Thanks CapT.

Created 10 years ago2015-01-20 04:48:38 UTC by
folder AND the current version of the basemap.Also, if you would like to make them out as brushwork, I could convert them to ".obj" and then compile them to ".mdl". Your choice.OOhhh that would be extremely useful Alberto, kinda like Propper for GS? will the textures stay put too? I think Tet was also trying to do this in Blender, but he might have had some issues getting everything to work.
TL:DR, brushwork your heart out with sledge and I can convert the crazy stuff into models.Awesome!
After that last day making the map, I went to sleep and saw hint brushes XDIt's a bird, it's a plane, wait, it's HINTMAN! Striving to make maps right which once went wrong, hoping each time his next compile, will be the compile home
But wait, Tetsu0, I thought the new func_detail is a great new addition? What about that?I have actually found out through testing that passable func_details generate clipnodes and func_illusionaries do not. It was a lesson learned too late but I created a test map to check the differences and was amazed.... All you have to do is look at the compile log to see this. (it tells you what % of clipnodes, models, brushes, etc...)
I hope i have the time and motivation to make a tutorial or a write up on how I optimized that map. I think everyone on this site should have those skills.^ Yeah dude that would be an incredibly-helpful tutorial! Write it while all the info is fresh in your mind!
I have actually found out through testing that passable func_details generate clipnodes and func_illusionaries do not.Yes, but i think only if you use
clip economy
under CSG options you made us aware of under Advanced compile? I remember changing all the crystals in the map to func_illusionary(using Normal compile), and the results were worse(either in more clipnodes or the map failing to compile).. Tet, would the simple action of just using Bevel textures rather than null not massively help on the clipnode side of things?I haven't the slightest clue. I'll have to make a test map and check the compile log.
brushes, and there were only very negligible reduction in clipnodes usage compared to usingNULL
.clip economy
mode to fix optimization dilemmas