So I've had this problem of too few spawn points on all of my maps so far. For some reason even though I put 32 spawns players kept dying. The spawns were the correct entity, had more than enough space around them and I even tried adding them all invidually instead of shift+drag but nothing has helped so far.
I managed to fix this on my second map when a friend of mine suggested that I would just double the amount of spawns. As ridiculous as it sounds, for some reason when I put 64 spawns instead of 32 they work perfectly fine, and it has to be that 64, anything less and couple players still die. So ever since that I have just began to put 64 spawns to every map I make, just adding another layer of them above the original 32 I put there.
But for sure this cannot be normal, so I would like to know what causes this. Currently I'm only mapping for CS 1.6 Deathrun. You can check my maps here:
If you need any more info feel free to ask, would be nice to know what I'm doing wrong