TWHL Big Brother 2012 Created 12 years ago2012-07-28 17:10:55 UTC by Archie Archie

Created 12 years ago2012-07-28 17:10:55 UTC by Archie Archie

Posted 12 years ago2012-08-14 19:16:47 UTC Post #309063
Well that's Urby for you.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-14 19:39:43 UTC Post #309065
Excellent stuff, I had a good laugh

Urby should be punished for his very tasteless underpants, not knowing what the sun is and pissing himself. Shame on you Urby.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-14 20:16:34 UTC Post #309066
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-14 20:57:48 UTC Post #309070
User posted image
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-14 23:34:51 UTC Post #309071
Haha, my Sim did basically what I do every day. Every time there's a big mirror I always make faces at myself... I don't know how this game knows this...

I agree on voting on Urby!

Both because he pissed himself, his pants were better than mine, and I want him punished.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-14 23:42:49 UTC Post #309072
Of course I'm working out in a tux. It's a little thing called class :roll: :P

Ahh, punishment... Well, I kinda already managed to punish Urby, does he really need more?... I guess I'll say Madcow. Freaking out in the bath like that :\
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-15 00:02:24 UTC Post #309073
I went to sleep alone and woke up with Skals in my bed. I feel obligated to vote Skals even though I'll be the only vote and my vote will be wasted.

Democracy at it's finest.

@Scotch I know right, of course you work out in a tux. What're you, a farmer?
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-15 14:01:51 UTC Post #309081
I'll vote Skals too. Without so much as even taking Blitzkrieg out to a fancy restaurant first. Shameful. The fact that they were locked in the house is no excuse.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-15 14:41:19 UTC Post #309082
I wonder who was the big spoon...
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-15 15:22:16 UTC Post #309083
Punish the pisser!
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-15 15:29:43 UTC Post #309084
I'm changing my vote to Skals.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-15 15:34:30 UTC Post #309085
So let's see, we're currently at

Urby: 5 votes
Madcow: 1 vote
Skals: 3 votes

roughly 12 hours left.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-15 20:19:30 UTC Post #309094
I tend to be the big spoon, but I think most men do. I've only had one girl in my life say that she enjoys being the big spoon and so I let her because it was kind of cute. When a girl's the big spoon she's called a jetpack.

I imagine Skals was the big spoon because I was already asleep. I am OK with this.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-16 12:47:33 UTC Post #309106
I've only had one girl in my life say that she enjoys being the big spoon
... lets hope she was really a girl.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-16 17:32:29 UTC Post #309108
She was really a girl, but she wasn't anymore by the time she caught Blitz's eye. :P
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-16 17:54:24 UTC Post #309109
He was a boy, she was a girl. Can I make it any more obvious? Lol I'm sorry I had to.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-16 18:03:05 UTC Post #309110
Oh god, middle school flashbacks.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-16 18:12:45 UTC Post #309112
Right cool voting over
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-16 21:54:24 UTC Post #309115
I intend to be as desperately awaiting the next one as the last one.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-17 11:43:18 UTC Post #309125
Remember, it's due on Monday, so check on Tuesday... just before midnight.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-18 05:19:58 UTC Post #309134
Excellent work Archie. Subbed.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-18 15:05:40 UTC Post #309141
I also subbed, that's the least I could do
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 11:36:01 UTC Post #309202
Why bother subscribing? I'm never going to update this series again, it's so shit. I hate working on it and you probably hate watching it, so why bother? I'm sick of it.


User posted image

Be sure to watch in 1080p if your net can handle it. I've not used an HD link for you low bandwidthers.

Special thanks to Timothy Armstrong for doing the voiceover.

Don't forget to vote for who gets punished next! Voting closes on Thursday at a non-specific time. voting rules:

<o> The person with the most votes will receive a punishment in the following episode.
<o> If there is a tie with votes, the whole household will be punished.
<o> If the person getting punished has more than 5 votes, there's a chance the punishment will be fatal.

Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 12:01:54 UTC Post #309203
The neighbors must envy all of you when they sense the smell of fresh roasted meat.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 12:06:46 UTC Post #309204
I vote Scotch.

I can't believe you didn't watch me, you mad dog killer!
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 12:41:24 UTC Post #309207
Well, at least I dressed for the occation.

I vote randomly between Madcow, Skals and Blitz. Mainly because their appearances have been noticably more uncommon than the rest, and this might bring them into the light a little more.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 12:56:10 UTC Post #309208
I vote Dimbark, won't spoil why. Oh and, Urby, again? Wtf!
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 13:54:37 UTC Post #309210
Actually, I'll vote for Skals since I don't even remember seeing him in the entire series.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 14:01:20 UTC Post #309212
Also vote Dimbark, for the same reason. Thought that nuke you were sculpting didn't go fast enough, huh? :P
Taylor TaylorJohn Romero's Bitch
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 14:03:58 UTC Post #309213
Dimbark, I'm hiding under your bed, waiting.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 14:44:28 UTC Post #309217
You can't vote me off the island!

I was completely unsupervised, you can't blame me for what I did!
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 15:02:15 UTC Post #309218
Guess I'll vote for Dimbark @!$@!$!@%T^!@#%@!%$@!$! of a housemate, child or not.

edited :)
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 15:13:40 UTC Post #309220
Voting Dimbark, for obvious reasons.
Also, Urby has a cold butt for a heart.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 15:48:04 UTC Post #309227
I'd vote for Madcow, Skals, or Blitz as well but since it wasn't entirely their fault, I'll vote for Dimbark.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 17:54:07 UTC Post #309232
I vote for Joebama... Oh wait.

I change my vote to Dimbark.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 20:12:42 UTC Post #309236
Dimbark... I mean... fuck.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 20:31:43 UTC Post #309237
Oh man, Scotch's face when he took Dimbarks pancakes:
User posted image
Obligatory vote for Dimbark, seriously, dude wtf.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 20:48:36 UTC Post #309239
You know, when I was 9 I tried cooking foor but caused a fire and killed my father. Thanks for reminding me that.

User posted image
What I'm trying to get at is that Joebama is my father.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 21:25:28 UTC Post #309241
It's your choice between:
  • The sound of crickets
  • The sound of a tumbleweed bouncing along the floor, or
  • A small pause and then someone coughing
following that post.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-21 22:27:49 UTC Post #309243
Fuck it. Be generous and give him all three. That post deserves it.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-22 00:21:34 UTC Post #309247
Episode 3 spoilers end here
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-22 00:37:35 UTC Post #309248
Is there anyone IN the episode that has not seen it yet? I think once that happens it should be safe to talk freely.

[edit]Disregard this i confused Jeff with Joebama. Sorry.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-22 00:43:55 UTC Post #309249
Joebama is Suture, so yes, if you were wondering whether he'd seen it, he has.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-22 06:35:16 UTC Post #309250
^ Mother of god.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-22 18:19:54 UTC Post #309264
I vote Dimbark. You silly goose.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-26 07:41:33 UTC Post #309391
It's been three days and no-one's had sex yet.
I'm suprised.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-26 11:07:55 UTC Post #309396
What do you think I've been doing for the past two episodes? Archie simply feels like it's too explicit material for Dimbark :D
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-26 13:00:00 UTC Post #309398
I wonder what all was destroyed by the kitchen... I hope we don't starve to death.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-26 13:55:59 UTC Post #309400
If walls can pop out of nowhere in the Big Brother house, surely kitchenware can as well. At the very least, you'll have a fridge.
Posted 12 years ago2012-08-26 15:12:52 UTC Post #309402
You'll be waiting another week to find out m'fraid. Life has firmly gotten in the way.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
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