Hammer To Half-Life 2 Created 20 years ago2005-02-02 21:02:51 UTC by lucky4444 lucky4444

Created 20 years ago2005-02-02 21:02:51 UTC by lucky4444 lucky4444

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 21:02:51 UTC Post #87855
When I make a func_breakable_surf for a window for my map, I apply the glass/glasswindowbreak070 texture to it with the other 5 sides being nodraw. When I look at he window/glass texture it looks all cool and shiny and reflective in hammer, but when I compile the map the glass is very plain and flat looking with no reflections. The texture video setting is set on high.
How do I make it see through and reflective?

Question 2:
I am still useing func_breakable_surf to make my window, but I can only make one side of the window have the glass texture, otherwise the game crashes when I try to play it. And without Having it on both sides of the window, the window looks very flat (meaning that when I break it and look at it, then the glass that is on the edge looks very flat).
Is there a way to make the window look thicker when I break it?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 21:05:06 UTC Post #87856
it might not work because you have 5 sides covered with nodraw. It has to be 4 sides.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-02 21:07:12 UTC Post #87858
No, the 5 side part works, but when I make it have only 4 sides with nodraw then Half-Life 2 crashes or removes it from my map.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 11:24:37 UTC Post #87940
@IEMC: It needs 5 sides, I've referred to the VALVe maps - cs_office windows are covered on all but one side.

The game will draw it on both sides - It needs a cubemap to look all shiny though.

You can't make it thicker.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 17:21:23 UTC Post #87988
oh, it does? thats wierd. So you can only brea it from one side? how does that work?
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-03 17:34:00 UTC Post #87994
It works on both sides even if you do not put a glass texture on the other side and you can see it in my ladder example which contains a working func_breakable_surf


It works for HL2 as well so ignore the picture of CSS!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 20:59:11 UTC Post #89573
Back to the question with the shiny glass. I did put env_cubmap in on both sides, and it still is not shiny. My texture settings are set to high in Half-Life 2.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 21:22:31 UTC Post #89576
You'll need to set a different tex, then, to make it shinier - It probably is fairly shiny, one just can't notice it as it's subtle.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-10 21:41:06 UTC Post #89579
In hammer it is shinny, but in the game it can not even be seen through.
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