'm sure.

After they leave I'll get back to work. For T spawn I'm going to do a small parking lot for some cheap looking apartment buildings. Maybe a rundown little playground. Sound ok? I also connected it to the tree lot via an ally around the big black brick building. I think I'll move T over to the other side of the spawn to slow down their ability to rush that side.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 16:08:05 UTC Post #305081
User posted image
User posted image
T spawn. Just needs some props and a fix of those lights in front of the apartment. I can't get them to look proper. I don't think I'm going to start on the inside of the big building, the hostie place, but someone should soon. Make a door on teh back side of the building so that T's can get in there and go up a staircase or something to the hosties.

In the first shot you can see the ally to the left, it then turns left and goes up a bit and connects to my other area. I think it helps both teams nicely. CTs can use it to get behind the hostie building and enter through the rear, and T's can use it to try to beat CT's to that lot and catch them off guard.

Fun fact: The map is now gi-frickin-normous.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-08 17:02:22 UTC Post #305084
And that's enough for one pass I think, here you go!

Ignore the quad-post.

[edit] At this point we now have two spawns, and should really start testing our builds. The earlier we start the more changes we can make.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 09:08:01 UTC Post #305101
Looking really great Blitz! :o

Tetsu0: you are up and the last guy in the chain for the 2nd pass, so take your time and let us know when your run is complete. After you're done, i'm taking the map offline to optimize for faster compile time and hopefully improved fps(though i feel for the level of detail, the fps is quite respectable at +60 everywhere, and +100 in many places).

Blitz's Edit (BSP added, sky glitches fixed)
Guidelines/Mapping Order

Meanwhile, we can start discussing ideas on how to handle the 3rd pass and playtesting, as Blitz aptly mentioned. We may want to change the paramaters a bit to better suit the project at this point ;]

Archie: do you think you can post a link to your .rad file, so we can compile with the -TextureShadows thingie? (i guess i could just make one mahself too) ;]

I'm starting optimization a little early(hopefully Tetsu0 won't cockblock me too hard with his edit, lol =)), and i'm noticing just how pretty everyone's work is...

I'm nulling unseen faces on hotdog's highway stuff right now, and i must say, that is some damn-fine brushwork sir. :o

Great work People!
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 10:28:12 UTC Post #305110
This is looking really good.

I'm afraid though, that I'm going to have to stand down officially. It was nice to be a part of this as it reignited my love for mapping. Thing is though, now I only wanna work on the core... It's been in development for far too long so I want to fpcus as much as is possible on finishing it.

Feel free to mutilate my little alleyway as you require. :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 11:46:49 UTC Post #305113
We loved having you Urby and you made a huge contribution in your singular 24 hours. You will be immortalized in the credits and of course in our loins :P
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 11:59:34 UTC Post #305114
So I wasn't really keeping up with this thread, what are you guys doing here? Are y'all making a mod for Source?
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 15:25:51 UTC Post #305115
Yeppers, here is the ever-updated Brief/Guidelines/Mapping Order.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 17:30:09 UTC Post #305127
Yeah skals, we get the file, work for a day, then pass it on. At first it was painfully obvious that the map was made by different people with little to no planning. But now the thing has really been tied together. At this point the map is sealed all the way around and we've got the spawns down.

I think the rich, colorful lighting really blends the work together, good job on adjusting the sun guys.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 19:20:34 UTC Post #305129
Agreed sir, the lighting looks great no matter where you look:
User posted image

Blitz, your last go was really well done sir, as was your first pass. I'm really shocked by the the quality of everyone's work for this :o

PLUS the stuff you guys are getting done in 24 hours i would never be able to do so quickly, especially archie, where he basically rebuilds the whole map everytime he goes, adds custom materials and effects, and it's all top-quality work.. seriously you guys are amazing.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 19:31:09 UTC Post #305134
Wow yeah I was bed ridden since Friday night sorry guys.
Horray for the flu and a broken toe. Completely unrelated to each other. But still
Sorry for the disappointment fellas :(
I think ill take a few hours crack at it in a little bit.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 19:55:51 UTC Post #305136
It's no problem whatsoever sir. We are right on schedule AND you are the last guy in the chain, so you don't have to worry about holding up anyone; take your time ;)

And I hope you feel better soon! =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 20:04:19 UTC Post #305141
uhm who is mapping right now? Archie?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 20:09:14 UTC Post #305142
tetsu0 has just begin and he is the last guy for the 2nd pass.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 20:16:37 UTC Post #305143
Downloading Nao
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 20:21:59 UTC Post #305144
Tet i just compiled a new optimized version(vvis is about 15 minutes shorter) if u'd like that instead?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 20:40:57 UTC Post #305147
no ^^ i will be waiting :P we should be following the queue ^^
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 20:51:09 UTC Post #305148
Well we are following the queue, 'cept Blitz and tet switched.

New policy is you have 12 hours to confirm you're starting your turn, else you are bumped to the end of the queue and the next guy in line goes ;)

Tetsu0: I'm just finishing up optimizing the skybox on an optimized version of the map from blitz. I'll pm it to you when i'm finished, in-case you want to use it.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 21:39:42 UTC Post #305152
sounds good to me Capt, i can just cut and paste what i'm working on... the boiler room =]
Needs cleaning up and optimization.. this is the only room i can work on tonight. so i'm gonna add a few more props, work on the ceiling and entrance, and optimize.
I'm also curious to see Archie's reaction to this.
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 21:52:32 UTC Post #305153
Looks cool. Nice combination of models and brushwork. Hope the combine textures are temporary, though :>

Where abouts is this in the map?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-09 22:10:19 UTC Post #305156
This is that building i was working on before. in the basement. It's going to provide access to the roof, as well as connect the alley with the road.

Combine tex's are temporary, dont worry.
I also have to play with the smoothing groups since i've never messed with them before.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 02:40:38 UTC Post #305172
That's a good plan Cap't.

24 hours from start, with 12 hours to notify your start before you get skipped, with the ability to make it up next.

If we do this again that should be the base rule for turns.

(and we totally should)
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 06:20:21 UTC Post #305174
Yup, it is now ;)

I agree we should do it again, and keep doing it as long as we are all getting along so well =)

Assuming we get better at what we do each time, It's conceivable we'll be able to produce some really good stuff =)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 13:37:01 UTC Post #305186
Next one, opt me in, really looking forward to team mapping and sharing ideas with other builders (like Cpt. & C.Striker)

Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 15:04:47 UTC Post #305192
Ah we should find a way to let anyone who wants one quick go at it to get one. I mean, how did we have any way of knowing how fucking awesome this project was going to turn out?
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 15:16:09 UTC Post #305194
I agree with that, but whoever wants to do that should be decisive and quick.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 16:23:43 UTC Post #305197
I'm all for it as long as the majority agrees to add people at this point ;)

With receiving Tetsu0's entry this morning, the second pass is officially over!
(I will post some screenshots and tet's edit when i get home from work today and have a chance to get it compiled)

Also, the map is going offline for further optimizing before we begin the third pass, and i'm very happy to report the vvis compile has been shortened from 42 to 7 minutes! =P

Meantime, If anybody has some ideas on how to handle the third pass, what direction the map should go, or anything else, now is the time ;)
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 16:39:53 UTC Post #305198
So then it's decided. IF YOU WANT YOUR HANDS IN THIS STEW, SPEAK UP NOW!!! the more the merrier.

We should really build the inside of the building across from Archie's office before we get started on the finalizing. And if there's any way to put the map on a server we should test it now that weve got spawns.

Other than that, the final passes I think should be optimizing/prop placement and detail work. Maybe some 3D skyboxing. I would just love to see this map without the FPS chugging in the middle. Not that it matters that much, this is just a fun project either way, I guess it's more to look at and participate in than play.

Maybe a pass where someone proppers everything that can be proppered, like the grouping of arches on the building right of T spawn.

Not that that area of the map lags any anyways, but I figure by the time we finish that building interior we might want all the optimizing we can get.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 16:46:15 UTC Post #305199
I'd really quite like to do the building across from the office, purely because I've had plans for what to do with it since my second pass (I just ran out of time). Since I'm fairly early in the third pass order it should be alright, yeah?

Also, I'd really like to let everyone involved know how fucking awesome you are. Seriously, it's the success of community projects like this that set TWHL apart from every other forum. Also huuuge thanks to CT for optimising like a boss.

I can't do tomorrow, btw. On a shoot.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 16:49:44 UTC Post #305200
The boiler room connects with the office accross the road. Of course feel free to move it anywhere u like.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 16:59:13 UTC Post #305201
Oh, does it? the one shot i saw I couldnt really tell where it was, there's no reference in the shot.

but, great! That works. That was exactly the area I was hoping someone would work on.
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 17:31:15 UTC Post #305204
Yeah you're gonna love it tetsu0 did an amazing job. Also bonus points since he was sick/injured all weekend ;)

Concerning performance
I've managed to increase 20 fps in most places by using prop fade distances alone, and i think if i'm able to get areaportals for the main interior areas(mostly the conference room and the shipping bay), i don't think we'll have any problem eliminating that lag you get at the middle of the map =]
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-04-10 18:24:42 UTC Post #305209
Can I join this? I'm good at making stuff, like the R/C Shootable plane, which drops a weapon when you shoot it as a reward, I also made a flyable airplane, and extra 300! :) Let me know if you could use that kind of stuff

Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
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