Hammer Bugs Created 21 years ago2003-11-23 22:27:50 UTC by Bllwnkle Bllwnkle

Created 21 years ago2003-11-23 22:27:50 UTC by Bllwnkle Bllwnkle

Posted 21 years ago2003-11-23 22:27:50 UTC Post #5487
Someone please enlighten me on this F*'n program v3.4! I have been playing around with this for a couple of weeks now and have had to scrap several maps that I've put many hours into because this program calls every freakin entity I put into it a leak. I can build a cube, hollow it out and leave it as is, put a light in it and after serveral test runs the light becomes a leak even if I don't touch it. Can you feel my exasperation? Hell, now I can't even get the console to come down when I hit ~. When I "run" the map I have "-dev -console -cstrike +set -deathmatch 1" plugged in. I even tried +console to no avail. When I build I keep the "snap to" option on to avoid leaks. Map runs fine, now it doesn't. WFT!? I spend more time looking thru the FAQ's/tutorials and still can't find this "func_entity empty" crap, "func_pushable empty", hell I didn't even have a pushable object in the level. Is there a newer version out there? BTW, I AM using zoners tools too. :x
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 03:08:53 UTC Post #5491
Yep, Hammer can be buggy - pity you seem to have suffered them all right at the start. Do you know what a leak is? If not, click here to see the definition.

The empty thing is another wierd bug - even after you've deleted an entity, Hammer ocasionally seems to still think it's there, kinda like a ghost. I don't think it matters, though.

Odd about the console thing. Try adding
"-dev -console -cstrike +deathmatch 1 +toggleconsole"
That shoudl immediately bring the console down when you start, even if you've somehow unbound it.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 07:48:44 UTC Post #5494
EMPTY? My xen trees came up with that crap. Fixing it sets the pitch yaw roll to o o o so ignore those empty's.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 12:32:07 UTC Post #5514
... what does -cstrike do?
-game cstrike : The game but just -cstrike?
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 13:18:21 UTC Post #5520
try getting hammer 3.5 beta it MAY fix the bug :
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 13:42:22 UTC Post #5526
... what does -cstrike do?
-game cstrike : The game but just -cstrike?
Yeah, that'd probably explain it. Sorry, didn't notice before :lol:
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 16:24:16 UTC Post #5550
I thought it was some cool special feature, just a typo error? damn you :D
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-24 18:03:17 UTC Post #5558
Thanks guys. At least now I know it's not just me. Yes, I do know what a leak is, but what I don't know is
1) Why Hammer calls my "light" entities leaks.
2) What makes a solid "empty" when you tie it to an entity?

I've searched and have found various explanations, all different. :)
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-30 19:01:40 UTC Post #6149
The entities do not cause leak messages unless they are outside your map (i.e in the "void"). Zoners list the closest entity to the leak if there are 2 external brushes that do not seal your map properly to try and "help" locate the problem. Don't know about you but it only confuses me more.
Posted 21 years ago2003-11-30 19:04:16 UTC Post #6151
Try running the "leaked" map, write Pointfile in console, and follow the little stripe till it reaches the leak.
Writing gl_clear 1 helps too.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-01 07:53:17 UTC Post #6193
These empties haunted me troughout the making of sm. (Well what was made). You could exit hammer after having about 20 empties. Then start up hammer again and get only 4. So I'm sceptical if "Empty" is an actual map error or a hammer bug.
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