I have two main maps, one a missile Silo(30% complete) and the other a shopping mall(50%). Also have 2-3 older unreleased maps both about 50% done(last year's CEVO entries, lol), which could also be used.
Tbh i really don't want a partner, but there is no way otherwise i could possibly finish in time... If anyone is interested, throw me a PM, and i will send you the vmf/bsp to check them out.
Even if you don't have a gret deal of experience with CSGO, as long as you have a solid framework for level design in general, that's fine. (you must however at the very least own CSGO or be willing to buy it!)
All credit/prizes would be split evenly.
Alternatively, I be willing to help you finish one of your maps for the same deal, if you had one