I bought this because I wanted to map for the GameBanana Insurgency Contest, but I must say now I'm intrigued to play a FPS game with now crosshair, radar overview, nor kill notifications!
Considering the only shooter game I play really is CS, I'm finding the extra controls a little intimidating, but I'm slowly adjusting! Another thing I must say is this game is HARD and the maps are gigantic

I LOVE that it only takes a couple shots to kill, compared to CS where unless you get headshots, prepare to use half your clip.. It's also nice having a sprint and prone button again!(last game I played that had that was DoD:S!)
The weight system and many of the other features(that I'm still getting aquainted with), make for MUCH REALISM, and I'm really enjoying it! Incredible work, especially for a 3rd-party mod!

What do you guys think of the game so far, and is anyone mapping for the contest?