I've been into photography for the last 3 and a half years but I've never really posted here since I really suck at it. Though I'll post some of my better pictures for fun. I use a Canon Rebel T3, and do I love the hell out of it.
First off is one of my favorite pictures, it's an HDR of an old fire engine I took in November last year. I don't know why I took a picture of it at all, no one else seemed interested in it(we were on a field trip).
Next up is from the same area is a panoramic picture I took, that even though I thought looked horrible, I got a small scholarship for somehow. I like how all the old vehicles are sort of just all together rotting away. I actually put this picture up on display in an old peoples home when they asked my school if we would.
And finally I'll post this picture from November 2012, I really liked how the riverbed looked, I may have upped the vibrancy just a bit :p. I managed to get an Honroable Mention for this one in my state's fair. The area where this was recently got closed down late March because of forest fires, really hope it's still as beautiful as it was when I was there.
So yeah, that's just a few. I have a lot of albums on my Facebook, and a I have a few pictures on my website. Hopefully I get better, I don't plan on stopping taking pictures anytime soon, I may be bad but it's a lot of fun.