Um, "foolhardy"? "Marked by unthinking boldness"?
1. Japan?
2. 1776, um, July 4th?
3. Depends upon the
polymer (not "plastic")
4. "Chrissake man, get a hankie"
5. 100
6. Sr. Orwell
7. Foot, boat, train, car, 'plane
8. Ooh, that's tricky. England... America? (Do they call it English officially?) Australia, New Zealand. Not too hot at geography.
9. Depends on which way up you are

10. Columbus?
11. Probably something that ends in "us". Or maybe the Euro.
12. Canada, eh?
13. Me.
14. Christmas, usually, and Stag Nights and, uh, New Year.
15. Idioms? Or are they axioms?
16. "Gizz'a pint"
17. Lincoln, at a play.
18. Ooh dear. I'll say the Volga.
19. 1966. BC.
20. Mars
Coulda done a lot better if I'd cheated, but that was all off the top of my head. So, how'd I do, mister Jaz?