Posted 20 years ago2005-02-07 16:23:35 UTCPost #88770
I was on the JD that night, its the women they love the little bottles of sugar!! nasty stuff. BTW im rich and a ladies man And the fit one is my woman, thanks jahzel im most proud, she says hi
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-09 09:38:27 UTCPost #89228
Whats it with ripping canadians, im sure they dont all wear red suits and have a super smart husky . Im english so i dont really get the obssesion with taking the piss out of the canadians. Although it is quite funny for some reason
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-11 08:57:44 UTCPost #89661
Canada doesn't ever DO anything. They just sit up there taking up the world's space. Canada should go to war with asia or something or invent a new cheese or declare a new leader or SOMETHING.