Hours of gaming Created 12 years ago2012-06-02 09:27:27 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 12 years ago2012-06-02 09:27:27 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 09:28:16 UTC Post #306678
Open your Steam games library right now. Go on. Just do it!

Right, now look through your titles, like, some of the ones you feel you play the most. Then look at a few others. You might be surprised, I know I was.

Then post up here where you thought most of your time would lie, and what surprised you. :P

I was thinking Half-Life would be well up there, what with me working on The Core and being a ProGoldsource guy in general. However, it's sitting at a fairly meager 55 hours.

I figured it would be higher than the counter-strike series anyway, seeing as I'm not a big cs player. CS1.6 and CS:GO beta are fairly close to one another at 12 and 11 hours respectively and CS:S is just... 179 HOURS!? I have considered however, that a lot of this could be testing Archie's maps, dicking around with bots and whatever else. Still, 179 hours accounts for a whole fuckton of dicking.

Then there are the obvious time black holes, the free-roaming RPGs. Fallout 3 was not on purchased on Steam but I know that's way up there. New Vegas is at 189 Hours, Skyrim at 170... Fuck. Not counting Fallout 3 that's already over 2 weeks of my life sunk into Bethesda titles. Sad thing is, I'm yet to finish either of those games, and I need to start the Mass Effect series after that...

Anyway, that pretty much covers the major ones. A lot of my other games are sitting around the 30 hour mark and then there are the bottom feeders, some because I just don't feel like playing them and others because I haven't got round to it yet.

Worms reloaded - 8 hours
Duke Nukem Forever - 11 Hours (and never likely to move from that spot ever)
TF2 - 13 Hours
Operation Flashpoint RR: 4 Hours
Just Cause 2: 2 Hours
Metro 2033 - 59 minutes

Seems I need to finish the games I've got rather than complain about the new ones I can't afford... What's that? E3 starts on the 5th? Fuck.

tl;dr - I play a lot of games, now get out of this thread.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 09:55:32 UTC Post #306679

EVE here is like half of the true playtime. The worst part is that i hate it because its an MMO (i dont stand playing mmo's for long), but i like it because of the mechanics and well ITS FRICKIN SPACESHIPS MAN.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 10:04:15 UTC Post #306680
I did something similar a while back, before I got L4D2, was NOT expecting over 200 hours on L4D. Now I'm not sure anything will suprise me.
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I'll note that maybe 10 hours on Puzzle Quest are mine. The rest are Mum's. Though I must have left PvZ open or something... Surely there isn't enough to do to spend 180 hours on it. :zonked:
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 10:11:08 UTC Post #306681
CS 1.6 - 1,491.8 hrs ^^ good old times
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 11:32:23 UTC Post #306683
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No surprises for me here. A few things to point out, though:
  • BF3 has probably overtaken BC2 in hours played.
  • CS 1.6 doesn't show up until way down at 22.2h. I don't think this is accurate, personally. Used to play it every day when I was a nipper.
  • Company of Heroes probably has more hours logged than DoW, but I only recently got it on Steam.
  • Saints Row: The Third has a playtime of 18.5 hours. This is the amount of time it took me to complete the game, and I consider that to be a perfect duration for a game like it.
  • CoD: MW2 has 4.7 hours logged. This is the amount of time it took me to complete the game and play a few rounds of multiplayer. This is an unacceptable duration for a game like it and the fact that it was released at £45 is literally painful. What's worse is that millions of people still bought it at release price.
Concerningly, here are the stats for my mum's Steam account:
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Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 11:38:35 UTC Post #306684
Holy shit you guys

My most played game is Plants vs Zombies 86 h which isn't really true since I recall leaving it on several times just to collect money, so the real winner is MW2 in which I've spent 79 h

Of course, most of these numbers can't be the true numbers since they didn't start counting the hours until, what 2007?
So I'm guessing my total Half-life and Half-life 2 playtime would together add up about 400 Hours
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 11:41:59 UTC Post #306685
... That says 1471.4 hours, doesn't it. It's not just me?

Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 11:50:08 UTC Post #306686
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Didn't even consider GTAIV EFLC until Archie mentioned it to me...

Also, bad company 2 doesn't appear on this list because I had a boxed copy originally. That would be way up there like Archie's
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 12:29:11 UTC Post #306687
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 13:31:17 UTC Post #306688
Well, it seems I don't spend much time gaming compared to all of you guys :P

Not multiplayer games, anyway. I find them too repetitive, I'd rather play a good single player campaign. I have loads of games, but most of them are "play once and shelve for a few years until you want to play it again"-type games :P
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Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 13:39:47 UTC Post #306689

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Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 14:24:52 UTC Post #306690
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No surprises there. I've spent a huge amount of time on MW2 multiplayer. It used to be really fun.

This isn't 100% accurate though. I only bought Steam versions of HL1/CS 1.6 back in like 2007 or something, and that was past my heyday with those. I'm pretty sure I should have ~1.5k+ hrs on non-steam 1.6 and at least 300hrs on WON/non-steam HL1. I would play those regularly pretty much every day when I was in school, not to mention mapping for them.

I also have 150+ hrs on BF3, 36hrs on Diablo 3 and probably ~60hrs on SC2.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 21:22:14 UTC Post #306698

Most played game is Alien Swarm at 38 hours. I don't even remember playing it that much. It got old pretty fast.

Follows Portal 2 at 26 hours. Never finished it. Must be from all the chamber-making.

Then Portal at 21 hours. I remember playing it over and over and never getting all the cameras. Bloody cameras.

After that, Episode Two at 11 hours and Episode Two at 9 hours.

Finally, HL2DM at 3 hours and Lost Coast at 1 hour.

...call me a hardcore gamer.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 22:00:45 UTC Post #306699
423 hours in l4d

114 DoD:s

60 Killing floor and then it goes down from there.

i had over 1000 hours in sdk before they took hours down from it.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-02 22:23:19 UTC Post #306700
5000h in CS 1.6
1000h RA2
0500h Big money deluxe
And thats that, i don't play much games :I
Well, in the terms of again and again.
Stojke StojkeUnreal
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 01:43:08 UTC Post #306701
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Other games not under recently played:
  • Bad Company 2: 79.8hrs
  • Blur: 27.2hrs
  • Half Life 1: a mere 2.5hrs - add roughly 100hrs if you factor in Sven Co-op
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 01:51:14 UTC Post #306702
Older games will be grossly inaccurate.

I only have 22 hours recorded for CSS, but I know I played CSS and 1.6 pretty religiously a few years ago. I only have 15 recorded hours for 1.6, as well, which is bogus.

I also have 0.2 recorded hours for Episode 2 and zero recorded hours for Episode 1. I've played through Episode 2 two at least 3 times.

TF2 is sitting at 1,705.3 hours, but honestly I think even that is too low.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 02:10:05 UTC Post #306703
You beat Archie's mum Bejeweled 2 Deluxe.

...honestly Archie, I refuse to accept that.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 02:40:10 UTC Post #306704
Clocked in 316 hours in Half-Life mostly because of mods, 326 in Opposing Force because of my server, and 787 hours in Team Fortress Classic for several reasons. I've got 68 hours on Deus Ex as well, but I've got 114 in Human Revolution. Shame on me.

Got 107 in Killing Floor, too.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 02:42:33 UTC Post #306705
You refuse to accept what?
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 05:38:38 UTC Post #306706
So many hours sunk on a game like that.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 07:57:42 UTC Post #306707
After that, Episode Two at 11 hours and Episode Two at 9 hours.
Oh god, he's one of Urby's clients!
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 14:14:26 UTC Post #306710
HL: Opposing Force- 234 hours
Fallout: New Vegas- 127 hours
Garry's Mod- 126 hours
GTA: San Andreas- 100 hours
TF2- 95 hours
Half-Life- 83 hours
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 16:49:16 UTC Post #306714
I have this Russian dude in my friends list who has over... well, see for yourself:
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What a nut.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 17:07:09 UTC Post #306715
That's 8hrs/week of HL2DM for ~5 yrs. straight. Not bad.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 20:42:46 UTC Post #306724
Oh god, he's one of Urby's clients!
...don't follow.

I meant Episode Two at 11 hours and Episode One at 9 hours.
Posted 12 years ago2012-06-03 22:01:23 UTC Post #306734
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