I am developing a comic strip based around the everyday life of TWHL including noobs, server errors, atom appearing, mass debates, irc etc etc. I haven't finished a full episode yet, but to keep it short, they will all be 4 frames, and more only if necessary, to keep development times down. I don't have a working scanner at the moment, so I have to draw using photoshop + mouse

But I am doing ok. Here is a sneak preview of the first episode, entitled "ZOMGSKILLZ!1":
Story: A CS nerd joins TWHL, posts useless spam, gets executed.
Frame 1: The nerd queues up at the register booth of the TWHL HQ.
Frame 2: The nerd is greeted by Seventh-Monkey.
Frame 3: The nerd posts goatse.
Frame 4: The nerd faces a public execution in front of a collection of TWHL'ers.
You can see a graphical preview here:
http://www.m0px.net/images/TWHLComicStrip/1.png (NOTE: Only one frame is present and isn't complete as of yet.)