Posted 20 years ago2005-02-24 17:13:44 UTCPost #93209
suddenly, with a bright flash, habboi appeared and spake unto atom "is that ministeve your eating cos i heard if oyu eat him you get really gay! can i have some?"
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-24 22:31:41 UTCPost #93360
...doesnt actually make sense as far as continuity from the previous post is concerned. Obviously suffering squirrel tourette syndrom (STS) and an irrational fear of anal seepage it sought help from...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 01:15:59 UTCPost #93374
...Dr. Glrae (made by the first random letters I type on the keyboard ). And unfortunately again, the assistant was sick and wasn't there. Dr. Glrae can only help when his assistant is there, so he decided to...