What good games does Xbox have that you cannot get on the PS2 or the computer?
that really isnt so important.
xbox has more good games than you would ever have time to finish having a wife and job and all. xbox currently has the best graphix out of the big 3... that's a fact. xbox has a huge hd to copy songs of your cds that you can put in your games. xbox live allows you dl extra levels, vehicles, etc for games you own, and lets you play your games online. for xbox live you need to have dsl or cable modem, so u dont have all the 56laggers around.
theres way more reasons to go with xbox over the number 2 ps2. but the ONLY reason to go with the ps2 is because it has more games. realisticly though, go to the store and see all the games for xbox. theres PLENTY... more than you would ever have time to play.
if xbox has more great games than you have time to play, then why go with the system with inferior graphics just because it has even more games?
get the xbox... it's the only choice