Door with breakable glass Created 18 years ago2006-12-27 16:22:17 UTC by orglee orglee

Created 18 years ago2006-12-27 16:22:17 UTC by orglee orglee

Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 16:22:17 UTC Post #207715
Hello. How can i make a door with breakable glass ?
I searched on many pages but I still dont know the answare.
Please help me.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 16:25:47 UTC Post #207717
Perhaps this will help: Adding glass to doors

I don't think making breakable glass is mentioned it the tutorial, but maybe you can figgure it out after reading it.
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 16:26:07 UTC Post #207718
I don't believe this is possible. I've never seen a moving door with breakable glass before, and I can't think of how it would be done, but I'm guessing you could do it with Spirit.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 16:32:28 UTC Post #207719
I've heard that it is possible - never done it myself though
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 16:38:31 UTC Post #207720
There was either an example map or a tutorial on how to do this, but you could only open the door from one side.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 16:48:43 UTC Post #207721
Found something:

It can only be opened from one side, and the glass can't be transparant.

Example map by Trapt
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 17:31:16 UTC Post #207723
Then it would be so ugly and useless that it just wouldn't be worth it...
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-27 23:44:08 UTC Post #207753
You could use it in SP mapping.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-28 08:42:56 UTC Post #207780
And if I would made door with glass and set them to func_train and used invisible button to start moving them. Does it would be posible then ?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-28 11:42:18 UTC Post #207785
rotating or normal?
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-28 13:06:20 UTC Post #207791
Without Spirit of Half-Life or other custom code, no, there's no solid way to achieve this, although there are ways to fake it to some extend. Trains or doors, doesn't matter.
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-28 22:00:07 UTC Post #207830
Use switchable textures for the windows? It's probably not what you want, but just a thought :)

Or maybe, try this by having:

-Door1--the door frame

-Door2--the glass. make it passable--can you make doors passable in HL by adding the field through smartedit? I know you can in CS, soe maybe.

However you trigger the glass to be broken--tons of ways you could-, env_render the passable glass door invisible, and spawn some breakable gibs with an invisible breakable or gib shooter (I can't remember if an invisible breakable will yield visible gibs or not)

If you can't get it to work, upload the door to problem maps that you want to have the breakable glass, tell me how you want it to trigger broken, and I'll try to do an example map. Also, PM me soe I know it's there ;)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-30 14:32:37 UTC Post #207939
This isnt exacly what i wanted but doors are working fine.
My tip for others is that you will have to set diffrent Lip value for each element, doors and both glass windows :)
Posted 18 years ago2006-12-30 14:38:54 UTC Post #207941
Do you want me to work on an example then?
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-27 06:03:26 UTC Post #214115
Yes, Pleace :)
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-27 06:12:21 UTC Post #214116
Do realize that you just replied to a post made in December of last year, and directed at a member who recently left TWHL, quite possibly for good.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-27 06:17:39 UTC Post #214117
Give the bloke a break, he's brand new here and doesn't know any better. Also, his spelling and grammar is a little weird so I wouldn't be surprised if he's from a non english speaking part of the world.

If you joined today, would you know rowleybob left? No. So stfu.

Your sarcasm and rudeness was unnecessary and you're becoming a serious asshole.

Hopefully someone who reads this thread will be able to help Silver out and create an example like rowley was going to.

That is all.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-27 06:28:22 UTC Post #214118
...and you're becoming a serious asshole.
Hahahahaha... oh man, i can't stop laughing.
Strider StriderTuned to a dead channel.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-27 06:39:20 UTC Post #214119
If you joined today, would you know rowleybob left?
Of course not, but anybody can check a date. I wasn't even saying he would know. So STFU.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-27 06:52:10 UTC Post #214121
He did the right thing and searched for a previously created thread to help solve his problem. Evidently, he did the wrong thing by bumping it, but he knows no better. No need to completely go off at a new member just because they are unaware of the rules.

Also, considering this is an editing discussion, I see no problem in bumping it. It's not causing any damage and his question could still be answered if someone has the knowledge.
Hahahahaha... oh man, i can't stop laughing.
I'm an asshole to members who have already established themselves as people I don't like in this community. Srry was being an asshole to a new member who knew no better.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-27 06:53:53 UTC Post #214122
You're right, and I'm wrong.

Although, really, is there anybody here you do like?
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-27 07:01:08 UTC Post #214123
I don't like anyone. I only tolerate them.

...though I DO enjoy the occasional sexy-time with Strideh's mother.
Trapt Traptlegend
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-27 10:22:56 UTC Post #214151
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