Remember, I listen to all of your advices.
Habboi:Something tells me you clicked fit...
You got that right.
I always click fit so that the height is correct to the wall, then I scale the width down to normal again.
I am really bad at texturing, any advice on how I should do it would be great, I'll keep experimenting with it.
But to help me, could you name the screenshot/s (1 to 4) where there is texturing which you do not like.
I highly dislike the texturing on number 4 and believe me I will change it if I find a better solution.
Xyos212Ya, me and Exos tried the bind timescale to a key. As he said, binds dont work. If you cant get a slowdown to work dynamicly, then its going to take away from the FEAR feeling
Well, I'll take it as far as it is possible.
I was thinking that you run in to this large storage or, whatever - and then the slowmotion turns on, then it dissapares after a while.
I will also try to find that command which messes with the colours to give it that FEAR look if possible.
Mapping looks pretty nice so far. I must say though, dont use too much vibrant colors. FEAR is mainly about normal plain textures bump mapped like mad
Thank you!
Matter of fact, I'm using the boring method which so many people doesn't like.
I make a room and then I fill it with models, because that's pretty much how FEAR looked and I love it.
Vibrant textures, okay so most complaints are about the textures, I'll need to think this through more carefully, but also, feel free to suggest a texture theme or something.

I really like that fire/combine scene. Very cool
I'm trying to remake that scene which pops up in FEAR from time to time where you walk around and there is fire everywhere and you face these fast enemies flying towards you, not very hard to recreate I mean it's just fire in a black room, but it's quite cool.
Im just getting into character animations and importing them in game. If you started this maybe a month later (giving me time to learn) I could of extracted a FEAR soldier model, copied the bones from a combine into it, and then exported it in-game to replace the combine in the map That would be so awsome! Its really not that difficult to do. Only thing I need to know is how to extract models from FEAR, and just some animation exporting.
We could try that!
That would be awsome!
And perhaps the security guard models, or something.
I've got a problem with the introThere is one thing that I've forgotten about the AI which right now is making it imposseble to make the intro.
Two enemies won't fire at each other if the player isn't around.
This can be fixed, I know, I mean there was plenty of sequences in HL2 where you watched for example antlions and combines fighting on TV monitors.
I don't know how to make the NPC_combine_s shoot the npc_metropolice when the player isn't around, does anyone know how to do this?Edit2:
Fixed it.
I forgot about the flag "Think outside PVS"