Anyway. While I was unable to map for so long I came up with idea after idea for maps I was going to make once I got this beauty fixed. Some fell through, some were decent but just not interesting enough. Tycell's Dungeon however, stuck in my mind.
I havn't done all that much source work so this project will be my first real bash at it. The idea is simple;
You are a warrior who has come to get through Tycell's personal 'Fortress Dungeon' and overthrow Tycell himself (yes, me). That is as simple as it is.
It will feature new sounds (radio messages to the player for a bit of story and depth) and new maps and nothing more. So far it is planned to be 8 levels. How big the levels are will vary but they are certainly not going to be pushing Source to its limits.
Here is the layout of how these levels will work, I think it is pretty obvious what each level is going to look like roughly from my descriptions here. Take into account that this wont actually be a steriotypical castle. It will be a Combine Fortress, and thus will have a modern feel.
Level 1:
"The Moat - First Blood"
The ground is flooded with toxic waste, falling in will provide a quick painful death. Primarily this level is made for story introduction and to 'warm the player up'. There will be a few scattered headcrabs and perhaps a Zombie or two, at the end of the level will be a light outpost of Combine Metrocops.
Level 2:
"Zombie Zania - The Decent"
This level will be exactly what it says on the Tin, a small army of zombies inhabits this nasty little pit network underground. Your objective is to make your way down into the lower belly of the 'Dungeon'. Zombies of all types will be included and this level will progressivly get harder at each stage.
Level 3:
"MetroCop Madness - The drawbridge"
This is a pretty straight foward level. You have to lower the Drawbridge and then get accross. MetroCops will be dun in everywhere so this wont be an easy task. The level will end with a final assult on a large tower like structure in the middle of the moat.
Level 4:
"Soldier SpearHead - Resistance"
This level will be crawling with soldiers. Barricades, Check-points and a large Stronghold like structure as the final passing point. A few left over MetroCops will be stationed at the entrace but for the most part soldiers is what you are going to be facing.
Level 5:
"Ant Nest - Pit Fall"
Yep, you guessed it. Antlions everywhere. The main feature of this level is that it will be set in a maze, where you have to make your way around the maze in order to shut down six power generators which are powering a large force feild at the end. You will have to double back on yourself and I am hoping (from the desing) that people ill loose their baring in this maze and get lost. There will also be Turrets and Manhacks throuhout.
Level 6:
"Millitary Mop Up - Wide Open"
This level will have a large horse shoe shaped courtyard which has a strider in it. You DO NOT have an RPG (or enough explosives of any kind) to take down the strider. You have to avoid it as best you can. Making your way around the edge of the level unlocking areas while fighting off Soldiers. In short the courtyard will be a large open area and the walls surrounding will give way to close quaters combat. At the end their will be an opertunity to take out the strider.

Level 7:
"Bridges - Onward and upward"
This will be one of the trophy levels in the mod. A large canyon with your objective (the way past this level) at the top of the canyon on the opposite side. Running through the Canyon is a bridge network with structures built onto the side of the cliff wall. This will be a tough long fight. You must take each bridge one stage at a time and then being your final assult on the last real defensive position before you reach the final level. A mix of Soldiers and Elites will be filling this level, allong with a few snipers, turrets and possibly manhacks.
Level 8:
"Overlord - The Core"
This level will look much like the Citadel from HL2. Beautiful glass walkways with technology all over the place. Crawling with Elites, turrets and a few snipers thrown in for good measure. The Glass Walkways are stationed above 'the core'. Which will be some large pretty energy device.
Once you manage to defeat all the enemies and get to the end of the level, the real challege begins. This is the final fight. Once you set the Auto Destruct on the Core you will be confronted with Tycell's Peronal Gunship. Ontop of this you have no RPG (still) and there will be at least one untouchable sniper at the far end of the level making things harder for you.
Once you take down the Hunter Chopper it will be time to get the hell out of here. Head for Tycell's Personal command room, wait for the Teleporter to charge up (while under attack from a few Ant Lions) and then Get out of there before the whole place blows.
The end.
Of course there will be more too it than that and not all level designs are set in concrete. Also, the story behind the levels will add depth to the experiance. But mainly this should be a fun action packed killathon.
Any Questions?