Water problem Created 18 years ago2007-02-28 04:20:21 UTC by Kinrah Kinrah

Created 18 years ago2007-02-28 04:20:21 UTC by Kinrah Kinrah

Posted 18 years ago2007-02-28 04:20:21 UTC Post #214271
TWHL Mix 2 map problem. :

I'm working on the cart ride portion of my map, and one of the points I'd like is where the cart runs under 'doorways' which keep water away from the cart. I have water brushes above and on either side of the 'doorways'.

Now, when I compile it, it's solid and non-transparent. So I change it to a func_water, and add some transparency.

That's when things go wrong. Now, when I compile it, the water is practically nonexistant. (FX amount is set to 130). I can still jump up above the doorways and hear the water sound, and go out of the dry area with the water sounds, but still no water. The only actual water (as such) is in the far corner, where there is a visible top and bottom face, where the water is opaque, step into it and it acts like normal water, but still.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-28 13:16:55 UTC Post #214312
Ok, this is odd - I've changed it to func_illusionary, hasn't changed it at all, and now a whole other area of the map gives us sounds that it's underwater but there's no water textured brush there or anything.

In short, it didn't fix it, it made it worse.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-28 14:05:17 UTC Post #214320
That's fixed the sounds, and the water now appears, but I need it to be transparent.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-28 14:11:52 UTC Post #214321
Make sure it doesn't go outside of the level or into any solids anywhere when tied to a func_water.

Also note the fact that when you apply a func water to something only the top of the 'block' is rendered (Above and Below the surface). All other sides vanish meaning that you cannot see the sides or bottom of the block.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-28 14:17:33 UTC Post #214323
Yeah... this is one of my problems. The point of the small area is that the player rides a cart along a track, and can look down through the water to the track beneath it. Later, the player travels that track as well.

Looks like func_water is out of the question, then.
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-28 14:59:38 UTC Post #214329
Use a texture without the ! mark. That mark means that if the water brush will be tied to any entity only the top face will be visible, it happend to me too when I tried to make a portal but only the top face had water on it the other were invisible. :
Posted 18 years ago2007-02-28 15:34:58 UTC Post #214333
Ok, tried that. First attempt, making the whole thing then a func_illusionary, went weird, so I tried making them func_illusionary in separate groups. Now, the desired effect is acheived from above (apart from a block that I forgot to tie to illusionary), but now I can't see the water from the lower area, it's disappeared again.
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