Gman or Nihilanth? Created 20 years ago2004-06-03 10:39:10 UTC by Coolfat3459 Coolfat3459

Created 20 years ago2004-06-03 10:39:10 UTC by Coolfat3459 Coolfat3459

Posted 20 years ago2004-07-17 19:35:34 UTC Post #42395
No regrets, Mr. freeman, but there are a few surviviors of your personal Holocaust who would like to meet the man responsible for the total anihilation of their race... Ive memerized every Line from the gman and Nihilanth
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 16:18:23 UTC Post #42589
Are the messages DECIEVING....fighting a lying giant git at the end isnt as good for a seq as fighting the goodguy. I think Nihilanth is good and gman is an evil alien asshole....An all powerful liar would say "give me your crowbar and ill show you a trick..." then hit you with it himself...for gordon to be on the 'good' side amidst all the chaos at the end would be a crap way to continue a fantastic 'whats going on' plot.


I heard that Nihilanth comes to earth and is put on the endangered species list in the sequel....but maybe he put that into my head so i dont kill him :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-07-18 17:31:24 UTC Post #42611
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 09:15:40 UTC Post #52465
redemption is crap...Half-Life 2 is the real sequel...and Dr.Rosenberg calls the military to help them kill the aliens. and the goverment decides to kill anybody involved with Black Mesa (duuuhh). stupid... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 14:07:02 UTC Post #52508
def. Gman, if u listen to him closly, he has the same voice (ie: stresses, sylable placement and pausing) as Agent Smith.........almost....., who by the way is the coolest character in a film EVER!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 14:15:54 UTC Post #52510
GMan is more like Agent Smith than one might think, if you listen carefully to GMan he has the same voice!! (ie: word stresses, sylable emphasis and pausing), its almost like Hugo Weaving copied it, which means he plays half life, which means he is cool........-er.....
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 14:34:17 UTC Post #52514
ah ok, this is where my posts went....sorry for double posting, got lost :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 14:54:16 UTC Post #52525
It's Absolute Redemption, not Final Redemption. And yes. It rules.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 16:47:35 UTC Post #52556
But it was too short... But wow, I thought this thread died...
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 13:54:50 UTC Post #96500
hehehe i made a map with about 100 barneys and nihilanth and he kept going for me so i made endless medpacs and took abouit 15 mins of costant shootign for the barneys but he disapeared into electricity

and what sucks is i have never gotten past xen in hl1 but i beaten him on sven coop.

but any ways gman rules when you shoot him hes like bullet proof metal WOOT!!! it sparks hehe
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 15:51:16 UTC Post #96512
wow, do you just go around looking at old topics to reply to?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 17:04:41 UTC Post #96525
Yes :(
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 19:16:46 UTC Post #96539
It dies, really. HL2 gives so many answer that pretty much all the talking about G-Man goes wasted (duh). I think it's time for a new thread...
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 20:45:43 UTC Post #96545
Its kinda hard to compare somone like Breen to something like Nihilanth. I mean, they are in two different games. Man, I need Half life Source, but I don't want to buy it! And I can't find any files anywhere!
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