Confirmation Of What I already Knew Created 20 years ago2004-08-30 09:59:23 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Created 20 years ago2004-08-30 09:59:23 UTC by Jahzel Jahzel

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-30 09:59:23 UTC Post #55245

This site proves exactly my belief that presidents are not elected by ballot but selected by order of bloodline. It also details information regarding the network of secret societies and how all major corporations and religious orders are all controlled by the same people who seem to occupy the same bloodline. It is a must read, if you know or care about the New World Order.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-30 10:04:40 UTC Post #55246
Why d'you never come on IRC?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-30 10:42:12 UTC Post #55250
I don't know, I've never asked myself that question. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-30 13:23:53 UTC Post #55286
:) Quite a site, Jahzel. I like the "genealogy" page. Actually, the chance that someone of WASP-like blood is not descended from British Royalty is probably slim to none!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-30 13:54:30 UTC Post #55293
argh, again one of those weirdo sites.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-30 18:32:05 UTC Post #55351
Hes really a conspiracy and cover up person
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-30 18:48:22 UTC Post #55355
Dont get him started on why tony the tiger doesnt want people to know about the frosting ffs!
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-31 07:56:36 UTC Post #55428
MMmmmmmm, cocaine frosting...
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-31 09:14:56 UTC Post #55437
Actually, regarding the contamination of foods, look no further than Aspartame, Ritalin, fluoride, and others found in most of our popular food and drink. During the Nazi concentration camps, fluoride was used in the water supply to make prisoners more docile and easy to control. That?s why they put fluoride in our water supplies and toothpaste.

P.s. Soft Drinks are heavily contaminated with Aspartame, which in the old days was known as Hemloch, apparently.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-31 09:33:16 UTC Post #55443
Aspartame causes cancer afaik. Stay away from it.
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-31 10:58:11 UTC Post #55458
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 03:17:50 UTC Post #55592
Time to hit the liquor I guess.

I'm pretty sure it's spelt 'hemlock' by the way.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 03:39:23 UTC Post #55606
Ahh, yes, I believe you're right. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 06:30:49 UTC Post #55659
You say crap :O. I also hate those aspartame things but peoples do what they want. And btw do you eat toothpaste? lol Oh, and propably president of Amercica is an alien clone, eh?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:04:30 UTC Post #55664
The Professor says:

"You do not eat toothpaste, however any contact to the gums by any substance can produce effects. This is why cocaine users sometimes rub the powder on their gums, which induces numbness and tingly sensations. This then gradually builds up to heightened effects. Any contact to the gums is direct contact to the bloodstream, which takes very little time to take effect.

The Coca Cola Company uses aspartame and they continue using the artificial sweetener despite controversy. The company insist that it is safe yet investigation has proved that the artificial sweetener can cause medical defects as well as reduced intellectual capabilities during childhood.

There is also research into the genealogy of the world elite and it does appear to be the case that most, if not all, members of the elite are interconnected by the same bloodline of King Henry 1st of England. May I point out that Henry 1st also derives from the same bloodlines of the Ancient Babylonian and Sumer races who are thought to be direct descendants of the Annunaki, an ancient, 'god-like' race who are said to be of extra-terrestrial reptilian origin. This ancient interbreeding is also likely to be the main cause for the development of the R-Complex, or 'reptilian brain' in the human evolutionary process. It is also why some children are born with tales, which are usually removed by doctors during birth. Our DNA contains a significant amount of reptilian DNA and is thought to be highly concentrated in the bloodlines of the Elite.

Our links with the Serpent Race are also confirmed by the significant amount of reptilian symbolism throughout our entire lives."
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:10:21 UTC Post #55667
I don't believe in the whole 'toothpaste to enlsave mankind' conspiracy. You'll notice that Americans (with fluoride in their water) have white teeth, whereas countries without have off-white teeth.

Bush could well be from another planet though. If you listen to his wierd alien language of "subliminibleleble" etc it seems so.

Its no 'crap' as you so beautifully put it crusader...being cynical and asking questions about simple things is what seperates REAL people from the vast unthinking herd of human cattle. Prounounced "A-mer-i-can"
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:11:54 UTC Post #55668
as well as reduced intellectual capabilities during childhood
Heh, I'm no longer a child and I barely ever drank soft drinks when I was younger :) w00t
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:25:28 UTC Post #55672
Ok, ok, ok, i belive that coca-cola IS a bad thing ( :P ) but this
it does appear to be the case that most, if not all, members of the elite are interconnected by the same bloodline of King Henry 1st of England
is just plain St.Upid. EVEN if there are some links to those people who chose, i tell you, you choose now. It's not so easy to cheat on peoplse these days. And reptails + humans actualy = crap. On evolution tree we are closer to mice than reptiles : Ofcourse, first (well not first, but first more complicated) forms of life were reptails swimming in the ocean, but later there were mices, monkeys... omg! Monkeys have... YES! TAILS! O NOOOO! Wait, pigs have tails also! What is going on here! NOOOOO! Oh, and peoples can born with 2 hearts, hearts on top (not inside body!) ,etc.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:29:25 UTC Post #55677
And have webbed toes.....THINK ABOUT IT! :P
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:34:38 UTC Post #55684
You dont CHOOSE a president freely, you select one or the other. You're never going to see an average joe having the money and pr needed to dupe people into voting for him.

Its the whole 'freedom' joke.

You're FREE to have a big house and car....if you have the money.
You're FREE to vote for the person you long as its THIS guy or THAT guy.

Anyone ever see that tv series 'V' It had reptilie men in it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:40:48 UTC Post #55686
Ehm, not true actualy. Knew of Wa??sa? :P Polish president, was working in Harbor. You can read about him. A great man i tell you. I know where he's living.

To return to this 'peoples thing', i wonder what ammount of mistakes you do when you have 40 c fever : Damn it i need to take that "Atrovent" aerozol thing, bleh it sucks like hell! :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:44:26 UTC Post #55688
Yes, 'V' is based on the truth. So too is John Carpenter's 'They Live', and if you follow this guy's film career it is obvios this guy knows the score.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:44:27 UTC Post #55689
stop talking, you just look for holes in the wholes. Like those UFO hunters and those other freaks. : I'm also sure you belive in ghost Jahzel. I go to sleep now, better not to waste time on you :
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:46:51 UTC Post #55692
Most of the UFO issues are usually disinformative and created propoganda to lead curious people astray. Having said that, a significant number of reported cases are genuine and as yet unresloved.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:49:53 UTC Post #55694
Polish president must not be great leader, poland dead country, many people leave, all cows alone now.

Jahzel, if you say that that L Ron Hubbard guy's films are 'true' too, im sorry but I'll have to kill you. He has a little cult ( ;) ) based around evil soul eating aliens....hes a sciencefiction writer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:56:21 UTC Post #55697
Symbolism, not literal espressions.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:58:52 UTC Post #55699
Polish president must not be great leader, poland dead country, many people leave, all cows alone now.
LOL not true. Anyway, i'm going to kill you. If you are so stupid, that you think he was NOT a great leader, you're just DUMB! Read about him and you will see!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 07:59:13 UTC Post #55700
As for UFO cases that havent been resolved...thats to be expected.

I would be REALLY paranoid if EVERY LAST incident was explained away by experts. THAT would suggest a cover up more than UNexplained ones.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 08:15:04 UTC Post #55706
Exactly. But notice how every 'official investigation' has always over-ruled any possibilities that it could be something far more than just a mere halucination or the popular 'mirage of Venus' or electromagnetic disturbance. Every official explanation has always been far more paranormal and unlikely than the actual events themselves.

It's insulting to peoples intelligence when eyewitnesses are debunked who I'm sure would be able to distinguish from what they see from the every day. It is not at all unlikely or insane to suggest that given the infinate capacity of the universe intelligent life exists and that those intelligent lifeforms may visit our world using non-conventional methods rather than 'fuel'. (I.e. Teleportation)

Remember, the technology expanses we the public see being developed are almost always a major step behind the black operations that are funded by the billion $$$. We still use space shuttles for god sake! Not only that, but we believe that just because we (supposedly) believe that no other method of space travel is as yet possible, then no other lifeform could therefore exhibit the use of any other advanced method.
We (they) also waste thousands of peoples money on searching for ETs with radio waves. Dont we realise that other lifeforms may not harbour such equipment to respond to these signals!? Not only that but why? And what about the fact that that technology may well be considered 'old hat' or ancient to any ET? Also the fact that many of the ET's are amongst us anyway. There already was an invasion, and they are here to stay.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 08:41:46 UTC Post #55716
Aliens abductions are american folklore, much like witches and ghosts are to Europians.

Take sleep paralysis for example (google it), which I've have got several times and it ISNT nice. Your mind wakes up but the part which stops you running about in your sleep acting on your dreams physically (sleepwalking) keeps you paralysed. So you are in the hypnogogic state (asleep but awake). You cant move and it really feels like your being held down. You physically see, but not move your head. If you are still half dreaming, you may see a figure.

Europians called them witches and demonic attacks (incubii and sucubii) where something supernatural holds you down. Americans call it alien abduction.

BTW, if you really WANT to experience sleep paralysis, constantly mucking up your sleep cycle does the trick (sleeping late one day, not sleeping the next). Its not something I'd suggest (i ALWAYS have the TV on when I go to sleep, waking up in absolute darkness paralysed is horrific)

Try telling some backwater europians that witches and demons don't exist. Same with americans. Its just a wierd modern folklore in place of the ones left behind in the old world.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 08:44:54 UTC Post #55718
...and that those intelligent lifeforms may visit our world using non-conventional methods rather than 'fuel'. (I.e. Teleportation)...
Scientists have managed to teleport, I think it was an atom, so it's evidently possible.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 08:47:29 UTC Post #55721
Thats NOT teleporting.
That copying something, making a copy from the information and then destroying the original. The matter doesnt actually move anywhere, so I dont see the point. E.g the REAL you is DESTROYED and an exactly replica appears somewhere else. But YOU die.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 09:04:15 UTC Post #55725
Einstein and Al Biek, Nicolas Tesla etc worked on a highly secretive project known as 'The Montauk Project' at Montauk Point just off Manhattan. This involved 'The Philidelphia Experiment' where a huge US Navy ship was successfully teleported for a certain amount of time, noticeably dissappearing into a strange green 'gas' cloud in the ocean. The only trouble is, when the ship eventually re-appeared most of the crew were either embedded into the steal hull of the ship, turned insane, set on fire or dead by unknown causes. I'll detail this story on a later date.

Also, I had sleep paralysis one time when I was young. I suddenly woke up during the night absolutely terrified as to what seemed to be sitting on my chest preventing me to breath. At the time I really thought something was doing this to me and I yelled "Fuck off!" to whatever this thing was and it stopped.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 09:36:32 UTC Post #55731
That copying something, making a copy from the information and then destroying the original.
Okay, so it doesn't seem remotely useful for people...
The matter doesnt actually move anywhere, so I dont see the point.
Inanimate objects, instant moving of... and cloning of.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-01 09:49:26 UTC Post #55736
Quiet You! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-02 03:24:04 UTC Post #55888
Also, I had sleep paralysis one time when I was young. I suddenly woke up during the night absolutely terrified as to what seemed to be sitting on my chest preventing me to breath. At the time I really thought something was doing this to me and I yelled "Fuck off!" to whatever this thing was and it stopped.
Many ppl have experienced that. I read an article 'bout that sum' time ago :/ it was in finnish so you cant read it ._. ( <- if there's any fin ppl )
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