-or mabye it's NOT jobabob, but the server skrewed up?: anyway...
WELCOME! jobabob! To TWHL! I really, honestly, and sincerely hope your problems are quickly and easily solved by the kind, friendly, and informative people here at TWHL! ?Where you can be guided step by step to the magical land of half life mapping!
To "make" a .bsp file? you need to compile it. Here at TWHL we have loads of tutorials specially crafted for beginners like yourself. I would suggest you read
Atom's tutorial on compiling introduced followed by Andy's "In the beginning" tutorial's. You can find these listed on the
Beginner's tutorials page while your at it, you may also find
Skeeve's tutorial on running your maps to be handy. I really do hope this helps you. Please, if confused, feel free to post any more questions. Running your first hl map is can often be quite a daunting experience at first. We are all glad to help!