The idea is for a button to start a sequence of events:
- fire a door_rotating
- fire env_render
- will add sounds etc so more events
Here is a screenshot of what it looks like before and after the sequence is fired: I've tried a ton of things without success so far:
Setting the button reset to -1 makes it impossible to retrigger in future rounds.
Setting a master for the button that is turned off after first usage makes it possible to turn off the button at least one more time firing the sequence again.
My last attempt was:
button-> dummy door (with master)-> multi_manager (start sequence)-> door_rotating & env_render & trigger_relay (master->off)
This makes it successfully impossible for the button to retrigger the sequence. Now what happens in next round:
restartround-> multi_manager(reset entities)-> trigger_relay (master -> on) & env_render (to reset the effect)
Using the button doesn't start the sequence.
The master I am currently using is another dummy door.
Any help appreciated.