Oh wait. TWHL. Not golf ball.
I think I saw a link on Vlatitude or something. Or google.

Created 20 years ago2004-06-13 19:19:21 UTC by
Wow, oldest thread revived!You're the idiot who brought it back in the first place.
Wow, oldest thread revived!Real Jimmi Revived
I found this 3 years ago googling the word 'Good place to spam'
I came here through playing on the TFC server http://www.axlstfc.com. They are now dead, but that was the most fun server I have ever played on. It was ONLY custom maps.. One of those maps was done so well and got me thinking of my own ideas for maps, and then I decided to make em.. I went to their site, and they had a link to mapper resources, TWHL being one of them.. And then it progressed from there.No way? AXL TFC down? Dang, the world really has changed a lot.
google it and discovered you cud map for hl so i was like happyKill me.
So I lookt down on the list (sadly) and found TWHL, and it pwned.Amen.