Winter overview of best designed maps Created 17 years ago2007-02-02 16:48:26 UTC by Lex4art Lex4art

Created 17 years ago2007-02-02 16:48:26 UTC by Lex4art Lex4art

Posted 17 years ago2007-02-02 16:48:26 UTC Post #211435
Here it - as usial, i cant translate my small remarks to english, but its not nessesary i hope.
Previous reviews can be found here.

Posted 17 years ago2007-02-02 16:58:44 UTC Post #211437
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-02 17:11:53 UTC Post #211440
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-02 18:12:02 UTC Post #211446

WTF!!! :o

Son of a bitch stole my idea too!

Looks like 6D!

Muzz: Yours is 100X better because it has way more fire :heart:
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-02 18:54:50 UTC Post #211452

You're right, Rim, it isn't even Launch Complex 39 B! I just checked ingame (yes, i installed CSS just to see that map) and its kinda badly made. The Shuttle that is.

How the heck do you get it to launch? Can't find the bombsite. Or the launch button, if there is one... :/
// Noob

And yes, that screenshot is soo 6-D-ish.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-02 19:11:01 UTC Post #211456
Don't worry, Rim. I started a map like that too but never finished it. I'm sure everyone has had an idea for a floating-land map before.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-03 08:47:38 UTC Post #211505

I allready googled that map and found that site... so, i've seen those allready. Thats why i says how to launch it.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-03 09:23:40 UTC Post #211513
Are they all source maps?
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-03 09:27:23 UTC Post #211514
Yes - only CSS/HL2DM/CSS_VIP_mod.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-03 09:30:26 UTC Post #211516
that NASA CS:S map is just plain stupid. When that fuel tank explodes the whole area should be shredded to bits. But not even the shuttle explodes. And also NASA HQ using some crappy comptures on some old metal tables. Dont think so. If he wants to recreate the NASA enviroment he should work on it without being lazy. That map could be easily done in Goldsource engine. There is no sign of source in it except for the lighting.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-03 09:45:24 UTC Post #211520
Ghey, but I suppose there's not too many people actively developing mods/maps for HL1 anymore :'(
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-03 10:14:18 UTC Post #211522
I don't know, i just interested in source level design & abilites, but if somebody can make HL1-CS best map overview - you clearly can see, forgotten of no HL1 engine mapping. :glad:

To write this review i spent 5 evenings - so its not so hard.
Posted 17 years ago2007-02-05 09:25:55 UTC Post #211692
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