Problem when running the map [+textures] Created 17 years ago2007-11-30 23:42:26 UTC by ChronosRox ChronosRox

Created 17 years ago2007-11-30 23:42:26 UTC by ChronosRox ChronosRox

Posted 17 years ago2007-11-30 23:42:26 UTC Post #239524
I was making a map, when I compile it everything goes fine, I use ZHLT of course, I also made a texture for my map which its size is 256x256 and I used it in a func_illusionary entity, everything is fine in the editor but when CS starts loading the map, only two squares are loaded when CS abruptly closes and show the error:

Bad surface extent 4208 at position (-112,-663,-148)

I tried removing some brushes, the most cropped/carved/modified ones, but the problem was not there. I tried removing the entities which used my texture and it worked.

The texture uses pure blue on the background so when se the Rendering Mode to Solid it won't show ingame.

What am I doing wrong?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 00:12:47 UTC Post #239525
Hmmmm, I think I have gotten this error before but cant remember how to fix it. Load up the map in hammer, and press alt p. See if there are any problems there. Oh yeah. See if the error is listed here:
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 00:25:28 UTC Post #239526
"These often come from "fitting" a texture to a brush, especially thin brushes like signs or doors. Then a texture may get shrunk too far also, so do not go below 0.1 for scale or over 10 for scale, either causes frequent problems."

Who, that's exactly what I was doing

thanks a lot
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 14:21:30 UTC Post #239568
Uhm.. another problem
The texture just turns into pink and black squares in the game
The wad is in Hammer folder, no /valve, and I`m not using the -wadinclude command
could this be it?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 14:44:38 UTC Post #239570
Yes, you need to copy the wad into your valve or mod directory
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-01 14:46:03 UTC Post #239571
Your *.wad file must be copied to the /cstrike folder and pink squares means that the game couldnt find in the *.wad those textures you applied to them.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-02 16:03:15 UTC Post #239658
this is happening everytime, even with something that is not stretched
I can't use big brushes to make entities and there comes this error
I think the map is corrupted, guess I have to make another one.
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-02 19:28:43 UTC Post #239690
Any errors with alt+p?
Posted 17 years ago2007-12-02 22:20:03 UTC Post #239718
There were lots of errors, I just fixed them but some of them woudnt disappear, pressing fix didn`t work, and even by deleting the entities with the errors. I will remake the map anyway, I made a lot of mistakes and now I`m going to make it better
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