Question about an exploding door... Created 17 years ago2007-05-10 12:03:25 UTC by moosefetcher moosefetcher

Created 17 years ago2007-05-10 12:03:25 UTC by moosefetcher moosefetcher

Posted 17 years ago2007-05-10 12:03:25 UTC Post #221594
Hello again.
I've got a door that can be opened both with a button AND by a trigger_multiple. BUT it can also be locked from another location (another button in the control room). I've set up a non-solid func_breakable around the edge of the door which 'killtarget's the door. Everything working fine.
Problem is, I don't want to kill the door permanently.
Now, I've read a few posts here and it sounds like you CAN'T bring an entity back once it's been 'killtarget'ed. So does anyone know of another way I can have a working door that can be opened by a button, opened by a trigger_multiple AND locked from another location AND destroyed AND brought back for the next round?
Jus' wondering...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-10 12:26:11 UTC Post #221595
Perhaps an env_render might be usefull for you.
It allows you to render objects invisible, and with the use of some more entities, giving the effect that the door is destroyed. Doesn't sound easy to me...
Posted 17 years ago2007-05-10 13:10:43 UTC Post #221597
You'll want to open the door, when it's destroyed, so that the player could pass and then hide it with an env_render, if your door has a lip value.
Make sure you have the "Toggle" flag ticked, so your door stays open untill you trigger it again.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
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