Scripted. Created 18 years ago2006-02-08 19:06:52 UTC by G_KID G_KID

Created 18 years ago2006-02-08 19:06:52 UTC by G_KID G_KID

Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 19:06:52 UTC Post #162145
I need help trying to get two scientists to talk, or at least look like they are talking.

I can get them to talk, using ai_scripted and converse1 and converse2.
I have two scientists.
I have the trigger to set them off talking, a trigger where the scientists are standing, with the 'monsters' flag ticked so they can set off their own conversation.

But I can't seem to get them to keep on talking in a loop. They run through the action of converse1 once and then that is it.

I have tried quite a few things so far.

So can someone tell me the solution please? :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-08 20:20:34 UTC Post #162151
Try triggering their scripted_sentences through a looped multimanager, triggering them once in a while or so. If you want to be able to interrupt this cycle, make the multimanager trigger a button or trigger, of which you can control the state. This button or trigger should then trigger the multimanager again, so you've got a cycle, but once the state of this button is set to off, the cycle is interrupted.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 15:29:51 UTC Post #162290
Thats a regular animation the converse, it can't be idle. Only a few animations can be used as idle ones.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 16:59:32 UTC Post #162304

And it is a Ai_scripted, not a scripted_sentence, so does your way still work CP?
Or are there easier ways?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 18:09:45 UTC Post #162328
Also, I have tried to create a looped multimanager, but I can't see anywhere to do so.

I have checked the entity guide and tried looking at several tutorials.

And yes I know I could of edited, so sue me.. :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 18:28:55 UTC Post #162335
To create a looped multimanager, make it trigger it self after it triggers all it's targets. To make it stop- KILL IT, with the killtarget value.

The diffrence between aiscripts and scripts is that you can't desterb a monster in a middle of an aiscript while in a regular script you can. The regular script can play looped animations(idle) while the aiscript can't with out triggering it all the time. The animation you use isn't an idle one so you have to use a looped multimanager in order to do it.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 18:38:16 UTC Post #162337
A scripted_sentence is usually the entity to make monsters talk. But I see now you want them to look like they talk only rather than having them talk for real?

Anyway, the action animation is executed once and then the target of that aiscripted_sequence is triggered. My idea would be to trigger a button, which in turn triggers the aiscripted_sequence. By controlling the state of the button you can break the loop, stopping the animations from repeating. The advantage of this setup over killing the entity is that you can reuse the loop later on.
I guess looking into the Repeatable flag might be usefull, too.

But scripted entities are sometimes a bit awkward to use. My way may not work correctly, I think it comes down to some experimenting anyway. I'm not really sure what you are trying to achieve either, since you've put the trigger to stop them from talking at their location, which says to me you want them to stop after one animation cycle... so perhaps it's good to explain what exactly you want to achieve?
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 19:10:31 UTC Post #162345
Okey, fair enough.

I have 2 scientists.
I want to them look like they are talking by using an ai_scripted.
I have a trigger where the scientists are standing, and have ticked the monster flag, so they can start the animation.
The trigger targets the ai_scripted.

Unfortunately they only run through the animation once, and I can't see how to make the cycle run continuously.

Although I shall try to make a looped multimanager now.
Posted 18 years ago2006-02-09 19:12:28 UTC Post #162346
I have fixed the problem, with the looped multimanager.

Thanks CP and Elon. :)
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