Lets Write Poetry! Created 17 years ago2007-09-28 09:41:24 UTC by Habboi Habboi

Created 17 years ago2007-09-28 09:41:24 UTC by Habboi Habboi

Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 09:41:24 UTC Post #235150
Well the simple kind that is...Haiku!

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haiku - For those who don't know.

Basically it consists of three lines. The first having 5 syllables, second having 7 and the third having 5 again.

Aka I wrote this one while near the River Thames in London in the afternoon:

The River Flows Down
And the Twilight is Setting
Louder is the Wind.

Usually you write about seasons without hinting it or something you saw that inspired you. Right now it is raining over here. Perhaps if it is the same for you then you can write one to do with the gustily rain :D

Have a try fellow poets D:
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 10:04:53 UTC Post #235153
Porno excites me
I like all kinds except gay
Or wait... nevermind
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 12:17:13 UTC Post #235158
I hate poetry,
I think that it is stupid,
Poetry is dumb.

Ireland is rainy,
It is very depressing,
I hate living here.

These poems are bad,
They are all I could think of,
I don't like poems.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 12:50:55 UTC Post #235160
Haha still pretty good. We have talent people!
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 13:25:06 UTC Post #235164
Sweet breathe beholds me
Upon mounting my beauty
How she breathes in love
Rimrook RimrookSince 2003
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 13:39:30 UTC Post #235167
I took off my pants
I put my dick in your mom
She screamed like a whore

cue bongo drums
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 14:15:20 UTC Post #235170
I prefer free poems without a specific pattern.
It's my thing! ;O
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 14:27:06 UTC Post #235171
There once was a Cow
Who sucked at writing Poems!
And thought he was cool!

Your 'thing' sucks :D Now make my heli go boom boom :D

But back to seriousness there is a writer in all of us. It is up you to whether you tap into that interest. You can even write a poem on a thought you want to chuck out to everyone but have them not fully understand. Like Zombie. He told the World he loved Pr0n ;O
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 15:02:00 UTC Post #235172
Like Zombie. He told the World he loved Pr0n ;O
Everyone who has been on IRC knows that already
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 15:16:00 UTC Post #235173
Habboi likes the cock,
Except now Habboi has AIDS,
He fucked a black man.

Yeah I hate poetry :| Short stories are more fun.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 15:21:24 UTC Post #235174
An old man eats some soup in front of a mirror.
He is a fool.
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 15:57:30 UTC Post #235175
I gotta admit...World Crafter knows me far too well...
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 17:17:09 UTC Post #235182
lets write a haiku.
haikus are very easy
to make up quicky.

something i made in IRC. but it aint really poetry if it dont rhyme.
Penguinboy PenguinboyHaha, I died again!
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 17:35:08 UTC Post #235184

Poetry doesn't need to rhyme.
So I've been told by a poet
Madcow MadcowSpy zappin my udder
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 18:53:20 UTC Post #235195
I hope that was a joke Penguin...Everyone knows it doesn't have to rhyme :S
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 19:38:05 UTC Post #235197
considering the thread title, i don't think we should be limited to haikus, which frankly are a bit.. well.

I myself am a fan of lymerics or however you spell it.
Archie ArchieGoodbye Moonmen
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 20:00:09 UTC Post #235202
Well go ahead. That was just the first activity ;D I wanted to see what deep thoughts people came up with and Rimrook took the cake with that deep poem.
Habboi HabboiSticky White Love Glue
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 20:16:41 UTC Post #235203
Yeah I hate poetry Short stories are more fun.
Amen to that bro
I can't stand fucking haikus
poetry sucks balls

...ah fuck.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 21:36:51 UTC Post #235212
I once knew a man named Buck.
He told Mamba he was here to fuck.
He tried to sleep with her,
but ended up left to whither.
Now he's the one getting fucked.

Luke LukeLuke
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 21:50:31 UTC Post #235213
Poetry is gay
And they are for emo kid
So We Should Stop Now
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 22:03:32 UTC Post #235215
And they are for emo kid
Except limmericks. They are for Irish kid. :D

I am mouse named keith,
I circumcise men with my teeth,
Don't do it for leisure,
Or sexual pleasure,
But just for the cheese underneath.

There was a young girl from Peru
Who had nothing better to do
So she sat on the stairs
Counted her pubic hairs
Nine thousand three hundred and two.

There was a young fellow called Lancelot
Who's neighbors looked on him askance a lot
For when he would pass
A pretty young lass
The front of his pants would advance a lot.

Have you heard the sad tale of young Lockett?
He was blown off his feet by a rocket
The force of the blast
Blew his balls up his ass
And his penis was found in his pocket.
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-28 22:10:14 UTC Post #235217
how do you say that??
Posted 17 years ago2007-09-29 00:07:36 UTC Post #235225
I like writing random poems when I'm bored. Most of them suck pretty bad, but whatever.

I was in a bad mood this day...

This feeling in my head
I can?t get it out
Writhing around
It?s more than just doubt

It?s a fear of what?s coming
It?s a thought of what?s passed
Life moves too slow
And the rest comes too fast

I long for those moments
When things seemed so right
The whole world in front of me
My future seemed bright

I suppose it still is
I?m just too depressed
I need to calm down
And stop sleeping less

Get my head straight
Remember what?s forgot
Get back to work
Just forget what I?m not

This is what I am
This is what I want
I flaunt what I?ve got
And I?ve got what I flaunt

This next one was mostly IRC induced and took about fifteen minutes to write, which is why it's such a pile a crap.

People with all their problems
Tend to have one quite large
And that problem
Is whining at those in charge

They Bitch, they moan
They say "everything you do is wrong!"
They do all this while taking
Great big pulls from their great big bongs

They say they destroy
They say they pollute
They say they're evil
And worship death to boot

They don't mention the corperations
Or the cars people drive
It's the government!
That's why we're taking a dive!

Never the rescues or the peace
It's always the wars and the bombs
And to those god damned conspiracy nuts
Please put down the bongs!

Bush is the antichrist
And Cheney has no soul
The rest of them are liars
Just shut up, asshole!

And finally, a Haiku I wrote for badhaiku.com

A bright sunny day
Prickley grass beneath your feet
You stepped in dog poop
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-29 06:36:32 UTC Post #235244
how do you say that??
əsk'ɑːns (uh-skAance, rhyming with "stance")
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 16 years ago2007-09-29 06:47:16 UTC Post #235246
I once got in trouble
For being in an abandoned alarm store
Got taken in for identification
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 07:15:56 UTC Post #235447
There was a young girl from Peru,
Who's limericks end at line two...

There was a young man from Verdun...

Loads 'n loads of limericks,
Those crazy rhyming gimmerics,
They look easy to write,
But try one tonight,
And you'll find that the last lines are often impossible. :glad:
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 07:35:14 UTC Post #235449
I once got in trouble
For being in an abandoned alarm store
Got taken in for identification
You FAIL at Haiku!

5 syllables (not words) then 7 then 5 again.
Loads 'n loads of limericks,
Those crazy rhyming gimmerics,
They look easy to write,
But try one tonight,
And you'll find that the last lines are often impossible.
I lol'd
monster_urby monster_urbyGoldsourcerer
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 15:53:54 UTC Post #235489
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-02 16:21:10 UTC Post #235491
Awww man that was funny as hell, caboose.
Luke LukeLuke
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-03 11:16:38 UTC Post #235535
A limerick about Limerick city.

Limericks are named after a place near me,
More often than not it's called stab city,
Don't go down the river on your little boat,
Unless you want to get knifed in the throat,
And your body found floating by the quay.
Alabastor_Twob Alabastor_Twobformerly TJB
Posted 16 years ago2007-10-03 13:18:42 UTC Post #235547
I dreamt solemnly,
By the eyes of the day,
Burning hazily on the iceberg-white cobblestreets,
On thoughts of salmon,
Where nannygoats lie rarely,
And all the blind girls blaze and rage.
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