HLRAD 3.0 crashing? Created 20 years ago2005-02-14 14:57:57 UTC by Guinea Pirate Guinea Pirate

Created 20 years ago2005-02-14 14:57:57 UTC by Guinea Pirate Guinea Pirate

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-14 14:57:57 UTC Post #90502
i downloaded and installed ZHLT 3.0 final, but HLRAD keeps crashing. HLCSG, HLBSP and HLVIS work fine. as a matter of fact i switched back to HLRAD 1.7 and everything runs fine. did i get a bad download or something?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-14 18:06:46 UTC Post #90533
Nah, this happened for me too! I belive it's just that the new ZHLT has dyslexia or sumthin'

Not much has changed from the last ZHLT so just switch back to the old ZHLT and it will work fine ;)
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-14 18:14:07 UTC Post #90535
my RAD worked fine (ZHLT3 final).. although i did find a few "bad surface extents" errors that were not there before :/

Other than that, they are faster, and a lot better.

Posted 20 years ago2005-02-14 18:34:26 UTC Post #90561
How crashing? Not just Windoze whinging?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-14 21:20:17 UTC Post #90591
it just shows the message "HLRAD has encountered an error and will be closed"

i checked the compile logs and HLRAD isnt even recorded. just ends at HLVIS. the rest of log looks fine, no error messages or bad values.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-14 23:24:20 UTC Post #90633
This is happening to me in some of my maps also. I've found the cause, but not a good solution. It's caused by brush entities that have a ZHLT flag set to opaque (blocks light). When I changed these away from opaque, the map compiled correctly; however the entities no longer blocked light. I need the map to compile correctly AND the chosen entities to block light...So I haven't found a true solution yet...but at least this will help you a little.

If you don't want to search your map for all the opaque brushes, you can add the -nopaque parameter to your rad settings in the compile parameters and it will ignore the opaque setting ;).
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-15 02:48:27 UTC Post #90656
ill just stick to the older version. it may take a little longer but its much more stable.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-15 06:22:24 UTC Post #90677
Use the old version only for RAD and do the rest with the new one. Thats what i'm doin :D
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-15 15:52:28 UTC Post #90814
I think the tools may need another Final-Final version soon :(

I haven't had any problems, but having said that - i haven't gone near the Opaque entities.

try turning on all the -verbose and -debug switches (i think debug exists?) maybe it will log something useful.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 05:26:38 UTC Post #91429
Why not email Adam?..
I doubt the test team didn't use opaque brushes, so it might be the wrong version of hlrad 3.0.

There was a little confusion during the release and he might have included the Final beta, instead of the final.

Runs off to check my copy.......
Nup, it works fine, but then again I have the Final Beta which was password encoded.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 05:34:49 UTC Post #91432
No need to email him.. He knows
Unexpected Downtime and ZHLT 3.1
There is a bug with ZHLT 3.0 Final, which will be fixed in the next few days. There has also been a small amount of downtime with this account due to James AKA Pongels1, setting up my account to unlimited, but telling Control Panel to limit transfers to 2 GB. I am now back, sorry for the down time.
I expect to find out when the bug is fixed and let you know.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 06:37:25 UTC Post #91433
The new ZHLT 3.0 comes with two dll files:


Make sure these files are in the same dir as the tools themselves, or they might not work propery.
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-18 19:54:04 UTC Post #91623

Just got a nasty (bug?) in hlBSP . .. gets stuck Half way on Making the first hull.. then my HDD goes Mad, nasty stuff altogether.

There are no problems with the BSP - i compiled it with XPcagey's HLBSP and it worked fine. ( and i'm sure a 2.4 GHz Pc can handle a 1 MB .map compile without making the swapfile bigger...)

What i don't get is, the two HLBSP.exe's (The new ZHLT3 and xpcagey) seem identical.

Anyone else have anything similar?
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-20 02:28:12 UTC Post #91963
Yeah, I think all the work for 3.0 is on Rad and Vis.
So no idea why you had a problem.
And yes... Opaque settings crashes RAD...

Will let you know when Adam fixes it, until then, use XPcagey's
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