Try To Make Biggest List Of Ideas Ever Created 20 years ago2004-09-11 23:54:37 UTC by lucky4444 lucky4444

Created 20 years ago2004-09-11 23:54:37 UTC by lucky4444 lucky4444

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 09:54:22 UTC Post #58936
First the layout, the theme and such. Entities go later in the process.

Or at least that's how I work.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 09:55:44 UTC Post #58938
Interesting...I like to make bits and sequences then build around them.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 11:34:03 UTC Post #58948
Same mephs,i think of a good idea then make the map to surround it.
What I do if I'm stuck is stop mapping. I'll take hour, day, week-long breaks from Mapping
He'h i took about half a year. :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 16:39:45 UTC Post #59041
I actually don't care who most people are, i only like a few people here, the ones that help, and dont spam.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 21:24:01 UTC Post #59134
-mess around maps (for the cool servers like mine)

-cool background music
-cool background music
-cool, oops am i repeating myself?
-please please put clip brushes around turrets or other detailed brushes
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-13 21:31:16 UTC Post #59136
Ideas from the mind of a Brat:

Space Ship Wars
1 big space ship
surving the ocean on boats and such where water kills
sniper war map
island wars
boat wars
plane wars
train wars
any other moving vehical wars

and to bring back an old thought:
[quote] an underground digger mabober that goes streaming down into a giant lake of lava, and is driven around on small falling rocks, bumping up and down, trying to find a way out when a lake is emptied out into the lava, which causes steam to shoot everywhere, making you shoot up with the pressure of the chemical reaction, up into the air where you start hurdling down toward earth at incredable speeds, so you press the eject button, but it is jammed so you do it manually, and then you find out you have no paracute, but a giant bird rescues you, but is actually trying to feed you to her young, so you kill the babies, who are really big, and the moma comes back and attacks, so you jump on its back and ride it over a big ocean, where it dies, and you fall down, but land on a whale, but sharks kill the whale and are moving in on you, so you shoot them, and try to swim back to shore when a dolphin saves you, but poltures kill the dolphin, so you shoot at them, but then the sharks come back and attack the poltures, so you swim to shore only to find out you are on a desert island, where you sit around and talk to a volly ball untill you starve. [/quote]
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 04:35:44 UTC Post #59203
i think of a good idea then make the map to surround it.
This usually ends me up with a half-finished map and no inspiration to continue... wich is why I changed my working method.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 04:49:47 UTC Post #59208
I suppose if events were made to fit the map, then it would make it look more 'organic' if you will. Captain Ps method would probably suit external parts of maps better, and my way would suit internals better. I should start experimenting with CPs way, see if it helps me finish maps. :lol:
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 05:02:24 UTC Post #59212
It's not that I forget about entities at all, I do plan them in a bit during the layout phase, but only fill them in later. Form must follow function, so you don't just create a layout but also try to think of what function this or that object or building would have.

Recently, I just sketched a layout and mapped it. It didn't feel completely right as several buildings didn't seem to have a clear purpose and therefore didn't fit with the rest. Now, I'm redesigning the layout and give every building a purpose, so it also 'feels right'.

I think you just shouldn't forget the 'whole picture' during a specific part of the designing process, and vice versa.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 05:21:30 UTC Post #59217
Yes, internally, nothing should appear there just for the hell of it, it needs to at least look like it has a purpose, e.g generators, sewerage systems etc. I think internal architecture should reflect this.
Outside areas, the opposite should happen; things that serve a purpose & events should be fitted in around the architecture; all too convienently shaped cliffs etc just look dumb. I don't think there IS a happy medium for making synthetic/organic architectures, its either one or the other.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-14 05:34:50 UTC Post #59218
Internal and external isn't that different. Think of why would such a building be there? I had several buildings that just stood there but I just couldn't think of why they possibly should be placed there. Buildings have a purpose just as machines do.
You don't place a dirty old generator in an office, nor do you place a factory in the desert. Both don't feel right, they're not convenient.
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-17 23:34:52 UTC Post #60367
-Every detail, no matter how small, is significant
-Puzzles relieve tension. Place them between areas of high action to calm the player down before smacking back in the center of another fight.
-Model > texture > brush (That is, if you can make things look 3d using models and textures (Like the original game did), you'll probably never crack the 400 RS mark!)
-SOUND, even if its a background mp3, makes any level better. It adds numerous themes, and atmosphere.
-Textures that are 256 x 256 are always better than smaller textures. You can always scale down high res pictures to get a very nice look, as well as scale it up if neccessary

Thats all I can think of now... Wait until I sober up and I'll put some more in.
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