One way walls Created 20 years ago2004-12-09 22:57:11 UTC by Zat_AJ Zat_AJ

Created 20 years ago2004-12-09 22:57:11 UTC by Zat_AJ Zat_AJ

Posted 20 years ago2004-12-09 22:57:11 UTC Post #77328
Hi.. I have a transparent wall that I want to be able to shoot through but I don't want anyone to be able to shoot at me. Is it posible to make a one way wall?

HL1... Don't have HL2 Yet... thanks.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-10 09:30:58 UTC Post #77388
You still won't get the effect though.
Unbreakable UnbreakableWindows 7.9 Rating!
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-10 11:38:09 UTC Post #77401
Think inside the valve hammer editor! not in your immagination
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-10 17:13:23 UTC Post #77443
Ok... that sound alright. Could you explain what to do in a little more detail please? What is a clip brush? I only have a medium understanding on Valve Hammer Editor.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-10 17:52:17 UTC Post #77449
ooohhh, that was what he meant :D
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 00:47:34 UTC Post #77576
Well I'm not that newbie... I'm... well lets just say I don't know how to do stuff with sprites and env's yet. Thank you for your help. I now see what you mean by "clip brush". If you had of said texture, I would have figured it out. I am in your det! Zat_AJ bows his head
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 01:13:27 UTC Post #77577
Ok... Now I'm gettin this error.
Error: No visibile brushes
Description: All brushes are CLIP or ORIGIN (at least one must be normal/visible)
Howto Fix: self explanitory
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 09:02:46 UTC Post #77613
The CLIP brush will always be invisible, and can't be in an entity on its own.
Howto Fix: self explanitory
I agree.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 20:01:30 UTC Post #77782
Ok... well I have it so you can only see out of it from 1 side. That is good. Now, when I add a wall and put the clip texture on it it gives me that error. So, if it can't be an entity on it's own, that mean I have to tie it to something right? If so, what do I tie it to?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 20:25:12 UTC Post #77790
As I said before... I get this error.

Error: No visibile brushes
Description: All brushes are CLIP or ORIGIN (at least one must be normal/visible)
Howto Fix: self explanitory
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-11 23:47:57 UTC Post #77843
No... I have no other weird brushes... Just plain old textures.
I have only this 1 clip and that's it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-12 06:29:42 UTC Post #77905
Zat, I think you should consult our tutorials and Glossary in some depth before proceeding.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-12 12:11:16 UTC Post #77942
Umm.... NO!
I kinda figured it out.
What I had to do is group both of the walls. Let me explain:
First I made a wall and then made another wall right behind it touching it. Then in between the walls I made another wall and put the clip texture on it. I put my desired texture on the first wall and I put the blue texure on the seccond wall that I made touching the first. I then selected them all and tied them to a func_illustionary.

And it worked. Well, sort of. It compiled correctly but for some reason my map is much smaller in .bsp size. It was 1.8 mb, now it's about 500k.
It just shuts the server down every time I try to run the map.

Anyway, thanks for your help.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-15 18:12:30 UTC Post #78533
Ummm... it's for the mod Stargate TC... you wouldn't have any of it's textures or the right FDG.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-17 17:24:38 UTC Post #78893
Would you? Would it still work?
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-17 17:54:43 UTC Post #78898
i dont need the textures or fdg since im not compiling it or messing with any stargate specific ents. just upload the map already... :zonked:
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-18 16:09:07 UTC Post #79002
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-19 13:38:58 UTC Post #79117
Hello? Mr. Anonymous? I posted it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-19 15:08:02 UTC Post #79135
i guess its where you have the illusionary way up high in that one room. if that's the case, and theres no way to fly in your mod, you really dont need to clip off that small room, because no one can get to it except from the teleporter. but regardless, i put a clip brush in the spot where i think you want it, but i cant give the map back to you unless you allow uploads in the map vault. go edit the map and change it.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-19 18:40:31 UTC Post #79169
Ok, I changed it. Upload away. And yes, that is the spot I ment.
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-20 17:33:44 UTC Post #79380
Posted 20 years ago2004-12-25 19:39:16 UTC Post #79682
lol sorry, my bad i'll upload now. :confused:
Posted 20 years ago2005-01-10 04:03:46 UTC Post #82962
can it be made to be translucent with a texture on one side and opaque on the other side?
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