issues with making security guards shut up (goldsrc) Created 7 months ago2023-10-20 20:14:24 UTC by Bullsquid Bullsquid

Created 7 months ago2023-10-20 20:14:24 UTC by Bullsquid Bullsquid

Posted 7 months ago2023-10-20 20:14:24 UTC Post #347965
so basically i want this really cranky barney to tell the player to piss off once they step into a trigger, but i don't want him to respond to the player afterwards if they try to interact with him. apparently using gag can make him shut up, but he still says his lines even with gag ticked.
(please note i am verrry new to hammer editor so dont get angry if the answer is extremely obvious)
Posted 7 months ago2023-10-22 14:03:51 UTC Post #347970
Gag stops an NPC's idle chatter, but not responses to being used unfortunately. One thing you could try is giving the "piss off" scripted_sentence a VERY long Sentence Time value.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 7 months ago2023-10-26 01:57:58 UTC Post #347973
Barneys have the attributes UseSentence and UnUseSentence which can be used to specify what they say when asked to follow/stop following the player. So setting UseSentence to !BA_MAD0 results in a barney that says "step off, buddy" when asked to follow. (He will still follow anyway, you need to override his AI with a scripted_sequence.)
If you want him to say nothing at all, you could create a new sentence in a custom sentences.txt that makes him "say" a .wav with only silence in it.
Note: avoid editing the sentences.txt in the ../Half-Life/valve/sound folder directly, as those are the sentences used in the main game. You'll need to distribute the custom sentences.txt with your content, in your_mod/sound if it's a mod, or valve_addon/sound if it's an addon pack.
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