Posted 20 years ago2005-02-25 13:01:47 UTCPost #93492
What was once habboi was now a flesh-eating insect from the planet Carathathathathathathathathathathathathatha-gneek! The remains of his face melted into a blue froth, and
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-26 16:56:53 UTCPost #93776
All of a sudden, the people of TWHL, who miraculously got re-animated into there exact shapes (only a bit smaller) from the dismembered legs, decided to go for a barbeque at a local Shoe Horn department store where...
Posted 20 years ago2005-02-26 18:01:45 UTCPost #93798
This came to the attention of America's politicians, who became involved in a fierce debate. The debate turned bloody after Bush and Kerry got in a fight over whether nuclear was pronounced "nu-clear" or "nuke-u-lar". The two fought to a bloody death, causing Ralph Nader to