Your characters Created 9 years ago2015-03-15 14:52:34 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Created 9 years ago2015-03-15 14:52:34 UTC by monster_urby monster_urby

Posted 9 years ago2015-03-15 14:52:34 UTC Post #324729
This is probably more for the people who are more into their RPGs and such, maybe even tabletop games, but I just figured it would be interesting to see if you take on a particular role when gaming? For me, I now have three:

Urby (Urbanebula) aka. Me
Alignment - True Neutral

So, when playing titles from the Fallout or Elder Scrolls series, I typically try and play as myself the first time around. I try to be good as often as I can but for the most part I'm out to get as much money as possible, meaning I snatch up items of value or any cash that might be lying around, even if they are considered as "owned."

For the most part I tend to side with the most lawful entity. In Fallout New Vegas I signed up with the New California Republic and used their armour and weaponry for the most part, keeping my distance and gunning down anyone that threatened innocent life. In Skyrim, it was the Imperial Legion who I joined, though at the start of the game I wasn't overly keen as they DID try to execute me. However, I have no qualms about taking advantage of these groups either, stealing unguarded tech or weaponry for myself. As with Fallout, I keep a safe distance, using a bow and keeping to the shadows where possible.

Aluben (nebula backwards, you see?)
Alignment - Chaotic Evil

Usually my second play through is using an alter ego of sorts, who goes by the name Alubenabru or simply Aluben. Often a female character with jet black hair who favours Melee combat. In Skyrim she often wields a great-sword and heavier armour. In Fallout, a straight razor for getting up close and personal to her foes, also cannibalizing fallen friends and enemies.

Generally unpleasant, she seeks out other unpleasant people, but they are by no means her allies. A good example would be an assault on a prison in Fallout New Vegas. After the battle, one room was littered with corpses and occupied by a single unarmed doctor. Cannibalizing bodies in front of anyone, friend or foe is considered unnatural and doing so would have caused the doc to call the guards. As such, she slit his through and proceeded to devour the flesh of him, as well as the others lying dead in the room.

It's interesting how playing melee only, in a game filled with guns and bombs, made my playstyle so much more brutal. I had to make sure I got the first shot in, and when they were down I would keep wailing on my target until their head caved in.

Lord / Nord Casserole
Alignment - Chaotic Evil

Lord / Nord Casserole is the character I use in the series I upload to YouTube, such as Rimming the Sky (Skyrim) and Falling Out (Fallout). He is a different kind of Evil to Aluben. Generally pompous and self absorbed, he is mean and unpredictable. He generally sees other people as idiotic and a hindrance to his tasks. His only real friends in Skyrim are the Horkers (Elder Scrolls equivalent to a Walrus) that line the shores, referring to them as simply "My little Horker friends."

Largely led by greed, he takes on various tasks in search of gold and other riches, often switching sides DURING said tasks in order to get the best deal for himself. One such example, entering a mine recently taken over by a clan of bandits only to strip it of all the ore, then butchering the bandits to collect a reward.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-15 15:40:22 UTC Post #324730
I get really annoying perfectionism and am unable to complete these western RPG's. I also hoard ammo to the point that I die every 3 minutes because of perfectionism and trying to melee everything without loosing HP. I save up stat points as well and/or dump them into a single stat and later find out it was a useless stat. I get frustrated and quit alot playing these types of games. I try to not join any side whatsoever because I dont want some assassin group killing me every 5 minutes, and at one point I had to create a new char because my current char autosaved where some assassins were spawning nearby and there was no way to kill them. I am unable to finish these types of games like FNV or SS2 because of this irritable trait. If I knew more about the game to glitch thru it, I will.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-15 16:01:14 UTC Post #324731
While western RPGs can be frustrating like that, I'd take them over JRPGs anyway. They have a far more irritating habit of... well... being shit.

Also, not spending stat points or stacking one trait is pretty damn foolish and frankly asking for trouble down the line. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-15 20:04:59 UTC Post #324734
I most often play as myself, because the easiest decision path is my own. However, the first time I played Fallout 3, I thought I'd try something different and started to play as Cindy, a good hearted but slightly naive brunette. I even took the time to collect various outfits and fashionable accessories. It slowly died out back into my own personality as I grew increasingly lazy around coming up with decisions that were not undoubtedly by me.

That was my grand adventure at exploring characters that were not me.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-15 21:53:18 UTC Post #324736
In Deus Ex, I usually play as Tittydick Denton.
User posted image
Somehow, he's capable of paying attention to no-one and knowing everything (possibly because he's lived through the same events in previous lives of his) and his morality waffles depending on what he hasn't done in previous runthroughs of the game.

He manages to get through every espionage situation without murdering a single enemy, but he has a terrible habit of violently murdering hookers and bums without remorse. He has also single-handedly murdered literally every single human being in Hong Kong (except for Gordon Quick and Tracer Tong because they're invincible.)
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-15 22:29:08 UTC Post #324737
The characters I play seem to differ depending on the game. With the likes of the Fallouts, I seem to usually go for a fairly standard character my first time through, using regulla guns and being well-rounded, and the same sort of morality as Urby's Urby.
The likes of Skyrim and such, bows tend to be my first resort. I usually try to make a spellcaster at some point, but I never seem to quite enjoy it as much. I rarely make a proper melee character in them. I don't know why.

My second playthrough is almost inevitably, if the option exists, one who fights bare-handed (or something equivalent, like brass knuckles or whatever). I still have fond memories of my Nord in Morrowind who ran around literally wearing and wielding nothing except a cheap pair of pants, beating the absolute shit out of daedra lords and such.

Unless I'm going for something specific, my characters have for a long time usually been female, which probably isn't surprising.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-16 02:48:17 UTC Post #324740
I have two "main" character archetypes.

Alignment - Neutral Good [Generally Neutral, anyway]

Basically me. I try to do what's best for the people around me, don't generally steal, and only ever murder people if I feel they really, really deserve it. Except for my first playthrough of Fallout 3 where I murdered silver and then instantly felt extremely disgusted with myself and guilty. (Though not enough to load a previous save - I should get back into the non-habit of doing that.) This sometimes leads to situations like getting the Ghouls in west DC to peacefully move into Tenpenny tower, and then having to bring justice to them later on when they slaughter everyone. Whoops.
I tend to favour heavy armour, conventional ranged weapons, and a wee bit of stealth.

[Name Not Consistent
Chaotic Evil

Female, usually redhead, psychopathic. She doesn't always murder people, but when she does, it's usually because she felt like it, rather than a legitimate reason. Stealing is, of course, always an option, as is trickery. Often employs stealth, unless she's making a ruckus for the sheer fun of it. May or may not side with the "bad guys" when the option is given.

Lawful Good(ish)

This isn't a standard character by any means, but I like to tell the story.
Nick (named after the recently-transferred CSI character, because Vegas) was my attempt at a cowboy build in New Vegas, as something new do try. I was also trying some new mods to make things a bit less forgiving. The net result of this was that shortly after passing through Primm, I was ambushed by some powder gangers, blown the heck up, and, due to lack of doctor's bags in my inventory or anywhere between Primm and there, I had to limp, crying and bleeding, with my right arm busted up, the entire way through Nipton into Novac.
Was quite invigorating, and also a very large relief when I finally got to Novac's quack doctor to set my broken bones.
On subsequent a playthrough with my "Me" character, I also had a mod that adds lens overlay effects while wearing headgear, which had the effect of me having to go on a desperate search through various ruins for the first 4 hours of the game or so to find parts to repair my cracked prescription lenses so I could actually goddamn see. I really like experiences like that in my games - small, self generated quests made by various game systems interacting together in a way that nobody explicitly intended.
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