Rimrook's Belated HLSP Created 20 years ago2005-02-01 10:56:18 UTC by Rimrook Rimrook

Created 20 years ago2005-02-01 10:56:18 UTC by Rimrook Rimrook

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 10:56:18 UTC Post #87456
An idea for a HL single player scenario came to me yesterday morning! I planned out a load of stuff and already finished a piece of the first map. Triggers and all! Here's a little tidbit.

Subject: Ana Roman
Age: 15
Occupation: Psionics Physician
Assignment: Unknown

You wake up in a water tank, once emerging from it you realize you were unfrozen. The surrounding area sounds destroyed, but the cryogenics room seems nearly unharmed. Everything seems quiet as you escape the chambers. After acquiring you HEV suit from the locker room, you will recieve voice messages of the history you have missed. A message from your friends and fellow scientists at Black Mesa. (Including Freeman) Ana Roman is supposed to have psychic powers, but without coding, i have no idea how to incorporate any such effects. The only other alive person you see besides a huddled group of scientists at the beginning is Gman. But being psychic, is Gman afraid of Ana, or is he playing with her mind?

I'm might have to make this just a linked series of maps rather than a mini-mod. I tried the mod stuff and it didn't turn out to good. I can run other people's mods but not the ones i setup. Also, making custom folders, like ...valve/rimstuff... doesn't seem to function at all. However, directories from other people's maps work just fine. Any suggestions would be helpful as far as figuring out how to use things from a distance (triggers), making a mod work, or anything else i might think of. Perhaps if someone can make the mod template then write me a note on how to adjust it to use my maps. ANY help is appreciated. However, i want to do all the mapping myself so i truly capture my idea in the raw essence of it all.
I'll post screens later once i can.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 11:44:10 UTC Post #87461
Making a mod work is easy, it's all about that file named liblist.gam. At least I got my mod to work perfectly. I didn't modify dlls or coded anything

I dont know about the trigger stuff, I guess using the source engine could give you much more control over physics and triggers
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 11:58:40 UTC Post #87465
I know the source engine would be more fun, but HL1 is all i have right now. Plus this mod could be good if it's done right. I have the SDK, maybe i can tweak the distance required to use objects and switches, this would be awsome. I'll have to look though...

Is my idea good? I thought of it really quick. :nuts:
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 12:05:03 UTC Post #87469
I just heard my idea was just like this one...
Well... I guess we know for sure that Black Mesa does Cryogenics research...

I don't care if our ideas are alike. So many of us try to make horror maps or the likeness. Our resources are limited... for HL1 at least.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 13:32:25 UTC Post #87476
I had a similar idea a few years ago, involving you being an experiment in Black Mesa that went wrong, and you suddenly gained your freedom through a series of unfortunate events.

My idea was that you would be ever-changing in composition throughout the game (gaining new powers every few chapters). I only got as far as planning out jumping extra distances which can be done with trigger_gravity, and being able to climb on walls, which I was going to do by adding func_ladder brushes in front of walls and disabling the ladder noise it makes by modifying the code slightly.

Perhaps you can take a look at the entity guide, and see how you can "create" and "fake" superpowers. I'm thinking though, that without any coding, you can't really add a whole ton of new things.

I still want to find a way to code a "head explody" power, where when you trigger this ability, everyone in a certain radius explodes. That would rock. It would need a cool-down timer though, otherwise it'd be too powerful.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 14:00:25 UTC Post #87480
wouldnt that be a trigger_hurt with a very high value? It's possible
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 15:09:41 UTC Post #87494
your idea is cool! Look at mine:

Subject :Gordon Freeman
Occupation:Civilian(in my game)

Gordon wakes up and sees the scientist saying:''OMG!GORDON FREEMAN,?TS REALLY YOU ?SN ?T!''
And tells the story about how did you came back from the Xen;Kenny another scientist in a H.E.V suit,saw you talking to the air in Xen...Then he says that you felt asleep so he took you to the teleporter(the gun in OPS FORCE'' .And he took you out of the Black MESA and then he drove the jeep (you at the back,sleeping or prazleyz.).And now you are here,you are in the Wide Mesa our other labs ,well this place is used to be a police station at the past...So the administriatior uses here as a police station too...oh well,we must obey him however...Feel free to explore Gordon! / end :)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 15:56:22 UTC Post #87517
... I'm starting to believe that a lot of people have similar ideas. I figured that it's not so much the idea but the way it runs. How well the levels are planned, any possible extra features possible, minor coding, etc.

The odd part is that the lead character is NOT Freeman, but a 15 year-old granddaughter of a great scientist at black mesa. The psychic powers she has would be fun if they aren't too powerful. It gives you an edge but you don't dominate everything. it just opens up a new range of things that must be done to complete stages of the maps. (I still like the head explody however)

Things on my "to do" list.
Kinesis: extent of the "use" distance variable

that's it for now...
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 16:23:00 UTC Post #87521
It's all about how fun it is! The thing about stories and plots is, every idea has BEEN DONE A MILLION TIMES. If you break any story down to it's basic plot elements, there's probably only about 12 -15 original plots in any story you've ever read.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 18:32:27 UTC Post #87548
Chaos Theory:
-Mass firepower that kills large groups in single shots. (Head Explody)
-Mass enemies to equal the player's Firepower. (Something Big)

... i've played lots fo games like this...

Coldfeet is right. I do want my mod to be played over and over again because it is fun. The plot should backup the fun factor. Yet, it could be difficult to get a ton of fun with an engine that initially runs a game meant to freak people out... which is a different kind of fun in reality...
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 21:03:21 UTC Post #87559
i got one screen of one area.. actually this is it because i started this whole thing yesterday...

I managed to get a MOD MADE BY ME WORKING! w00t meh.
i dunno where to add the coding (if any) to the game to make it work the way I'd like...
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-01 22:58:22 UTC Post #87593
Hah, cool! Are those the cryogenic containers? I like your mapping style.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 01:20:49 UTC Post #87620
guys, does anyone know any bit of code... i found the source file for the "use" physics and dimensions, but i don't know which variable it is... Like i said before, if i can extend the use distance, i can make telekinesis... i am so so close...
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 06:59:17 UTC Post #87667
Looks nice so far - Good luck with it - But make the Character a bit older - 15? Come on... ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 12:11:16 UTC Post #87734
what's wrong with a 15 year old girl with psychic powers wielding guns and explosives running through a destroyed science facility killing evil aliens from another dimension while being stalked by a freaky man from the government... why not?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 13:57:09 UTC Post #87746
Because it is a shit story when they are 15.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 14:50:10 UTC Post #87756
yeah. everyone knows the young generation just dont work in games/films.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 15:18:59 UTC Post #87762
To Rimrook;As everybody knows that I m doing a mod too...
Do you know POV-Point Of view AND POKE646 sp mods for hl ...they were so creative and awesome...
And all of them had a cool splash screen...
How do they do that?! :
In the ending of POV it says the site that the POV team found during making the mod...but I forgot it :( ?! And know I have to finish the game all over again?![no save or autosave](I read the credits in the site it doesnt says anything about the splash screens?! :
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 16:33:43 UTC Post #87790
well - if you read this site - you'll find a tutorial that will tell you exactly how to make a splash screen. ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 17:07:50 UTC Post #87807
I got my own splash. it's easy. just make a picture 640 x 480 pixels big and name it "splash.bmp." it must be 8-bit 256 color. place your splash in the folder [ .../valve/gfx/shell ] directory. that's it.

And so what if my character is 15? i haven't told too much about the story because i want it to be a surprise when i finish the mod. There are reasons for things and you have to play to find out.

how about 18? sound better?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 09:08:53 UTC Post #87910
HAAHHA!LOL! :lol: I know how to make splash screens,I already made it (see my maps,mod screenshots) .
How do they do that?!
I meant all of their screenshots are highly designed and cool,my splash is not that cool
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 10:23:20 UTC Post #87923
Eighteen sounds better.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 15:21:12 UTC Post #87969
ok 18 it is...

I dunno why it matters... don't ya guys like Steven King?
creepy little children with mental powers are freaky, admit it.

All i was attempting to do was to add intrigue to a plain and simple story... without it would be like everyother mod ever made...

think dynamic.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 15:48:08 UTC Post #87970
I think instead of giving an age, just say a female youth.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 16:58:12 UTC Post #87978
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 18:26:17 UTC Post #88015
Make the viewpoint lower :). I mean, we're talking about a young lady instead of a young man. Should be low. Heh, short people are funny.

Maybe you could go the other way and make her, like, nine. That might work.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 20:15:14 UTC Post #88035
I dunno. as of now, coding is out of the question. the only resources i can mess with are mapping ones. even though i have the sdk.

If i could code, i would:
~Increase jump height without altering gravity.
~Make super powers as weapons that after each kill it gets stronger.
~Custom monsters with sounds and AI
~Third person
~Able to grab ledges and climb up
~Make better weapons
~Have a Wakazashi (big-ass sword) instead of a crowbar.

if i could code...
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 20:30:52 UTC Post #88037
You could just make the level a few units bigger that usual. Just a simple suggestion.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 20:43:20 UTC Post #88038
I dont know if it's possible with the HL1 engine, but you could make floors be illusionary, while having the rest of the NPCs walking at a higher level in a fake floor. That would give you the POV of a shorter person while mantaining the right scales with the rest of the map :D
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 20:56:26 UTC Post #88040
Great work so far Rimrook, I just have a few suggestions:

Age: Make her at least 17, the age for legal consent. If she's badass, you don't want your players feeling like pedophiles.

Jumping: Check out the Wavelength coding section. There is a neat little tutorial about adding wall-jumping, maybe that will give you a little insight about the jumping variables.

Weapons: There is a tutorial about adding SP weapons at the 69th Vlatitude, and that's mostly modeling, with not a whole lot of coding involved.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 00:51:38 UTC Post #88060
in the player.cpp on line 1410, there is a line that looks like this...
1408 // PlayerUse - handles USE keypress
1409 //
1410 #define PLAYER_SEARCH_RADIUS (float)64
1412 void CBasePlayer::PlayerUse ( void )
all i have to do is change the 64 to the number 768 (a good range but not excessive nor too short) I've done so but i can't compile the new dll or any of that because crap messes up on my comp when i need it most.

IF ANYONE CAN MAKE THE CHANGE AND RECOMPILE THE DLL AND SEND IT TO windmasterben@yahoo.com I WOULD VERY MUCH APPRECIATE IT TO THE MAX! Maybe even add the name of the guy who does it to special credit. If you don't have the SDK, i will personally send it to you and make sure you get it. I will burn a CD and mail it to you if i have to...

Thus being said this is the only change i'm really aiming for, but that wall jump sounds fun as well, whoever wants to compile my dll can add that to it if they can make it function right. This slightly modded dll is the only thing i need to make my very anticipated mod. I've invented a new line of scenarios that utilizes the new feature and I can hardly wait to see it work.

Who's with me?
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-04 15:33:12 UTC Post #88136
i thought of something. The guys at v-erc do loads of code. Maybe i can request this utterly small change from them if no one here can pull it off. All that needs to be done is switch a number! I know where it is but my MSVBC++ won't compile it right for reasons unknown. This task is pie. I know nothing of coding and i can make it work but no matter what i'm frustrated i can't do it myself... I'm thinking and rambling at the same time, sorry.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-06 20:33:45 UTC Post #88606
I finished all of the first scene in my mod. Everything is goin well even though i don't have my dll yet... here are some screens


I'm also trying not to go crazy with details. My first map performs very well and averages about 700 wpolys. Not too shabby...
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-06 21:35:34 UTC Post #88617
A pity you're not mapping this for Hl2 :(
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-06 22:06:38 UTC Post #88619
i so know it kasperg. i so know it...
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-06 23:49:54 UTC Post #88634
Looks good rimrook. I'd volunteer for mapping if I wasn't already mapp ing for grimreafer's mod, although, I don't know the fate of that mod, haven't checked in with him in a while.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 00:37:52 UTC Post #88644
don't worry about me, i plan on making this mod all on my own to show a display of imagination. i still need my dll so it could be a while before i really get to work on it.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 06:44:24 UTC Post #88683
Woah! :nuts:

Nice screenies. I'm working on my "stealth mod" at the minute. It would be great to work with you in the future Rimrook. ;)
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 07:05:54 UTC Post #88686
Looks great, I'd think about getting a couple of new textures though. The HL ones are a little old hat. A map like this deserves some good textures.
AJ AJGlorious Overlord
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 17:35:18 UTC Post #88787
Hey rimrook you are doing very well. I hope you can keep it up by yourself. That's something I can't do ;) . If you need help with mappin I would be glad to help you. I also like your style. And you are right about not making to many detailed parts. You can always put it in after your done with the main job. I do it the same way.

Keep up the good work!
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 17:43:32 UTC Post #88791
Thanks diesel power.

I don't need help mapping at the moment, however i need someone who can code to edit a single number in the default hl.dll for me. I STILL don't have it yet... it's so simple yet people are too lazy to do it for me. I'm mapping it myself so i get that raw edge of creativity. Maybe later i might need help, but wait for my asking.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 18:16:02 UTC Post #88800
If I could I would code something. But sadly enough I can't... I wil wait for further instructions ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-08 00:22:47 UTC Post #88873
I got my new dll and loaded my mod into steam finally! All that is left is to build the maps and maybe a few resource hopping. But at least now i have the system worked out and all is almost too well... The goal of this mod is to give a fun twist to HL. I have done so. Now i have a whole new world of physics to work with. I shall experiment and release my discoveries when ever i can!

A demo is in order as soon as possible.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-16 22:38:21 UTC Post #91138
I think my forum is dead... :(
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-17 05:29:36 UTC Post #91166
It was - until you revived it. o/
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-24 07:21:07 UTC Post #93070
Keep this thread alive! Oh wait.

monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 08:23:54 UTC Post #94386
There's not that much happening for my mod right now, it's difficult to find some time to work on it. The website thing has grabbed my attention for the moment but that will soon be set and done. I only have the first map right now and i need to tinker with some HL stuff before I start.
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-01 18:22:46 UTC Post #94490
Don't keep us waiting to long though. :P

When will the demo be available..?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 00:42:44 UTC Post #96932
I'm thinkin a demo will be set after i grab some time to finish the second map of the mod.

Another note:
I also plan to strategize the mods layout to make it extremely difficult to get through. If you don't do any of the puzzles or mess them up, you won't any weapons besides the crobar and the 9mm pistol. ...and you'll maybe have to kill a barney for the pistol... So when you encounter a large enemy that requires fire power, you'll regret not doing the puzzles. :P
(Difficulty: l33t)
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-25 18:39:14 UTC Post #99080
w00t bitchez! i got a huge slab of freetime and i have nothing better to do than to finish up my maps and mods.

I know i'm getting lazy with this, but i have 10 days off to finish up 2 maps and spend some time on my mod. I've already made progress on 2L and i plan on having a demo going. and yes, you will need (that god forsaken) steam to play it.

A problem i've encountered is trying to get voices recorded. I might have to use crappy synth robot voices, but at least there will be talking. If it comes to robot voices, would anyone mind? :confused:
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
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