trigger_multiple help Please. Created 21 years ago2003-12-19 20:38:18 UTC by mux mux

Created 21 years ago2003-12-19 20:38:18 UTC by mux mux

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-19 20:38:18 UTC Post #8469
I have a trigger_multiple and it targets a ambient_generic that uses a sound right from HL. The sound will play the first time through, but the next time you trigger it the sound will not play. Sometime the 3rd time, or 4th, or 5th, etc. But it just won't play everytime.

Any ideas on how to fix?

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-19 21:02:28 UTC Post #8472
have you put a delay time or ticked inadequate boxes on the entity profile?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-19 21:04:29 UTC Post #8473
Hmm... Take a look at the trigger multiple... There is a delay before reset field. This is the time in seconds the trigger will take to be usable again. Set it to 1 or to 0.1 to have extremely short reset times.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-20 06:14:54 UTC Post #8504
This behavior is normal for an ambient_generic. There is a flag called Is NOT Looped or Not Toggled, that determines what happens when it is triggered. If this flag is UNchecked, then behavior is set for a continuous looping sound, so first trigger turns it on, second trigger turns it off. If the flag is CHECKED, then behavior is set for a NON looping sound, so that each trigger plays the sound once. So if you have a non-looping sound, and you don't check the flag, the first trigger plays the sound, but after the sound is finished, the ambient_generic is still in the ON state, even though nothing is playing. The next time it is triggered, the ambient_generic turns off.
To rephrase: the on/off state of the ambient_generic is maintained separately, regardless of whether a sound is playing or not, and each trigger either toggles it on or toggles it off, like a light switch. The Is NOT Looped / Not Toggled flag causes the ambient_generic to switch on and then off again each time it is triggered, like a momentary push button.
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