Techs and Magic Created 19 years ago2006-02-02 11:15:14 UTC by Tycell Tycell

Created 19 years ago2006-02-02 11:15:14 UTC by Tycell Tycell

Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 11:15:14 UTC Post #161079

Techs and Magic is a source engine game concept I have been brewing up, please take into account that this is a concept and I am not asking for anyone to join a team or anything because there isnt one.

The Setting:

If any of you have ever played Theif 3, then imagine the setting for that and add in more technology. For those who dont know what I mean; Imagine a city based in medievil times. Taverns, City gaurd, a large castle in the middle, dark, crapmpt and gloomy. Now imagine rather than swords and shields (which still feature in my plan outline) imagine the gaurds having basic mass driver weapondry (guns).

Allong with this, magic and monsters are still present. You can still find potions, wizards and witches, enchanted elixers and magical items. Monsters such as you see in fairy tales, vicious Wolfs that walk on two legs and can carry guns and armour, massivly build Ogres that serve the City Gaurd (police), Large muscular Orks that always carry large battle axes wherever they go. Large robotic sentrys that are slow but extremely tough. Getting the picture yet?

Now, as I said about the guns, the story (which I will outline below) explains how you can have guns and such in this fantasy setting. After a brief moment googling I have found a few possible candidates which I feel would keep with the setting (weapons concepts from real guns). Remember that the guns wont be like modern day guns, they will be less advanced yet still have effective power.

The Weapons;

Allong side bows and arrows, crossbows, magical items, swords, sheilds and axes you can also find these weapons below.

The small and basic hand rifle, the standard issuse of the city watch, good accuracy but only moderate power, the younger and less experianced city watch will only be able to fire this weapon slowly whereas the more experiaced or "elite" troops will have a much faster load and fire rate. The player will be able to interchange his or her fire rate as primary fire will fire the weapon and secondary fire will cock the hand rifle for the next shot. Firing too fast will reduce accuracy greatly and lead to wasting ammo.

The highly advanced (for the setting) Auto Loading Rifle. A fully auto / semi auto rifle developed by the Sisters of Steel (notice the reference). This weapon is mainly used by the Sister of Steel however they do have contracts to manufacture them for the Millitary. Take into account this is only a basic outline for the weapon and the actual image I have in mind is much less advanced looking than this. Moderate accuracy and high rate of fire make this a weapon worth carrying, the only downside being the less powerful shots it fires. Primary fire fires the weapon where secondary fire will switch the weapon to semi auto and set the player looking down the sights for more accurate fire.

Every game needs a shotgun, and here it is; The 'Bangor' or 'Bangors'. The image below is a base outline, this is going to be a weapon developed by the Orks and thus have much less finess. Single shot barrel and a manual load make this weapon slow to fire however its power is unmatched, its power dies off at longer ranges but at close to point blank this gun is the one to have. Primary fire will shoot the weapon and secondary fire will swing the butt of the gun up to hit enemies with, the butt of the gun will have a sharpe blade attached for extra damage.

I dont want to keep bombing you with weapon concepts so here is the last one; A bolt action rifle nick named 'Hock Shot' (Hot Rock Shot). Used and manufactured mainly by The assassins guild. Very accurate and powerful the only downside being its rather slow rate of fire and long reload time which is a menace due to its low clip capacity. Primary fire will of course shoot the rifle and secondary fire will attach the enchanted scope that comes with it that sticks to the rifle by some magical spell (and of course will let the player see down it).

The factions;

The factions are not set in stone, some may make it in if I get round to making this, some may not. Each is planned with at least 1 enemy (or allie) type. These include; The underground Assassins Guild (also includes the theifs guild), The Orks, The Orge Cast, City watch, Imperial Millitary, Sisters Of Steel, The school of the old ways, The Eaters Pack and The Church of Allmighty.

Basic story outline;

The world was plunged into chaos when some super powerful spell gone wrong shattered the boundries between the dimentions and mergened many worlds into one. Different times, different cultures and different creatures all mixed together and engulfed the Earth. After many years of chaos a new but strong peace was formed between most of the planets new inhabitance and once again peace reigned over the land, new cities were built and new technologys shared and sold, a prosperous time for all parties envoled. The story will start several years after the peace was formed.

You will start in a dream world, you dont know if its memory or fantasy, this will be the training course teaching you all the new crap you have to learn about the weapons and some of the basic faction outlines.

When the dream like world finishes you will wake up in small boat just outside the city limits on the forbidden coast, this is a very dangerous area with lots of nasty wild things waiting to jump out at you, you must get out of here, so you make your way allong the coast heading back towards civilization. Your head is badly injured and you dont remember anything but eventually you will reach and outpost of the city and be arrested by the city gaurds and thrown into a cell while you are examined (they dont want monsters and deamons sneaking into the city from the forbidden forest).

Eventually you are released and offered a job in the city gaurd, you have nothing better to do and your head is still injured badly so you accept to keep yourself provided for while your head heals and hopefully your memories return. Managing the outer farming communities is a pretty easy job for you and soon you prove yourself a very able watchman, so you are transfered to the City gaurd where things are more rough and your skills can be more useful.

I dont want to spoil anything but lets just say somone tries to eat you and discoveres somthing very strange about you, from there the story gets deeper as you try to find out what you are where you come from.

Well this is a very large post but remember this is just a basic concept, I had some spare time and was bored so I figured I would post it here to get some feedback from you guys. I figure this is too large a project to make all at once so I think if I ever do make it, it would be in chapters. So, any comments?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 12:24:35 UTC Post #161089
just scaning over it and it seems to be a working story line.
also sounds cool(has the 'warcraft factor' i think)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 12:27:42 UTC Post #161090
I love those kinds of games. Final Fantasy <3 :) .
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 13:20:47 UTC Post #161103
Sounds like a mix of Thief and Deus Ex. Me like. :)
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 13:25:47 UTC Post #161107
Glad you all like it, I would post a full story line but that would ruin the surprise and the plot (obviously). Any suggestions?
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 13:28:29 UTC Post #161109
read: Arcanum in source changed a bit.


but a big task none the less if you ever decide to do this
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 14:29:27 UTC Post #161122
Tycell: Old school trains, with coal and whatnot running through the city. Would Pwn.
Posted 19 years ago2006-02-02 14:59:03 UTC Post #161137
Yes ZL,

Steam trains for the lower classes, but for the main lines (High priority people) there will be extremly advanced almost magic trains that sort of hover above a rail of metal with electricity.
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