How to make damage indicator sprites? Created 6 years ago2018-06-17 20:25:28 UTC by Cabo Fiambre Cabo Fiambre

Created 6 years ago2018-06-17 20:25:28 UTC by Cabo Fiambre Cabo Fiambre

Posted 6 years ago2018-06-17 20:25:28 UTC Post #339936
Something quick, how do i make the damage indicator sprites? i'm talking about those red things that show up when you recieve damage.

I tried several times but when i test them on game my custom sprites get replaced with the default ones.
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-18 17:26:48 UTC Post #339949
All you need is a sprite with 4 frames (one frame per damage direction - top, right, bottom and left). Then put it into the "sprites" folder and name it "640_pain.spr". You can also create a low-res version named "320_pain.spr" that will be used for screen resolutions smaller than 640x480 if you feel it's necessary, but I wouldn't bother, the Steam version doesn't even support such low resolutions properly. You don't have to touch the hud.txt file as there is no definition for the pain indicators in there, the game loads the sprite file directly.
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-18 22:16:23 UTC Post #339953
Thanks! I made this:

link text

The sprites are the same size as the originals and are in the correct order but as soon as i test it on game the custom sprites don't appear, what i'm doing wrong?
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-19 17:38:28 UTC Post #339967
Your sprite doesn't show up quite correctly in some tools but it works perfectly fine in-game for me. It's rather difficult to see the interlacing effect though, but that's caused by a bug in the engine not by your sprite (see this thread). Try again in software mode, it should be easier to see the difference there... If it still doesn't work the file must be in a wrong folder or something.
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-20 01:11:30 UTC Post #339970
Tested on software and it works perfectly fine! Gonna do a few tests to see if i can make it work on opengl. Many thanks for the explainations and help!
Posted 6 years ago2018-06-20 22:26:10 UTC Post #339980
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