Now Gaming: ... Created 13 years ago2010-12-11 02:04:50 UTC by AJ AJ

Created 13 years ago2010-12-11 02:04:50 UTC by AJ AJ

Posted 11 years ago2013-01-03 15:27:15 UTC Post #312020
OH SHI, i forgot in coop mode you have to split your loadout slots with your partner! that has to be tough!

I've never even seen that spikewall trap before! It warms my heart to see you use the crossbow too btw.. Also a question: i notice many people using tar traps over brimstone... is it an economy thing or you need to slow them down for the other traps to reset, or what?
Captain Terror Captain Terrorwhen a man loves a woman
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-04 01:20:40 UTC Post #312022
Well splitting the loadout isn't difficult to manage as voice chat solves that problem. Also my co-op partner is my brother and we live in the same house so we can easily just yell orders across the rooms.

As for the use of tar traps we make sure to upgrade it fully to reduce the cost to 300 and take the unique upgrade 1 to further decrease movement speed. This is for economical reasons, traps to reset especially for the bigger guys and as a last resort should some orcs slip by. It's fairly useful in practically all of the stages.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-08 13:19:43 UTC Post #312110
Half-Life Alpha :P
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Posted 11 years ago2013-01-08 13:55:22 UTC Post #312111
Hiya guys.
Have you tried Minetest-C55?
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It's an Infiniminer-inspired voxel game, with the potential to be way more advanced than Minecraft.

I've been playing it for three months, and the game is purely awesome.
Click here to see some more screenies.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-09 01:47:39 UTC Post #312122
That looks exactly like Minecraft. The UI is even identical, except for lacking experience and hunger bars.

In Now Gaming news, I'm thinking of playing Spec Ops: The Line since Yahtzee gave it his game of 2012 pick. He picked a modern-themed shooter as best game of 2012. Didn't expect that at all, holy crap.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-09 02:06:10 UTC Post #312123
Sure does look like Minecraft. Though, to be said for it:
A) At least it isn't doing a FortressCraft and is actually admitting it was inspired by Minecraft, and
B) It's not running on Java. Most definitely a plus.

Something that might be worth keeping an eye on for the future.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-09 03:58:37 UTC Post #312129
The second point I cannot argue against. The first point seems like "at least it isn't admitting it's attempting to rip off Minecraft!" which I don't get. I'd prefer that it just admit it. If it ends up being a better game, then great. We'll all have a better game.

edit: oh, i read that wrong. It's openly admitting to being inspired by Minecraft? Thats a step above admitting nothing at all but a step behind admitting that it's a clear rip-off. It looks identical.

I'll keep an eye on it, but I predict that it will fade out pretty quickly considering the rate that Minecraft continues to release updates at. It's tough to compete with mountains of money.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-09 05:05:45 UTC Post #312130
Yes, well, I don't know if somewhere they've actually said something like "It's basically Minecraft", they probably haven't. "Thats a step above admitting nothing at all but a step behind admitting that it's a clear rip-off." is exactly how I'd put it.

Like I say, at least they're admitting something.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-09 05:13:24 UTC Post #312131
Yeah I agree. It seems like when WarZ got announced. Even though I like the original game, I'll play whichever ends up being better. It's just more likely that it will be the original.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-10 04:45:49 UTC Post #312140
The first point seems like "at least it isn't admitting it's attempting to rip off Minecraft!" which I don't get.
He stated the exact opposite.
Crollo CrolloTrollo
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-10 04:57:34 UTC Post #312141
edit: oh, i read that wrong
Try reading further than a paragraph in, Crollo.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-11 04:22:39 UTC Post #312149
Isn't this the same kid that spammed gay porn and gore a couple days after he decided to abandon the Crollo profile? Why is he still allowed here?
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-12 03:15:11 UTC Post #312156
No, I believe that was someone else.
Suparsonik SuparsonikI'm going off the edge to meet my maker.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-12 04:02:42 UTC Post #312157
That was psilous, wasn't it? I can't remember Crollo ever doing anything that stupid.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-12 05:10:12 UTC Post #312158
No, Psilous would just spam hentai and the like from time to time.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-12 06:17:01 UTC Post #312159
No, the most recent one was pretty obviously Crollo. It happened a couple days after he disappeared suddenly. Hadn't happened in a long time and hasn't happened since. And he's back some months later, but using a different name? For no reason at all? Sure. Whatever.

Pretty damn coincidental if you ask me.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-12 07:09:35 UTC Post #312160
Please don't be hostile towards other members.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-12 07:23:19 UTC Post #312161
lol, ok.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-12 23:13:07 UTC Post #312166
@Scotch yes, It's written in C++, and uses Irrlicht as rendering engine. It is designed to be run on lower-end computers, so the vanilla game is pretty limited. You can easily create mods for it if you know how to program in Lua, and there are already tons of mods that add tons of different stuff, from simple decorative blocks, to mobs (monsters), to NPCs, to an in-game IRC client.

@Blitzkrieg There are only a few things it has in common with MC. I said it was inspired by Infiniminer, not Minecraft. I said it was like "Minecraft" because it's probably the most popular voxel-based game today, and you may know it better than the short-lived Infiniminer.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-13 02:51:25 UTC Post #312168
Been playin' lots of Far Cry 3.
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Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-13 02:55:24 UTC Post #312169
It also says it's inspiried by Minecraft.

If I could get the page to load I'd prove it.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-13 03:56:05 UTC Post #312170
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Is that the one distributed with some Linux distros?
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-13 04:09:52 UTC Post #312171
It looks exactly the same lol. That shot could be confused with an alpha shot of minecraft, but whatever. I don't know if you've seen shots of Infiniminer or not.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-13 20:32:46 UTC Post #312182
@DiscoStu the package on the package manager/software center/whatever is pretty outdated (0.3.1 versus 0.4.4). You should either use the PPA or compile it yourself :) There are also packages for Windows on the forums at

@Blitzkrieg The screen is also from the early days of the game. You should play the newer versions and see for yourself :)

We are at #minetest @
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-19 06:13:30 UTC Post #312256
My teammate's perspective from our CEVO 5v5 pre-season Battlefield match last night.

We won 2-0 despite a teensy bit of a rocky start.

This stuff is funnnn.

second round, from another perspective though
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-26 20:27:54 UTC Post #312327
Sim City. It's pretty good.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-26 21:25:12 UTC Post #312328
Not only I agree with you Urby, Red Cell also agrees with you.
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Posted 11 years ago2013-01-27 04:37:42 UTC Post #312329
Path of Exile open beta.

It's really good.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-27 12:27:33 UTC Post #312330
This Path of Exile looks like what Diablo 3 should have been!
Tell me more about this game.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-27 17:25:01 UTC Post #312332
It's what Diablo 3 should have been. It's almost depressing. I don't even know where to begin really. Here's the skill tree:
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This is an online game too btw guys, no single player. My favorite change is probably how they do hardcore. When your HC toon dies, instead of being erased, he just gets moved to softcore. They eliminated the one thing that turns players off of what makes the game so much better. Now the incentive not to die is essentially just bragging rights of still being in the Hardcore League. All the tension and reward is there, without the punishment. It's quite smart.

The beta's open just go play it lol. If you liked Diablo 2 you'll like this.
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-27 18:46:46 UTC Post #312333
Me and my friend are playing it right now :D
This game is quite amazing, I like the FF10 styled 'skill tree', what's also amazing is that rather than doing the ordinary boring - all monsters drop gold thing, you trade item for item with NPCs instead.
Skals SkalsLevel Designer
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-27 19:20:54 UTC Post #312335
Yeah! I also love how potions are "flasks" and just get emptied, then fill up slowly as you kill. Genius take on D2's "magazine-belt" of potions. Love it.

What's your account? I've got a BF3 showmatch in an hour so I can't play until after then but I'll play some with you. You'll probably be ahead of me by then though, IDK how that works yet.
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Match will be shoutcasted live featuring multiple player's perspectives at and starts in one hour!
Posted 11 years ago2013-01-30 06:29:45 UTC Post #312376
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Been playing Arctic Combat. It's a simplistic F2P COD4 clone, nice to pick up for 30min or so during a break from work.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 11 years ago2013-02-11 09:55:13 UTC Post #312566
Posted 11 years ago2013-02-28 17:52:24 UTC Post #312798
Posted 11 years ago2013-02-28 20:56:04 UTC Post #312802
What game is that?

I've been playing a few games lately. There's Hitman Codename 47, which I ragequit on the final mission because it's a bitch. It's bloody impossible. Of course, I went to youtube and found someone passing it in the most bullshit way imaginable (which I tried and still failed miserably).

So I moved on to Hitman: Silent Assassin, which I've been winging so far. Guess I'm about halfway through.

I've also been playing a bit of CS:GO. I can't create local games in it and Steam support is completely useless when it comes to supporting anything more complicated than deleting your steam files and redownloading it.

Then there's a few games I got for my birthday that I haven't played yet: Amnesia; the Fallout Collection, which is pretty incomplete to be called a collection (only Fallouts 1, 2, and Tactics - 3 and NV are conspicuously absent); and Bioshock.

Bioshock I've played just a bit, it's very interesting.
Posted 11 years ago2013-02-28 21:40:07 UTC Post #312803
What game is that?
Far Cry 3.
Posted 11 years ago2013-02-28 21:53:35 UTC Post #312804
There's a minigun on that last level, you can pick that up and wait by where the clones come out. There are two exits, and they'll always take the one opposite from you. So if you face away from their door you've got one spot for them to come out of, makes it a lot easier.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 11 years ago2013-02-28 23:51:47 UTC Post #312809
Yeah I tried that and still didn't work.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-03 21:52:09 UTC Post #312878
Finished Crysis 3 last week, gotta say its utter shite.
Its so short and so boring, they could not throw more powerful enemies at me to keep me stalled.
Graphics are ok (playing on medium so cant say much), but the only place where they could shine was the part when you just enter the dome and get a good look of the field, the rest of the game was dark.
The story to me feels like they are trying to milk the last drop the cow has, i'm sorry, but i just hate it when all of a sudden you get blasted into space to position some rediculuos satellite.
C2 was kind of acceptable in my mind.
Though nothing can beat C1, it was so long, i never expected aliens, when i got there however my eyes were blown on how awesome the interior of the alien place looked, and no bullsh*t story.
And where the hell is no-man ? This Prophet shite was driving me crazy.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-03 23:21:06 UTC Post #312880
Just as I predicted, rufee.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-04 00:16:33 UTC Post #312881
won CS

I'll make a video of your cs map if you make podbot waypoints for it
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-04 00:17:27 UTC Post #312882
It's definitely not for everyone, and it's another game that's all about the multiplayer. Just like most shooters coming out, if you buy it to play singleplayer, you did it wrong. It's the best in the series from that perspective, but it's the best of a mediocre series, so take it as it is.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-04 05:28:00 UTC Post #312883
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, but anyway i suspect mp is crap, played the C2 multiplayer demo, did not impress me. I played Crysis for the looks, like i suspect 90% of people did.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-04 08:57:25 UTC Post #312884
Stu, I had a look at the game files and I extracted some of the map information, and I made this extremely accurate diagram, took me ages it did.
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The green line represents a metal gate, if you close that and stand in the corner next to it (where 47 is shown), then the 48's should all follow the blue line and come out the red door. It makes it as simple as simply clicking the LMB when the door opens. (iirc, there is a way to keep the minigun spun up so it shoots instantaneously. I think if you just tap the button, it spins up without shooting. I may be wrong though)
If you go to get the minigun, then there will be one clone loose by the time you get to that spot, but he shouldn't be much of a problem.

Also, the worst missions are the Columbian mission, although my least favourite missions in the series as a whole are the Japanese missions (outside) in SA. They are absolutely awful if you're trying for a Silent Assassin rating. Guards should not be able to recognise someone as an intruder from 50 feet away, through blinding snowstorms, while they're wearing a guards uniform that literally covers every square inch of skin.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-04 09:41:52 UTC Post #312885
I might try that, but it didn't go well the last time I tried to do something like that.

The missions in Colombia were pretty straightforward for me (turns out I happened to get an officer's uniform from the very beginning without realising) although the last one was terribly frustrating until I tried a completely different strategy. Still, the whole running through endless spaces (these levels in 47 and the Japan ones in SA) were pretty poorly thought out in that regard. You're a SILENT HITMAN, not RAMBO.

*Off topic but it seems to be a very common misspelling: Colombia is the country in South America, British Columbia is the Canadian territory. Games tend to take place in Colombia. I thought some might be interested in knowing the difference.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-04 10:03:10 UTC Post #312887
I wasn't aware of that, danke.

And the first jungle mission was awful, you could be sneaking along for ages and then suddenly die because some enemies saw you before you saw them. And I could never get them to be consistent, I'd find out that near the mission start there are enemies walking on a nearby path with a straggler behind, yet on subsequent attempts I wouldn't be able to find them. And the part where you actually assassinate Ochoa is much easier if you bring the sniper rifle along from the first part, you can pretty much headshot him though a window from the mission start.

Anywho, I'm currently reinstalling C47 to see if the tactic I described is repeatable, or whether I just got through on luck.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-04 12:10:00 UTC Post #312890
It seems to be pretty repeatable, I just did it twice. I forgot to take screenshots the first time. If you stand here:
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You can get results like this:
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They don't even get a chance to shoot you, the 12% health was from dealing with the first clone.

And if you hold down the fire button but release before the minigun starts firing, then it should stay spun up. It may appear not to be, but if you only heard the cycle up sound and not the cycle down then it should be good.

[Edit] I forgot to mention, but they don't follow the path of the blue arrow exactly. They run off into a corridor in the distance, then they come back a few seconds later and follow it.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-04 15:59:08 UTC Post #312893
I'll give it a try, I guess.

I got lucky in the first Colombian level and hit two guys near the beginning. I didn't bring the sniper along to the next level so I had to do without it. Getting the guy at the end was a major pain because I kept trying to silently take everyone down and failing, then trying to mow them all down with an AK when they raised the alarm and still failing. Then I saw a video on youtube and realised I could have just strolled in and killed the 4-5 guys inside the house and knife the boss.
Posted 11 years ago2013-03-05 18:27:33 UTC Post #312909
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Serious Sam 3.
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