Review everything! Created 12 years ago2012-09-25 10:36:34 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 12 years ago2012-09-25 10:36:34 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 12 years ago2012-09-30 18:47:25 UTC Post #310161
The wheel

Probably one of the most meaningful inventions of man kind, the rubber variant of it is the most popular one being utilized in cars, bicycles, you name it. The best use for a wheel is that it lets you ride your bicycle and crash into stuff at high speed.

Windows (the OS)
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-30 19:46:48 UTC Post #310168
Windows (the OS)

Windows is without doubt the brains of most computers today. The fact that it is commercial is understandable: it simply works. In my opinion, it's simply the best OS out there at the moment, but not because it objectively IS. I guess that a lot of corporations and software developers just chose it as their main platform, and so it grew in popularity. For advanced computer users, there are always alternatives, and one of the best reasons to find an alternative is the price. Nowadays, with distros of Linux like Ubuntu or Linux Mint, it's easier than ever to be a newbie geek.
But alternatives only work if you have a targeted workflow on your pc. Most of us use their computers for a lot of things: internet, multimedia, programming, GAMING, and when it comes to this last part, Windows just wins. At the moment. Also, drivers.

College Dorms
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-09-30 22:26:52 UTC Post #310175
College Dorms

While I have never been to one, I have heard a lot of gossip about this topic. It seems like a perfect place for eating, drinking, hosting Quanza celebrations, and having sex.

The layout for it is whatever you want; it's supposed to be your home away from home, or perhaps your home next to home. I do intend to use one in the future and get laid in it.

Final Fantasy 9
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-01 13:21:02 UTC Post #310182
Leaving what Dimbark suggested to someone else, but I want to emphasize the word College to him :).
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-01 13:51:45 UTC Post #310183
College Dorms

They are shit. :D
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-01 14:34:39 UTC Post #310185
Oh how
I do intend to use one in the future and get laid in it.
shit dog
that's just horrible
not only is it a dorm but still OTHER PEOPLE IN THE GOD DAMN ROOM
oh yeah College Dorms if they are anything like the dorms at st.andrews uni then they are fucking horrible.

Die Krupps
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-11 08:37:23 UTC Post #310312
In an update to my review on single bladed razors, I got a hold of one the other day. The first day's shave was pretty good. It didn't feel like it was doing anything, but my skin was really smooth afterwards. It was an odd feeling, not hearing that scraping sound, yet leaving with really smooth skin. I've also found out that you can get blades for them really cheaply, in the order of 200 blades for €15. With that you could shave twice a day for two and a half years.

The second day's shave, I didn't have any more shaving foam. I thought "What's the worst that could happen?" and shaved anyway.

Don't do this.

My general opinion, is that single bladed razors are very good.
Just please, for the love of God, don't shave dry.

Anywho, back to the thread.

Die Krupps

I don't know anything about these guys, but it looks like nobody else wants to post, so I'll just do a quick* summary in my own words.**

Die Krupps is a German industrial rock/EBM band, formed in 1980 by Jürgen Engler and Bernward Malaka in Düsseldorf.

The band's name translates as "The Krupps" and comes from the Krupp dynasty, one of Germany's main industrial families before World War II. In some interviews the band stated that Visconti's 1969 movie The Damned — a depiction of the fictitious German industrial dynasty of the Essenbecks — was the main inspiration.

Ralf Dörper who was part of the initial line-up which created the highly acclaimed early recordings "Stahlwerksynfonie" and "Wahre Arbeit Wahrer Lohn" in 1981 left the band in 1982 to found the band Propaganda. Propaganda became one of the few German bands which were internationally successful in the 80s. In 1989 Ralf Dörper initiated a collaboration with Nitzer Ebb on an old Die Krupps track (i.e. Machineries of Joy, a cover of Wahre Arbeit Wahrer Lohn) which he produced together with Jürgen Engler. The chart-success of the record (Billboard-Charts) led to the reactivation of Die Krupps fronted by Engler and Dörper.

The initial Die Krupps sound throughout the 1980s combined synthesizers with metallic percussion. Die Krupps were key in the Europe wide progression of Electronic Body Music culminating with the collaboration in 1989 with British band Nitzer Ebb. In 1992, they began to utilize guitars and more sounds derived from heavy metal music, with the release of their album I and the EP Tribute To Metallica, which consisted of covers of Metallica songs. Combining electronic and metal elements was a pioneering move which led to a number of other bands using the electronic/metal combo as a template in keeping with a deeper industrial sound. The band continued in this vein through the 1990s, releasing II: The Final Option (with a cover influenced by Deep Purple's Machine Head) in 1993. A more experimental and pensive III: Odyssey of the Mind followed in 1995. After the release of the heavily metal-influenced album Paradise Now in 1997, the band disbanded.

Jürgen Engler founded the project and released two albums in 2000 and 2002.

Die Krupps celebrated their 25th anniversary with appearances in some major European festivals as well as solo appearances in 2005 and 2006. In fall 2007, two greatest-hits albums were released to celebrate the 25th anniversary of Die Krupps: "Too Much History - The Electro Years Vol. 1" and "Too Much History - The Metal Years Vol. 2", both in digipak format. Both albums were combined as the 2-disc "Too Much History".

The influential back-catalogue of Die Krupps has been remastered and expanded. So far four of their previous albums "Stahlwerksynfonie" "Volle Kraft Voraus", "I" and "Final Option" have been re-released.

To celebrate thirty years of "True Work" Die Krupps announced a joint European tour with Nitzer Ebb in spring 2011.

*Summary will not be quick.
**Not in my own words at all.

Stephen Hawking
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-11 10:43:13 UTC Post #310314
Stephen Hawking

A fascinating man with an unfortunate history. His brilliant mind not only contains everything one man could possibly know about the universe, but also an incredible outlook on life. Watch a single interview with the guy and you will quickly discover that he is one of the nicest people on the planet.

Not to be confused with Stephen Walking, who is incredible in his own right for creating some of the most catchy dub-step tracks in the Monstercat collection.

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-11 10:56:42 UTC Post #310316

Yes yes, they do good things, yes yes... but I still hate 'em. I don't FEAR them. I just hate them. Same goes for just about any insects.

Scotch (Any interpretation)
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-11 13:05:30 UTC Post #310317
A delicious alcoholic beverage, and is best served with a cube or two of ice in a rocks glass, or neat, depending on your mood. Mixes well with coffee, oddly enough, and will undoubtedly put hair on your chest.

Scotch is also a member for TWHL, who is routinely mistaken as a clone of another scotsman on the site. A water pokeman, he is helpful, generally passive and nice, but now and again prone to small fits of seriousness, and a clear hatred of Sarah Connor's son.. =)

Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-11 15:11:45 UTC Post #310322

I come from a land known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island, and in this "tacos" are rare as hell and you are pretty lucky if you can find anywhere that isn't a tapas bar that sells them. as I have never had one, I can only make a guesstimate that it's one big-ass dorito with a shittone of beef and other coronary heart disease-inducing consumables.

Irn Bru
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 12 years ago2012-10-11 16:09:22 UTC Post #310323
Irn Bru

Goddamn awesome. I just wish it was cheaper. Even as close to Scotland as Ireland is, Irn Bru can cost up to twice as much as any other drink.

WiFi on Buses and Trains
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-22 11:49:04 UTC Post #311794
WiFi on Buses and Trains

I haven't got a smart phone, or anything of the sort, myself. The highest level of technology I regularly carry around is probably my car keys. Even more so, I don't (need to) take any public transport, except for the ferry.
So really, I'm the worst possible reviewer of this. But still, I can see how it would be handy.
(I just kinda wanted this to keep going, I liked it.)

The Monster Hunter series
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-23 04:18:38 UTC Post #311816
oh yes i do love a good old threat being dug up

The Monster Hunter series

to start with, im just going to say I dont actually know what The Monster Hunter series actually is, so I googled it.
The Monster Hunter series seems to be a game of sorts by Capcom (who also did Dead Rising, buts thats all I know they did, but i did enjoy Dead Rising quite alot actually and even - uh.. anyway)
The Monster Hunter series proves to be very popular with those from japan.
Google images shows that it has dragons! Much like Skyrim (but ive never played skyrim, but Morrowind is one of the best games ive - uh... anyway!)
Apparently theres Monster Hunter 3 and Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate and Monster Hunter 3 Portable too, so fans will be rather excited about that.
I think?
anyway, im sure they are excited for Monster Hunter 4. if its being made. which im not sure if it is.

Wearing sunglasses at night
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-23 05:48:24 UTC Post #311817
Wearing sunglasses at night

I have done it, and it felt LIKE A BOSS

It also adds a 'darkness horror' feel to your everyday life.

The Matrix lobby shootout scene
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-23 11:45:19 UTC Post #311820
The Matrix lobby shootout scene

Well, it's been a while since I last watched The Matrix, and I acnowledge that it's a classic movie. Nowadays such a shootout scene would probably seen rather cheesy, but in the context of 90' movies this was regarded as professional and simply cool.

21st December 2012, the winter solstice when planets aligned in our solar system
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-23 12:41:53 UTC Post #311821
21st December 2012
T'was a pretty shitty apocalypse, and I didn't learn a single thing at school that day either due to the fact that 95% of the school didn't show up and classes were canceled as a result.
But I spent the evening/night with some basically all of my friends, most of whom I hadn't seen in months. So that was awesome.

Posted 12 years ago2012-12-23 12:48:59 UTC Post #311822

A pointless exercise which is just fancy packaging for a series of really shit flash games. Facebook and all other social networking sites actually make people less sociable in the real world. Meeting a new person these days generally means learning their name, a brief outline of what they do and then finding them on facebook, even though you will probably never use facebook to learn anything about them other than their current status update.

It's all the worse for making me realise just how stupid people there are on this planet.

I only ever use it to respond to my mother because she insists on contacting me ONLY via facebook messaging and I wish she would pack it the fuck in.

Current generation gaming
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-23 13:45:28 UTC Post #311824
Current generation gaming

A big excuse to flood the market with underdeveloped sequels and console ports, more so moving gaming to consoles (which i am strongly against).

rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-23 17:46:11 UTC Post #311827

Great for Wifi.

I haven't got a smart phone, or anything of the sort, myself. The highest level of technology I regularly carry around is probably my car keys. Even more so, I don't (need to) take any public transport, except for the ferry.
So really, I'm the worst possible reviewer of this. But still, I can see how it would be handy.

Nyan Cat
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-24 09:35:52 UTC Post #311838
The highest level of technology I regularly carry around is probably my car keys
You're too young to drive. dont be dumb.

Nyan Cat

A cat that looks like it has a sponge for a body (or a slice of toast with lollys spread on it) that spirts a rainbow from its rear end.
It looks eternally happy as it flys (?) through never ending space.

Cake displays
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-24 11:53:48 UTC Post #311840
Cake displays

Well, firstly cakes are the best thing ever. Secondly, to ability to see things is pretty crucial in life, and what better way is there to make something visible than putting it on display?

So a display of cake is a gift for both the eyes and the bellies.

Yeah, cake displays are pretty bitchin'

The lesser-spotted good natured human being
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-24 12:19:17 UTC Post #311841
The lesser-spotted good natured human being
An increasingly rare specimen, this breed of human is known for it's charming coat and ability to increase the happiness level of others. It's twin mating calls, known as "kindness" and "love" are generally regarded as being two of the three most wonderful things in the world, after cake.
Sadly, these noble creatures are being hunted to extinction by greed, and losing their habitat due to the development of new massive cities and "Social norms"
Please, donate to the The lesser-spotted good natured human being protection fund today.

Windows (Not the OS)
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-24 12:26:30 UTC Post #311842
The lesser-spotted good natured human being


Well, it's quite rare to spot one of them these days because most of us are either involved in activities that imply personal interests, bragging, being ruled by instincts of self-preservation, either are simply ignorant(which apparently is "awesome").
People who deliberately make things out of love for others, or feeling good doing so, are quite rare. They go by unnoticed, which is sad. They are the people who still make humankind look... human.


[EDIT] Sorry, seems like I was late. Continue from Jeffmod.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-24 16:07:31 UTC Post #311843

Windows are some of my favorite things, ever.

They're mostly rectangular, with varying dimensions for each size you may choose to purchase. It's great to open one and see the property of your estate from below, and it's also a good tool for committing suicide.

But the bad thing is, windows allow sunlight into rooms and brighten it up for you. I always end up having to stable boards over my windows so I could keep the sun out while I write on forums and so on.

CSGO Competitive Cooldowns
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-24 16:16:22 UTC Post #311844
I always end up having to stable boards over my windows so I could keep the sun out
If that is seriously how you keep light out then check this shit out. It will blow your fucking mind.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-24 19:32:10 UTC Post #311846
I don't have any curtains because I killed them all.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 12 years ago2012-12-24 19:40:12 UTC Post #311847
Sunlight is good for your skin, it helps at Vitamin D synthesis, kills bacteria and other microorganisms in your room(thus increasing the change of breathing fresh air, if you don't fart) and lifts up the mood.
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-07 04:29:40 UTC Post #312077
im actually pretty excited that wikipedia has its own page dedicated to curtains!
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-07 11:50:32 UTC Post #312086

We wouldn't be here without it. Literally, because without computers (and therefore programming) our societies would have progressed so radically differently that no, we probably wouldn't be here.
And also because the web browser you're reading this with was programmed.

Charlie Brooker
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-07 12:40:30 UTC Post #312087
CSGO Competitive Cooldowns

Valve is trying too hard to keep people in the game these days and the more you leave the worse it gets, the most stupid idea of valve imo. Already got myself a day's timeout. Even seen people get week long cooldowns, are you crazy ?
Atleast they should allow you to surrender if you are loosing badly, same goes for Dota 2.

And to continue:
Charlie Brooker
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-08 02:10:25 UTC Post #312103
Wait, CS gives penalties for quitting games while you're losing now? AWESOME.
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-08 03:25:58 UTC Post #312104
yeah no it kinda sucks, but your team can vote surrender i think. If you're losing that bad it's gonna go quick anyways...

if you know you may have to quit early, you can play casual mode.
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 12 years ago2013-01-08 03:35:20 UTC Post #312105
You can only vote surrender if you have a bot on your team, and it doesn't count if you kicked the person who left.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
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