Life Gear, previews and news Created 20 years ago2004-08-02 14:30:51 UTC by Coolfat3459 Coolfat3459

Created 20 years ago2004-08-02 14:30:51 UTC by Coolfat3459 Coolfat3459

Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 14:30:51 UTC Post #47597
I am making a mod for Half Life called Life gear. Life Gear is a stealth mod that requires you to think before you shoot. It is also loaded with puzzles for all you people who like a challange rather than running down a hall shooting people. Here's the whole list of stuff in Life Gear:
-Stealth gameplay, if your caught you'll soon be surrounded by enemies
-Weapon models and music to get you into the stealth state of mind, music doesn't get repetive or annoying after playing a long time with it! (silenced weapons models do not act silenced to enemies who are triggered by hearing you, only the silenced sniper rifle (crossbow) is completely noiseless)
-Boss fights
-Working security cameras, some that you can even blow up.
-Visible feild of vision for security cameras
-Tons of triggers, but no new code
-Full length mod, plan to have at least 10 fairly large maps of gameplay

The story:
A business building in some city somewhere, disquised as a real estate company, has begun research on making a machine that can mechanically generate controlled Xen lifeforms. Controlled, at least, to the people who built the machine. This research has been dubbed The Lifeform Project. You, a member of an elite group of White Ops, have just been given insider info on the project and also, a mission to intrude the building, find the source of the Lifeform Project plus anything else related to it, and destroy them. Gameplay starts on the building's roof. For story purposes you start on the roof because the main entrance is too heavily guarded. or gameplay purposes... its more fun.

Screenshots of weapon models and gameplay soon to come.
Game is being made with Spirit, and will require you to still have old WON version of Half Life, as it will not be made for Steam.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 14:52:04 UTC Post #47599
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 14:53:21 UTC Post #47600
Thinking about having a grenade launcher for grandes, tell me waht you think
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 14:55:48 UTC Post #47601
Sounds good. I hope this doesn't turn into a noob-style mod though like alot of amateur mods. Good luck :)
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 15:13:15 UTC Post #47604
GL sounds awesome. Just make it hold more than NS' 4 round GL.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 15:42:51 UTC Post #47609
A grenade-launcher could be a good addition to the gameplay, but make sure it comes in handy in several occassions. I've played several games that just didn't require all weapons to be played so I sticked to some favorite weapons and they were sufficient for the whole game.

Some spots where the player has a height advantage would be very nice for a grenade-launcher, even better would be to have the enemies out of direct sight. Lobbing over obstacles and around walls would be great too.

So, good luck, you decide! ;)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 16:47:16 UTC Post #47611
Almost every weapon you get in Life gear will be needed to solve puzzles or stuff like that. No, MOP, this will not be a noob style mod. But remeber, no new coding, so even though its a grenade launcher it will still be thrown as far as a normal grande... Most of the Half Life weapons wont be in this game either. Like... the hornet gun and probably not even the shotgun. No gluon gun either, so you wont b able to blast your way through everything.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 16:49:36 UTC Post #47612
Stink, I meant to put this thread in the mods forum, somone needs to move this thread. Anyway, heres the grenade launcher:
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-02 23:33:41 UTC Post #47646
This mod is gonna be a laugh :lol:
m0p m0pIllogical.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 07:10:06 UTC Post #47684
looks sweet, hope u finish it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 09:22:05 UTC Post #47695
This mod is gonna be a laugh
Its not supposed to be funny, its a serious mod.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 09:37:47 UTC Post #47697
use flash bangs
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-03 13:26:50 UTC Post #47714
Can't, no new coding, sorry.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 18:53:22 UTC Post #51431

Need to post my songs here so I can save them to my computer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 19:40:21 UTC Post #51434
a stealth mod with a grenade launcher.. : what kinda stealth weapon is that?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 20:09:42 UTC Post #51438
MGS Had grenad launchers, why shouldn't I? Anyway, the whole website I get my music from is done in flash, so I can't right click and save as from there, I need to put the link somewhere else.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 21:21:28 UTC Post #51456
Err, dont use other people models without the authors permission, in case you didnt know.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-16 21:36:01 UTC Post #51461
I know
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 14:25:59 UTC Post #51619
Coolfat3459 wrote:
Weapon models I have chosen so far:
Does the word "chosen" mean that you didn't make them yourself, and that they were made by other people? Ask them first. Working security cameras sound nice, if you need any help with them, I can. I've made several in my time (Without coding).
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 18:18:58 UTC Post #51680
y no coding? oh well, your mod sounds really really cool! maby better then ns (ppl in background go OMG!) =D hope u finish intime for hl2 :)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 18:28:16 UTC Post #51681
I once did a minimod that I didn't think was good enough to realease with a similar story line. It was called G-man. You were, of course, the G-man, an FBI agent. You are sent on a mission to stop a terrorist organization from using the aliens as weapons. Once inside, you find a button, and realize that the button you just pressed realeased all of the cages of aliens on their captures. Now you had to escape from the giant prision facility that held the creatures while fighting the terrorists and the aliens.

Since That wasn't very good, I didn't realease it. Now that someone is making a similar Idea, I would like to help map, if you are accepting anyone right now, or you might try to do this solo.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 18:30:13 UTC Post #51682
making it solo? wow! how long have u been working on it? must have takin a while if solo
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 19:43:09 UTC Post #51688
maby better then ns
Impossible! NS is teh best mod evar! (Well, best released mod, Nightwatch looms on the horizon)

Sounds good though.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 20:02:12 UTC Post #51689
Well Im glad to see people are anxious to see it finished. As for the models... I don't think they will mind me using them as long as I give them credit, they are out there to be used anyway right?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 20:08:16 UTC Post #51691
More news (sorry, no screenshots):

Decided on some boss fights,
1. Agent Smith (maybe)
2. No One's Slave (extremely powerful alien slave with my own personal reskin)
3. Swarm of robot security grunts (model to use: aswat)

If you have any ideas on boss fights (please ty to link them to the story) let me know! I'll try to get some sreenshots.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-17 21:22:56 UTC Post #51702
u got any cut scences? those would be GREAT!!! make sure u back it up of course when messing with triger_cameras. i didn't and lost a whole lvl =(
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 14:01:59 UTC Post #51870
You know you can make fake flashbangs (Thrown by grunts, not you). Email me if interested.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-18 14:04:00 UTC Post #51873
yeah make screen fade white while playing a high pitch mp3 (i think) when it explodes =D

do i win a prize?
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 01:23:22 UTC Post #52426
is this mod over? no more preveiws? =(... there goes my hope (yes im trying to revive this thread only to hear more of cool's wonderful mod, and yes i have played ns, its the best mod ever!!!)

as i said, i hope u get it done in time
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 01:26:32 UTC Post #52427
I;m not dicontinuing it, what gave you that idea?! Just because I dont make posts every 2 seconds doesnt mean Ive stopped.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 01:29:41 UTC Post #52429
Patience is a virtue...
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 17:50:04 UTC Post #52585
yeah, wich i don't have =(
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 18:49:01 UTC Post #52603
haha, well fine, if ou want an update, I have decided to not use dual uzis, but rather a cs mp5 model tht actually inludes a grnade launcher attachment. Also, All arms will are being reskinned by me to have stealth suit sleeves. They areny chrome like fassans but it still looks really good.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 18:51:24 UTC Post #52604

Im tired of posting small images of the model that dont really show how good the model actually loks, you can run this with cs or you can open it with hl model viewer.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 18:55:39 UTC Post #52606

thx =)
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 21:00:10 UTC Post #52639
First Boss screenshot, Nobody's Slave (eyes, bloddy claws, and collar are the parts that I reskinned. Model is based off of high definition)
User posted image
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 21:01:20 UTC Post #52642
Was thinking about romiving the whole collar al together by making it a pitch black texture and setting it to addative, but for some reason it stillshowed up ingame, so I just made it blak and white chrome.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-21 22:02:31 UTC Post #52670
I've got a collarless slave model, in Hi-Definition, though it's missing it's animations. You could probably decompile it and re-compile it with the animations.

Catch me on MSN, AIM or by E-mail if you're interested.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 00:04:43 UTC Post #52715
Nah, its cool.
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 00:07:28 UTC Post #52717
do you need any help with the mod or is it a indipendant mod??
because i could help with skins

[if help with the mod was stated above, please forgive me because i skimmed over everything. :D ]
Posted 20 years ago2004-08-22 00:09:58 UTC Post #52719
This is a solo mod, but thanks for the offer anyway.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 18:32:46 UTC Post #57325
Well I finally made some screenshots! The first one is the splash screen.
User posted image
User posted image
Part of the start of the game.
User posted image
Have to be stealth or this guy will catch you and you'll be surrounded by enemies.
User posted image
This game actually tells you what weapon you picked up the first time you pick it up.
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
User posted image
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 19:22:28 UTC Post #57331
I'm thinking about a custom hud system too.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-07 22:05:16 UTC Post #57364
nice screenies =)
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 01:22:13 UTC Post #57419
Nice idea's but the level-design is rather bland.

Think about what textures would fit with each other and beware of all-too repetetive looking ones. Some textures also don't seem to fit with the architecture itself, like bad aligning trims and such, making pillars looking very odd.
The architecture inside isn't really interesting yet. Try adding more difference into the walls, like integrated support pillars, trims and such. At this moment most looks very plain, long, repetetive surfaces with nothing to break up the monotoneness.
Lighting isn't interesting too. Try to maintain a good balance between dark spots and light ones. Inflitration often happens at night and those people like to hide in dark spots... It'll also make your maps look more interesting.

Hopefully you can use these comments. Good luck!
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 01:33:39 UTC Post #57420
Blue lab textures + Wooden doors = Ugleh.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 03:22:00 UTC Post #57431
Capt'n: it's just "ideas", no opostrophe ( ' ) :)
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 04:24:20 UTC Post #57443
It's Captain, not Capt'n. No opostrophe... ;P

But yeah, thanks. I'll keep that in mind.

Heh, I even learn a little English on these forums...
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 05:19:41 UTC Post #57456
apostrophe actually..... :D
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-08 05:20:40 UTC Post #57457
Hey, that's actually the same as in Dutch!

Heh, within no time I'll be an English master here... :P
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