A different story I made Created 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:37:31 UTC by Coolfat3459 Coolfat3459

Created 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:37:31 UTC by Coolfat3459 Coolfat3459

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:37:31 UTC Post #49944
This is a 4 page story in microsoft word so get comfy before reading this. I don't know what sparked the idea for this story, it just popped into my head about a year ago, I wrote it in the next 2 days after I got the idea, this story used to be up on my old site, but I took it away. Anyway, this is probably the best peice of writing I have ever done.

The Wall of Corpses

Jennifer didn?t know much about the city she was moving into. Same about her new house. She only saw that fact that she liked the house she was moving into and she liked everything around it. The house seemed so innocent. It was only one story and it had five rooms. A bedroom, a living room, a bathroom, a kitchen, and a dining room. And it was on a hill surrounded by a pretty forest. The perfect house for her. So it seemed... This is the story...
?Good day,? said the cashier at the grocery store.  ?Yes it is,? replied Jennifer.  She was out shopping for food, after all, she just moved in.  ?New in town? I?ve never seen you before,? asked the cashier.  Jennifer replied, ?Yes.  I just moved in.  I live in the small house up on the hill?.  The cashier did not respond, he only stood there, like a rock, frozen in a terror that Jennifer did not understand.  Then he finally said, ?I?m taking a break now.  Here?s your receipt?. With that, the cashier walked out of the store.  Jennifer could not understand what was going on.  Until another man came up to her.  ?Hello. I could not help it, but I overheard your conversation with the cashier and I have something to tell you,? said the man. He continued on, ?You must move out. Do it! A very dark past haunts that house?.  Jennifer replied, ?A dark past?  Please.  You?re just trying to mess with me?.  ?No I am not!  Rumor is that the first man who lived there was a happy man.  His whole life was perfect, he had plenty of money, a great wife, and a good job.  But one night all of it changed.  That night the man and his wife were sleeping in their bed and in he came.  A killer who was completely stealth in every way. He made no footsteps when he walked, he made no footprints when he stepped, and he somehow he had no  fingerprints.  When he broke in, he made no sound, when he walked into the couple?s bedroom, he made no sound, when he pulled out his knife... he made no sound.  The killer slit the neck of both the man and his wife.  He stuffed them up into the chimney, not even bothering to burn the body; he just let them rot.  For the next fifteen years anybody who moved into that house has been killed by the same man.  And every body has been stuffed into the wall of the house.  After each murder the killer would board up the wall so finely that it looked as though the wood had never been moved.  He never once got rid of a body by burning it, or eating it. No, he just let them rot in the walls?.  Jennifer was very interested in this rumor she had just heard but something was wrong about it, ?If he let the bodies rot in the wall, wouldn?t they stink?? ?Ah, yes, they should, but somehow they don?t apparently?.  Jennifer was just not believing it now; ?Well I?m not afraid of some stupid rumor.  Maybe every person who lived there just moved out without telling anyone. Anyway, I am living in that house, and I?m not going to let an urban legend stop me?.  As Jennifer walked out of the grocery store with all of her food and she could hear the last thing that the man said to her as she walked.  What he said made her spine chill, it gave her a frightful thought in her head. He said, ?The others before you didn?t believe the rumor either?...
That night Jennifer could not sleep.  All she could think about was how a killer could be walking around in her house without her knowing it.  How the killer could be in her room right now and she not even know it.  How the killer could be right next to her bed, the same bed that the first couple died in, right now... and she not even know it.  She stayed motionless and noiseless for hours until the thought drove her to sit up and look around.  She looked all around the room and the rest of her new house.  She was happy to find nobody walking around in her house.  Finally she fell asleep but after the dream she had that night, Jennifer would have gladly stayed up until morning.  She dreamed that she was in her living room watching television late at night.  She had all the lights turned off and the TV was the only thing lighting up the house.  There she sat until she felt something grab her, spin her around, and pull out a knife.  The dark figure threw down the blood stained knife and she died...  Then Jennifer could see her dead body being put into a hole in the wall in her bedroom...  Then Jennifer could see all the corpses of the people before her... Then... Jennifer woke up.
?Wow, what a night.  But it is morning now and I fell much better,? thought Jennifer.  She walked into the kitchen and made some coffee.  She decided to look into this whole killer thing at the local library.  All day she spent, looking in books and checking the internet for a history or documentation of the murderer who everybody in the town feared.  Finally at 5:00 pm she found what she was looking for.  A newspaper clip put on the internet at a ?most scary places in the world? web site.  It said, ?March 5th, 1987.  Yesterday the resident of Exitville known as George Flynten and his wife, Marsha, mysteriously disappeared from their home.  All of their furniture was left in the house, which was located on the top of a hill and surrounded by a forest.  The only evidence to this mystery was a blood stained knife left on the floor, which is mysteriously disappeared as well today as the police investigated the house for clues?.  Jennifer could not believe what she had just read.  The rumor was true.
She had to move out.  Jennifer had to move out before the murderer came.  But then she realized; for her to move out, she would have to return to her house to collect her things.  A long chill ran down her spine.  It was 7:00 pm when Jennifer left the library.  It was dark outside.  There was no way she could leave tonight, she would have to stay at least two more nights at that house to be able to pack up everything she owned.  But instead of driving straight home, Jennifer drove to a sporting store and bought a hard metal baseball bat.  She thought to herself, ?I am not sleeping tonight, I am waiting?.  She got home, parked her car, and took a careful look around.  She walked inside and held her bat close and ready to attack.  Finally she made her way to the kitchen and made a big pot of coffee and sat down in her living room.  Quietly she waited.  Until she heard a noise from the chimney.  Scared nearly stiff, Jennifer struggled to turn her head towards the fireplace where later she would have gladly not looked.  Because when she finished turning her head, two dusty figures fell down.  The rotting bodies of the Flyntens had decayed enough to fall down the chimney.  Jennifer stared in horror at the two bodies.  She could not move, all she could see was two rotting bodies in her fireplace.  Very quickly the whole house was flooded with the odor of rotting skin.  Nothing else happened that night.
When morning came around Jennifer was really tired.  She figured that because it was morning she probably would not be in danger.  She fell asleep and woke up at 2:00 pm.  The bodies were still there but she had no time to do anything about them.  She immediately started packing her things trying to ignore the horrible smell of the fireplace.  She had a quick lunch and a quick dinner and went back to packing.  When nightfall came she repeated the steps of the previous night.  She made a pot of coffee to stay awake and went into the living room.  She couldn?t stand the horrible sight of the bodies anymore and she decided to use them as replacement for firewood and burn them down to nothing.  10:00 pm struck... The house was silent... Jennifer looked everywhere for any sign of the killer... Until... Her power went out... Somebody had cut her power.  And Jennifer knew exactly who it was.  Now she got up and looked around everywhere but it useless, it was too dark to see anything.  She ran as fast as she could to grab a flashlight from her bedroom.  With much luck, Jennifer found one and turned it on.  Then she turned around and there he was.
?Hello,? he said softly.  Jennifer said nothing, did nothing, only stared in horror. Then she ran.  Luckily he wasn?t blocking the door.  When she reached the living room the man was already waiting for her.  She brought up the bat but he ran straight towards her and grabbed it.  It?s hopeless now, she thought.  Without making a sound what so ever the murderer backed up against the wall and smashed the bat into the wall shattering the wallpaper and wood, leaving a large hole in the wall.  Inside the wall he pointed and Jennifer looked.  There they were,  hundreds of rotting bodies from before.  Men, women, even children.  Some of the bodies fell out of the hole and fell onto the ground and broke into pieces.  But it was a mistake to look into the wall of corpses because when Jennifer looked back the killer was gone.  But only after a few seconds she felt something grab her.  The killer pulled her around and said softly into her ear, ?Every room in this house has over fifty dead bodies, all my work?.  Then something flickered in the dim light if the living room.  He was now holding the knife, the same blood stained knife she saw in her dream.  Somehow Jennifer got the strength to get out of the man?s arms and run.  She heard nothing behind her and nothing in front of her as she dashed for the front door.  She heard nothing at all but the hard slamming of her feet on the ground and the fast pounding of her heart.  But to her horror the killer was waiting for her again at the front door.  ?No no no, you don?t run from me.  You cannot run from me.  You?ll make plenty of friends in the wall don?t worry?.  Now Jennifer could not even move her head.  She was horrified.  The killer slowly started walking closer and closer slowly pulling up his bloody knife.  He had the bat in his other hand and smashed another wall were even more bodies fell out.  This is it, she thought, there?s no way out now.  He brought down his knife and cut her left arm very badly.  She was going to be killed slowly and painfully unlike the others.  But this worked for her because she was not dead as she normally would have been. He grabbed her again and Jennifer reached for the baseball bat.  He pulled it away, thus releasing his grip and Jennifer made a sprint for the door.  She just barely opened it and ran.  Behind her she heard, ?I will not be caught, Even though you are the first to survive, I know that I will still never be caught!? And this was true.  Jennifer had to come back with the police and a moving truck the next day to get her stuff but the murderer was nowhere in sight.
The killer never was caught. And he has continued to slaughter the residents of that house and has continued to put their bodies in the wall.  Jennifer and one other person a few years later were the only people to live through the horror and panic of living in that house.  And Jennifer was traumatized for the rest of her life.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:44:42 UTC Post #49949
Please forgive me for any typos, I forgot to correct them from the original which I merely coped and pasted into here.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 21:56:46 UTC Post #49954
Really good story, I didn't find any typo's or care, afterall I am no teacher or parent. Reading that really blows my story away.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-10 22:09:44 UTC Post #49962
You know what, I have been thinking more and more about that story as I looked at mine, and I must say, that was a really really good story. It had an effective way to get a scary mood across. You did a very good job and I really hope to see more from you.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 00:16:46 UTC Post #49981
wow, you could make story lines for oficail games
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 03:24:00 UTC Post #50020
I'm not sure about the dialog. People don't wander around speaking Standard English the whole time, yeah mofo? ;)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 06:41:36 UTC Post #50070
Simple -- I found this thing called the Dialectiser, observe:

A Section of The Story in Redneck
...Thet night Daisy c'd not sleep. All she c'd reckon about was how a killer c'd be walkin' aroun' in her house wifout her knowin' it. How th' killer c'd be in her room right now an' she not even knows it. How th' killer c'd be right next t'her bed, th' same bed thet th' fust couple died in, right now... an' she not even knows it. She stayed moshunless an' noiseless fo' hours until th' thunk drove her t'set up an' look aroun'. She looked all aroun' th' room an' th' ress of her noo house. She was happy t'find nobody walkin' aroun' in her house. Finally she fell asleep but af'er th' dream she had thet night, Daisy'd haf gladly stayed up until mo'nin'. She dreamed thet she was in her livin' room watchin' tellyvishun late at night. She had all th' lights turned off an' th' TV was th' only thin' lightin' up th' house. Thar she sat until she felt sumpin grab her, spin her aroun', an' pull out a knife. Th' dark figger threw down th' blood stained knife an' she died, cuss it all t' tarnation... Then Daisy c'd see her daid hide bein' put into a hole in th' wall in her bedroom, dawgone it... Then Daisy c'd see all th' co'pses of th' varmints befo'e her... Then, as enny fool kin plainly see... Daisy woke up. ?Wow, whut a night. But it is mo'nin' now an' ah fell much better,? thunk Daisy. She walked into th' kitchen an' made some a six pack. She decided t'look into this hyar whole killer thin' at th' local library. All day she spent, lookin' in books an' checkin' th' internet fo' a histo'y o' docoomntashun of th' murderer who ev'rybody in th' town feared, cuss it all t' tarnation. Finally at 5:00 pm she foun' whut she was lookin' fo'. A noospaper clip put on th' internet at a ?most scary places in th' wo'ld? web site. It said, ?March 5th, 1987. Yestiddy th' resident of Exitville known as Jedidiah Flynten an' his wife, Marsha, mahsteriously disappeared fum their home. All of their furniture was lef' in th' house, which was located on th' top of a hill an' surroun'ed by a fo'est. Th' only evidence t'this mahstery was a blood stained knife lef' on th' flore, which is mahsteriously disappeared as fine today as th' po-lice investigated th' house fo' clues?. Daisy c'd not believe whut she had jest read, cuss it all t' tarnation. Th' rumo' was true...
Section of The Story in Jive Talk
?Wow, whut some night. Man! But it be mo'nin' now and ah' fell much better,? dought Jennifer. Ah be baaad... She walked into de kitchen and made some coffee. She decided t'look into dis wholewastea' din' at da damn local library. Slap mah fro! All day she spent, lookin' in scribblin's and checkin' de internet fo' some histo'y o' documentashun uh de murdera' who everybody in de town feared. Finally at 5:00 pm she found whut she wuz lookin' fo'. A newssheet clip put on de internet at some ?most scary places in de wo'ld? web site. It said, ?March 5d, 1987. Yesterday de resident uh Exitville knode as Geo'ge Flynten and his mama, Marsha, mah'steriously disappeared fum deir crib. All uh deir furniture wuz left in de crib, which wuz located on de top uh a hill and surrounded by some fo'est. Man! De only evidence t'dis mah'stery wuz some blood stained knife left on de floo', which be mysteriously disappeared as well today as de honky pigs investigated da damn crib fo' clues?. Jennifa' could not recon' whut she had plum read. De rumo' wuz true...
...And Cockney
?Cor, wot a night. But it is mornin' now and I fell much better,? fought Jennifer. She walked into the kitchen and made some coffee. Yer can't 'ave a knees-up wivout a joanna. She decided ter 'ave a look into this 'oole killer fin' at the local library. All day she spent, 'ave a lookin' in books and checkin' the internet for an 'istory or documentation of the bleedin' murderer 'oo evry bloke in the bloody tahn feared, right? Finally at 5:00 pm she found wot she were 'ave a lookin' for. A newspaper clip put on the bloomin' internet at a ?most scary places in the world? web site. It said, ?March 5ff, right, 1987, init?Yesterday the bleedin' resident of Exitville known as George Flynten and 'is trouble and strife, Marsha, mysteriously disappeared from their 'ome. All of their furniture were left in the chuffin' house, wich were located on the chuffin' top of an 'ill and surrounded by a forest. The bloomin' only evidence ter this mestery were a blood stained knife left on the bloody floor, wich is mesteriously disappeared as well today as the chuffin' bobbies investigated the bloody house for clues?. Jennifer could not believe wot she 'ad just read. The chuffin' rumor were true...
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 06:52:12 UTC Post #50074
lmao wheres the dialectiser
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-11 07:13:19 UTC Post #50081
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