What I had been doing is putting a box of sky around the level, and then filling in all the areas within that which werent part of the level with solid brushes of "sky" texture.
When my compile time took a massive leap like this (from 15 minutes to not finishing in over 45 minutes) with me hardly changing anything (I added a crawlable vent) I figured all that carving through the solid sky brushes must have messed up HLRAD somehow...
So I went about cleaning up my sky, I killed the box around the whole level, and all those solid sky brush pieces. Now I try to compile I get a leak. So I came onto this site (awesomely great site btw) and saw some talk about loading pointfiles, so I did that, and I have this:
Im using VHE 3.4, and it doesnt seem to have the pointfile line in the 3D view, only the 2D views, and I'll be stuffed if I can follow THAT around. The originating entity is a light IN THE VENT. I'm very sus on the vent now.
I was hoping maybe someone might be able to recognise a commonality about this pointfile or something. It's like the levels been turned inside out or something, I'm bamboozled.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.