Dr. Breen vs. Nihilanth Created 20 years ago2005-03-12 19:21:53 UTC by PTS PTS

Created 20 years ago2005-03-12 19:21:53 UTC by PTS PTS

Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 19:21:53 UTC Post #96540
After the infamous "G-Man vs. Nihilanth" thread here comes the expected (I guess it is...) sequel!

New say, wich one of the big endgame bad guys did you liked more? Is it dr. Breen, with his white beard and persuading smile or good ol' Nihie, with his, erm, baby looks?

For me personaly, Breen rocks. He was administrator at Black Mesa and then he went up the career ladder, becoming something like governor of Earth. And he has great speaking style (almost as good as G-Man's vocabulary!).
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 19:26:06 UTC Post #96542
Nah, g-man is my hero, so pure evil!
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 19:44:28 UTC Post #96543
After your reply I read my post again and then a second time and I never saw a question asking you of your opinion about G-Man. Have you posted in th ewrong thread?

Anyway, G-Man isn't evil. spoilerAfter the end of HL2 you see he can not only teleport but also control time. He can accelerate it (has anyone even guessed how many years have passed between the Black Mesa incident and City 17's events? My best guess is atleast 7-8 years) he can also stop it (end game) and I'm pretty sure he'll also reverse the timeflow in furter sequels, say, to prevent an event that shouldn't have happened in the first place. Remember G-Man's last words? It was remotely like "It seems kinda blurry now, but it will all come clear in your future missions". I see G-Man as the owner of some Security Company. People hire him to do things like free an alien dimension or kill the local combine leader and he just looks for te appropriate guy to do the dirty job for him. But with such abilities like teleporting at request or stopping timeflow then he's something like a god or maybe an agent from the future, who came to fix things and so on.spoiler
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 20:44:16 UTC Post #96544
Hey, my thread actually started something memorable! Rock on!
For all of you who still don't know, Coolfat3459 was a temporary user name I used here but that username didn't go over to well after a certain city map incedent.

Nihilanth, but you already knew that didn't you?
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 22:29:29 UTC Post #96555

I like his hair.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 20 years ago2005-03-12 23:09:21 UTC Post #96561
LOL WCD, still making money from the royalties?
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 10:53:57 UTC Post #96604
Thats a tough one well....

Gman talks like a snake but Nihilanth looks like a baby and talks like some spastic in a mental hospital! urgh urghhhhhhh DIE FREEMANNN!

Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 11:24:41 UTC Post #96614

Breen apparently looks like one of my maternal grandfather's brothers.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 11:41:21 UTC Post #96623
So thats your natural choice. ;)
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 12:09:10 UTC Post #96627
Hey, the g-man is evil, DONT LIE TO ME!! :nuts: :nuts:
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 16:59:22 UTC Post #96644
This thread has nothing to do with the Gman, talk about that in the other thread... foolish mortals....

Ddid anyone else notice that Breen's hair and beard look exactly like Gordon's? Get a screenshot and put it with a picture of Gordon.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 17:09:51 UTC Post #96646
G-man, i don't know why :)
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 22:50:55 UTC Post #96722
maybe breen is freeman except as an old geezer :o
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-13 23:01:54 UTC Post #96726

We already had that discussion about G-man being Freeman, and we decided he wasn't.

Same for Breen, since Freeman worked with Breen at Black Mesa... duh.

The story isn't about G-man. Its about Freeman. I'm pretty sure we will all find out the truth in HL3, however many years it will take for them to pull that one out of the hat. Besides, G-man is through. He will not be in HL3. He even says "Well, this is were I get off". Hes gone, byebye. We will learn from some other being what this crap is all about.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-14 14:20:16 UTC Post #96816
No BL. He will be back. He just had to leave Gordan in the freezer untill it is time to thaw him out for HL3

and by the way... Breen
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 09:10:31 UTC Post #96976
Breen. That final battle scene was brilliant. The Nihalanth bored me.

Blow up crystals, shoot him forever, get above him, blast brain, THE END!

The fact that breen taunts you makes it all the more fun to destroy him at the end.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 11:01:36 UTC Post #96994
Hmm.. Talking flying space baby with psychic powers VS middle aged man with machines? Nihilanth!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-15 19:03:43 UTC Post #97175
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 12:17:25 UTC Post #97689
Thruout the entire game I was thinking "Were the hell have I seen this guy before?" And after I saw the Matrix on HBO I remembered - The Architect!!! Breen is just like him, they are absolutly the same!



PS:Sorry bout the bad qty Breen image, but I wasn't willing to take pictures myself so I googled.
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-18 14:19:28 UTC Post #97715

That guy looked retarded!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-28 10:50:49 UTC Post #99712
Heheh, I killed Nihilanth with the crowbar(I destroyed the crystals with
Rocket Launcher) so I think the Administrator owns...
P.S. G-MAN is a f*ck*ng pedofil...
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-28 11:08:03 UTC Post #99714
guess what else you did? necroposted!
Posted 19 years ago2005-03-29 10:07:11 UTC Post #99848
Not just this, he's insulting the G-Man!

No one has the right to do this, you'll burn in the interstellar hell ethernaly, preserved into a slow-time warp!
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