TWHL Tourney Created 9 years ago2015-03-18 11:52:07 UTC by rufee rufee

Created 9 years ago2015-03-18 11:52:07 UTC by rufee rufee

Posted 9 years ago2015-03-22 22:28:26 UTC Post #324940
You mentioned that SO MANY TIMES that in the back of my mind I was like "...maybe I am SexualLobster?"


(Seriously, Worms this weekend. :D )
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-22 22:33:39 UTC Post #324941
Implying the first part wasn't serious, but yes, worms for daaaays! (or a more appropriate amount of time)
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-28 23:46:33 UTC Post #325079
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 00:10:17 UTC Post #325080
That's usually how it is, isn't it? We come to play games with friends, we stay to have a laugh and make fun of Dimbeak in TS.
TawnosPrime TawnosPrimeI...AM...CANADIAN!
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 00:29:53 UTC Post #325081
TeamSpeak makes anything fun! Also, it seems that Dimbeak calmed down by the time I rolled up. :P
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 01:26:13 UTC Post #325082
I request another tourney to experience this in real time.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 01:47:10 UTC Post #325083
Ohhhh nooooo.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 02:10:52 UTC Post #325084
Ohhhh Yes.
Also, I guess Urby releasing part 1 of the highlights means I lost the release race.
C42, still coming eventually!
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 03:34:05 UTC Post #325085
Not like he released The Core or something.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 08:17:02 UTC Post #325097
I think we need another one, sooner than later. As I mentioned somewhere else, I'd be happy to front up the cash for a server, but someone will need to run it (as I have no idea how). I do think that we'd probably need to sort out a slightly more convenient time for everyone though. Not sure how easy that'll be.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 08:39:48 UTC Post #325098
Well if everyone posts a time that they are free for the next 4 hours we can work out a convenient time for everyone :)
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 13:38:34 UTC Post #325099
Just letting my mouth talk here* †, bear with me... If an ideal time for everyone is out of the question, what if the tourney was perhaps a bit shorter and run twice on a particular day at different times? People could then attend whichever is more convenient, or both if they choose. To make it fair on people who can only attend one, maybe only the tickets from one of the events would count for people who attend both; whichever one they earned more in.
A split tourney would mean less people in any one event, though.

* Metaphorically, of course.
† Like usual.

EDIT: As for the previous question, I suppose the most convenient times for myself would be about 04-14 GMT. Consider that broadly niche though, even for Aussietralia.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 18:49:00 UTC Post #325111
I'm very unhappy I missed that.
On the other hand. The Grand Canyon is nice this time of year
User posted image
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 19:53:03 UTC Post #325112
To make it fair on people who can only attend one, maybe only the tickets from one of the events would count for people who attend both; whichever one they earned more in.
Or tickets for people who only attended one could count twice. Either way sounds interesting.

For a bestest time of the day, I'm going with any time on a weekend. If specifics are needed, I'd say from 15:00 Saturday all the way to 05:00 Monday.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 20:17:25 UTC Post #325113
I swear I won't fuck up with the annoying sounds again, but everyone really enjoyed the AirPorn ones... Can I at least do that appropriately next time?

AND I DON'T SOUND like some 5 year old noisy kid from CoD, yay!
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 20:30:38 UTC Post #325116
"My mom is off picking up a trophy that I won."
"That's not true, she's right here."

Haha, points for the speed of that zinger.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-29 20:38:45 UTC Post #325117
^^^ +1
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-30 11:03:17 UTC Post #325127
I dunno Jessie. I feel one of those two matches would be severely underpopulated, given that we're a fairly small community.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-30 12:02:49 UTC Post #325128
We averaged about 12 people during both winter and spring.
Id say that is good for the size that we are, AJ is right having 2 tourneys will cut down numbers and it becomes a really annoying 3v3, 4v4 situation which gets old really fast.

Running a 24 hour one is also not really an option since most of the time the server will be empty. We just have to find a sweet spot for everyone to be available.
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-30 18:33:01 UTC Post #325133
I think the time's work fine, we just have to pick a day (like saturday / sunday) where everyone can adjust their schedule, and it's far enough in advance for people to prepare their calendars.

I missed only because I had a pre-planned vacation.
Tetsu0 Tetsu0Positive Chaos
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-30 22:41:27 UTC Post #325134
I suppose I'm being a bit selfish in regards to timing. This last tourney didn't favour the Aussies: I joined for a decent chunk of it as I'm currently in daylight savings time, but Pebs only managed to jump in for the last few rounds and Strider had no chance as he lives in the stone age.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-31 01:07:43 UTC Post #325136
Strider had no chance as he lives in the stone age.
I'm happy just watching the highlights, thank you!
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-31 02:12:06 UTC Post #325139
How does the stone age work over there?
I missed only because I had a pre-planned vacation.
At least you had an excuse. I thought it was a different day, and I was completely free.
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-31 02:18:59 UTC Post #325141
Oh yeah? I stayed up way too late playing Monster Hunter, and ended up going to bed about an hour before it started! Let's see someone top that!
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 9 years ago2015-03-31 09:59:50 UTC Post #325153
We have a winner!
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-15 07:20:42 UTC Post #326422
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-15 07:44:44 UTC Post #326423
Cheers Ant.

Finally got around to editing more of the masses and masses of footage. Here are the highlights (believe it or not) from the second hour.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-15 09:55:54 UTC Post #326424
That's cool and all, like legit (holy shit, I camped and killed you in a corner, lmao) but where's the part where I dominated the entire ancient map with the AWP? ;~;

Best Regards,
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-15 10:44:08 UTC Post #326425
That was like, the 3rd or 4th hour I think. I don't think I've got any footage of it though because I quickly learned to keep away from that corner.

I still say the noob cannon should have been worth 0 points. I liked that rule.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-07-15 13:55:00 UTC Post #326429
Well, I didn't want SPECIFIC footage of me, but I was hoping there'd be a screenie of me topping the charts ^^ Or at least, people raging when I kill them or something... But anyhoo...

Well, I liked it too; I would have still used it anyways; I'm the squad's designated Sniper. (I wish)

Best Regards,
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 12:36:50 UTC Post #327033
Hour 3 footage. Mostly taking digs at Dimbark as we get more and more inebriated.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 13:31:58 UTC Post #327035
Dimbeak shoots self in background of game
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 14:10:37 UTC Post #327036
Wanker Gesture.

Thanks for the upload; love how I get so many kills in this video. :')
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 15:18:59 UTC Post #327037
Shame they were mostly AWP kills. Makes you look a bit shit. :P
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 17:28:38 UTC Post #327040
So much Urby mouth-breathing.

Still no TWHL tournament moment has ever surpassed this.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 17:29:31 UTC Post #327041
I AM shit; I'm just Silver Master Elite.. No one said I was good; I was talking about finally getting some spotlight on me be it shit or not..
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-27 18:07:20 UTC Post #327043
So much Urby mouth-breathing.
I'm so sorry. Breathing is a terrible habit I picked up after birth. Now I can't seem to live without it.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 9 years ago2015-09-28 08:31:51 UTC Post #327058
You guys having another tourny sometime soon or just reminiscing about the old one?
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-28 10:11:14 UTC Post #327060
A new tourney would be most enjoyable. I'm just working through the footage at the moment. So much footage
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-28 12:42:25 UTC Post #327065
Next time I'll lie off the coke.
Dimbeak DimbeakRotten Bastard
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-29 12:06:31 UTC Post #327091
Next time, I'll lie off the soundboard effects, though I know how to hotkey and stop them on time now, but still...
Ghost129er Ghost129erSAS1946 Certified Nuisance
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-29 16:18:13 UTC Post #327100
Yeah, not using soundboards will greatly reduce your chances of getting kicked out of teamspeak.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-30 08:24:06 UTC Post #327110
Next time, I'll be present
Instant Mix Instant MixTitle commitment issues
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-30 08:50:04 UTC Post #327111
Cool, I'll be future.

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-30 12:00:28 UTC Post #327113
I thought i would be able to organize something during the summer, but much work and yeah you know the rest.
Anyway its been quite a while and i think its time to do another CSGO tourney?
rufee rufeeSledge fanboy
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-30 12:30:17 UTC Post #327114
Always wit' the CS, oy.
Jessie JessieTrans Rights <3
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-30 12:57:48 UTC Post #327115
I'm happy with any game. I usually just show up for the banter.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-30 17:33:33 UTC Post #327119
Still no TWHL tournament moment has ever surpassed this.
That thing is ancient.
If we ever meet I'll force you to eat marinated herring. Then you have my permission to die.
I'm happy with any game. I usually just show up for the banter.
Oh all right. So when do we play some Starcraft 2? :biggrin:
Striker StrikerI forgot to check the oil pressure
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-30 20:19:24 UTC Post #327122
I'm happy with any game. I usually just show up for the banter.
Oh all right. So when do we play some Starcraft 2?
I would sooner kill myself. Source or Goldsource only please... And not fucking Ricochet!
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 8 years ago2015-09-30 20:29:22 UTC Post #327123
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