activating sounds Created 18 years ago2007-03-02 19:32:26 UTC by trooperdx3117 trooperdx3117

Created 18 years ago2007-03-02 19:32:26 UTC by trooperdx3117 trooperdx3117

Posted 18 years ago2007-03-02 19:32:26 UTC Post #214669
I want to have it so that you press a button and an alarm activates, how do you do that or is it even possible
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-02 19:37:38 UTC Post #214673
You use an ambient_generic.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-02 20:11:42 UTC Post #214678
r j00 blind?!?!? :
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-02 20:37:58 UTC Post #214681

srry           | 1
espen180       | 0
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-02 20:47:10 UTC Post #214683

espen, I was actually referring to the fact that I had already posted one of those links, and the other you put there was basically the same thing, just with more simplistic instructions. No problem with that, though.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 11:31:57 UTC Post #214747
I know already you use an ambient_generic, im not a total moron but I want to turn it on without it starting before I press the button.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 11:49:06 UTC Post #214749
Make the button target the ambient(you know how to give something a name and target it) and make sure the start silent is activated unless you want the ambient to start playing from the begining. And the is not toggled flag means- is not looped.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 14:03:06 UTC Post #214776
thank you :biggrin:
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-03 16:53:04 UTC Post #214805
if you want to make the button target another thing then just make those two things with the same name.


You can check TWHL's multimanager tutorial and see how to make it work. The multimanager has two adventages:
1. It can target objects with diffrent name.
2. You can set a delay before the manager will trigger the object.

The only bad thing about it is that it can only target 16 objects but you can always make it target another multimanagers. I once had to use 3 for one little lousy elevator... though it was cool! 12 parts, including glass and stuff. I also made it target sounds and other effects so I ended up with 40 times I needed to trigger stuff.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-12 23:46:54 UTC Post #215676
My God,

I write this nice long tutorial for you people and you completely ignore it.
Posted 18 years ago2007-03-13 05:16:51 UTC Post #215691
Thats life, people do stuff and others ignore it. :P
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