lo there..I am new at mapping ( I red the introduction end readme's on this site .. that's all ) and I have some questions...
First question
When you start up Hammer you have to set the direction where your .wad files are... the problem is..in the setupguide it as other wads then mine ( mine is called tempdecal.wad; i think hammers WADs are WON HL's and my WAD is Steam HL's ) is that a problem? and if yes....where can I get it?
Second question
I knew very little about Spirit of HL, is it compatible with Steam now?
Shall I wait to use it? it seems a bit too advanced to a n00b mapper...
( still have to begin at my first map ...however it's alreaddy drawed on paper : )
Third question
Any tips and tricks?
PS my english in not that fantastic becaus I haven't spoken it for 2 years now so sorry for spellingmistakes and plz try to use simple english if you explain something...I am a belgian you see?