1. Read the page Jahzel linked to
2. Read the tutorials titled "In The Beginning", 1 through 6
3. There are example RMF files with every one of those tuts
4. Then, when you're done with those, you may want to move to the more advanced tutorials, that's why there are categories are.
5. Then, if you wish you could also look at this piece of junk:
http://twhl.co.za/mapvault_map.php?id=1672Take your time in following these steps... Try to understand the steps in the tutorials. If you still have any questions, ask them in this thread, I guess... If you have any trouble setting up Hammer, I think there is a tut on that here aswell. There is also a link to Zoner's Compile tools, required for compiling your maps.
Here's a link to all the beginner tutorials you need:
http://twhl.co.za/tutorialbrowse.php?tuttype=1&subtype=1So I suppose you should start with "Read Me First", then move on to "Setup Guide: Hammer", then "Compiling Introduced", and then all the "In The Beginning"s...